Brush for cleaning chimneys. Homemade brush for cleaning the chimney. Making a chimney brush yourself

Good day to you, readers and DIYers.
The author of the following homemade product very often clogs the chimney in his garage stove. That's why he decided to make a homemade brush for cleaning the chimney. Of course, such brushes can be purchased at a hardware store or bought online, but why buy something that you can relatively easily make with your own hands. And the price tag of such a homemade product will be tens of times less than a device purchased in a store.

After using his homemade product for some time, identifying all the pros and cons, he came up with a device for more convenient chimney cleaning.

I suggest you read about production in this article.

Necessary materials and tools.
-Cable - length 0.5-0.6 meters (diameter 5mm)
-Cable length depends on the height of the air duct (diameter 2mm)
-Nuts M10 2pcs
-Cable clamps 3 pcs.
-Profile pipe 20x20mm
-welding electrode 3mm
-Welding machine

Manufacturing process part one.
The brush device itself will be based on an old rusty dumbbell, which was purchased at the nearest scrap metal collection point at a very reasonable price. The author uses a dumbbell with a total weight of 5 kg; the diameter of the dumbbell balls should be less than the diameter of the pipe being cleaned. For the device, you only need one half of a dumbbell, so you can make two brushes at once from one dumbbell.

First of all, clamp the dumbbell in a vice and cut off one ball of the dumbbell with a grinder.

An M10 nut is welded to the cut part of the dumbbell, and the brush load is ready, isn’t it easy?

Now you should start making the brush itself.
To do this, he will use a piece of cable with a diameter of 5mm. The cable can also be used with large diameter, since the thicker the cable, the thicker and stronger the veins in it.

The author cuts the cable into 10cm pieces. The length of the sections must match the diameter of the chimney pipe.

Now the chopped pieces need to be dissolved into individual fibers. It is better to carry out this procedure with gloves, as the likelihood of injuring your hands is very high.

The cable is loose, now you need to make a frame for the brush.
A 3mm electrode will be used for the frame.
The coating from the electrode is beaten with a hammer.

Since the electrode core is made of fairly stiff wire, it bends and breaks poorly. To soften the wire, you need to heat it until red and let it cool, in other words, let it go. You can warm it in the coals, they sang, gas burner, but the author will warm with welding machine.

We clamp the electrode in a vice to which the mass of the welding machine is connected. We connect the clamp from the welding machine to the free end of the electrode and heat the wire until red. The heating procedure lasts about 15-20 seconds. Now you should let the wire cool on its own.

After cooling, the wire became soft, and now you can continue working with it. The author bends the wire in the center, at the point of bending there should be a small eyelet.

Now you need to place the previously prepared cable fibers into this bracket. You should get a similar structure, the edge of which must then be clamped in a vice, moving 2 cm away from the edge.

Then, inserting a large nail or screwdriver into the eyelet, you need to tighten this structure.

Then you need to make another ear, with opposite side brush. To do this, clamp a nail between the two ends of the wire, clamp the ends in a vice and tighten the structure with the inserted nail.

The result was a pretty decent brush with a diameter of 100mm with two rings at the ends.

Now you need to connect the brush with the load. Connects them using a small piece of cable (diameter 2mm). The ends of the cable are clamped using a screw clamp.

You also need to attach a cable to the second eye of the brush. The length of the cable should be 2-2.5 times longer than the height of the chimney pipe.
This is the kind of brush the author came up with, and he ran off to test his product to celebrate.

And here is a deposit of soot in the chimney pipe.

Now you should install a ladder, climb along it to the top of the chimney and begin this labor-intensive, inconvenient and, one might say, dangerous cleaning process. Hard? Hard.

Realizing that this method of cleaning the chimney is, to put it mildly, inconvenient, I came up with another device. This is a device for immersing a brush into a chimney.

The manufacturing process part two.
It’s very difficult to call it a manufacturing process, but still. To make the device, the author bought profile pipe 20x20mm, 3.5 m long. Of course, the length of the pipe should depend on the height and location of your chimney.

A piece of pipe bent into a half ring was welded onto the edge of the pipe; the tube has a diameter of 10 mm. A cable with a brush connected was passed inside the pipe.

At first the author wanted to make a release mechanism using rollers, but he was unable to weld them. And the design itself would be too complex and unreliable.

Even lower, a kind of hook was welded onto the pipe. The hook should be welded lower than the bottom of the brush when raised.

When raw wood and household waste are burned in a stove, a large amount of soot is released, which... Because of this, thrust decreases and the intensity of fuel combustion decreases. The result of this phenomenon can be poisoning of people with carbon monoxide, which ceases to be removed from the room. A chimney brush can solve the draft problem. This device is considered the most effective means to resolve such problems. Let's look at what it is, its structure, types, advantages and disadvantages.

Boilers and stoves are installed in almost all private houses and cottages, bathhouses and garages. As a rule, firewood or coal is used to fire them. But quite often hearths are used for recycling old tires, household items and construction waste. These items emit thick smoke, which settles as particulate matter on the interior walls. exhaust pipe. Gradually thickening, the soot completely blocks the exhaust duct.

In addition, chimneys become clogged for the following reasons:

  • ingress of branches, leaves, small animals and bird nests;
  • partial or complete destruction channel due to wear or improper assembly;
  • , which upon contact with combustion products forms a viscous and sticky substance.

Signs of a clogged chimney include the fallout of soot fragments into the firebox during boiler cleaning, poor combustion of fuel when the ashpit is open, poor traction and strong soot when burning fuel.

How can you clean a chimney?

In order to clean the pipe coming from the boiler, stove and fireplace, there are many ways and means.

They are divided into the following categories:

  1. Thermal. The essence of this method is to destroy the blockage high temperature. An object is placed in the firebox or directly in the chimney, which produces intense heat when burned. Termite sticks, anthracite and aspen firewood give good results. The carbon deposits are burned off manually with a gas burner.
  2. Chemical. They are available in the form of tablets, granules and powders. The funds are placed on smoldering coals. Under the influence of heat, ingredients are released that turn soot into dust, which completely crumbles into the firebox within a few days.
  3. Mechanical. To remove blockages, scrapers, brooms and brushes are used. Foreign objects are removed with a hook or crowbar. Flexible garden hoses, hoes, logs and weights on a rope, poles and telescopic fishing rods, and other improvised means are used as auxiliary tools.

There are also folk remedies chimney cleaning. Carbon deposits are removed by combustion in the firebox potato peelings, pouring water on it, immersing compacted snow in a heated pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brush

The most difficult thing to remove is soot that has filled almost the entire volume of the channel. In addition, the length of the chimney also plays a role. In some buildings it can be ten meters or more. It is simply impossible to work with poles of this length.

A brush on a cable has the following advantages:

  • light and compact, easy to carry and transport;
  • no restrictions on pipe height, shape and section size;
  • the ability to adjust the weight of the load and, accordingly, the applied force.

The disadvantages of this device include its inability to break through solid blockages, remove condensation and remove foreign objects.

How the ruff works

The brush for cleaning chimney pipes consists of the following parts:

  1. Head. It is a hard pile fixed to the base, made of metal or plastic.
  2. Weighting agent. It is made in the shape of a ball or cylinder, made of iron or lead.
  3. Cable. It is the basis for fastening all parts. Made from iron or synthetic fiber.
  4. Hook. Located on the cable between the head and the load.
  5. Tubes They are mounted on a cable and are designed to create a dynamic force when pushing the brush down.
  6. Replaceable nozzles. Performed in the form of a pike or hook. Designed for breaking through obstacles and extracting dense objects.

To clean pipes of certain shapes, brushes with different parameters are used.

Types of ruffs

The selection of these devices is made according to the following criteria:

  1. Diameter. It can be small (up to 100 mm), medium (100 -250 mm) and large (more than 250 mm).
  2. Material of manufacture. Heads are made of copper, iron and polymer plastic.
  3. Form. Round, polygonal, oval, square.
  4. Type of cable. The working part is attached to a rope, plug tubes or cable located inside the tubes.

You should also pay attention to the weight of the sinker. It varies between 5-20 kg.

Make it yourself or buy it

This question invariably faces owners of property heated with coal or wood. If you have the skills to handle household tools making a pipe cleaner is not difficult.

But this will require spending time, which everyone is sorely lacking. It is much easier to purchase a finished product from a factory. Fortunately, today in retail trade There is a wide range of similar products available, and their prices are quite reasonable.

When purchasing chimney cleaning devices, you should not focus on their cost. A cheap purchase may not be effective and will sit in the pantry for years.

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • can be processed with any material;
  • To clean ceramic pipes, only a plastic brush may be used;
  • steel chimneys can be cleaned with heads with bristles made of copper or brass;

It is better to purchase a weight with two eyes so that you can tie a rope to it and pull it down if it gets stuck.

The most popular brushes are from the following manufacturers:

  1. PCC (Poland) - plastic and metal, with a diameter of 120-400 mm;
  2. Hansa (Lithuania) - universal 150-400 mm;
  3. Chimney sweep (Russia) - set with replaceable nozzles.

Making a ruff with your own hands

This is a creative and interesting activity that you can do in your spare time. personal plot time or in the off-season. Before you start work, you need to prepare everything you need for this.

Required materials and tools

To make a chimney brush with your own hands you will need:

  • hacksaw or grinder;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • steel washers;
  • hard wire;
  • hairpins;
  • bolts and nuts;

If you have to clean ceramic pipe, then you will need scissors to cut plastic bottles.

Drawing and diagrams

To make the brush convenient, durable and functional, its design needs to be carefully thought out. As a basis for planning, you need to take a scale drawing of the chimney. Based on the available data, diagrams of individual components of the brush and the entire product as a whole are drawn up.

The following details are displayed in detail on paper:

  • shape and size of the cargo;
  • carabiner for attaching it;
  • head device;
  • carabiner loop;
  • cable configuration.

After checking the schemes, final calculations are carried out.

Size calculation

Help for making a cleaning brush project stove chimney the table will serve:

How to make a ruff

Let's look at how a brush is made from plastic bottles.

  1. We take 5-6 containers of the same size, remove the lids from them and cut off the bottom at the same distance.
  2. Using scissors, cut strips 4-5 mm wide from the bottom to the neck.
  3. We join the resulting blanks together. We fix them with wide washers, a nut and a bolt with a head made in the shape of a loop.
  4. We make a weighting agent from an iron can, lead and a thick steel pond. We attach a durable carabiner to the ring.
  5. We string thin steel or aluminum tubes 80-100 cm long. Cable using an adapter with internal thread screw it to the head.

The chimney brush is ready.

Production video

Frequent mistakes and problems when making brushes

The main difficulty in making a brush is finding suitable material. The most difficult thing to make is the head of the device. At this stage, precision and considerable effort are required.

Most masters make the following mistakes:

  1. Short cable length. As a result, the brush does not reach the end of the pipe. As a result, the most inaccessible area near the firebox remains clogged.
  2. Poor tightening of the wire between the washers. This leads to the destruction of the homemade brush during the process of cleaning the chimney.
  3. The pole or plugs are not strong enough. When loaded, these parts bend, preventing the brush from advancing. In the worst case, the handle breaks and its fragments get stuck in the pipe.
  4. Selecting a cleaning material that does not match the internal surface of the chimney. Thus, a metal brush can hopelessly ruin ceramics.
  5. The head width does not match the channel parameters. The head either does not fit into it or does not reach the walls.

Rules for cleaning a chimney with a brush

Since access to the pipe is only possible from the roof, it is necessary to pay attention special attention security measures. The worker must use a safety line; it is advisable to set up a temporary barrier.

  1. Before starting cleaning, close the firebox and vent tightly.
  2. Check the tool for serviceability. Test all parts for strength.
  3. After passing each meter of pipe, remove the crumbled soot from the firebox.
  4. After completing the passage of the pipe, use a hard brush to replace it with a soft one for final polishing of its walls.

Professional chimney sweeps know the secrets of quickly and efficiently removing blockages of any complexity.

Owners of fireplaces, stoves and other structures of this type are probably satisfied with their situation. This is not surprising. If a fireplace is lit in the house, the feeling of comfort and coziness immediately increases.

The whole family often gathers near it to relax, exchange news or just chat. In addition, just watching the fire is seriously calming.

But the presence of a fireplace or stove in the house also imposes some responsibility on the owner. For smoke exhaust pipes or conventional chimneys It tends to get clogged from time to time. If you ignore the requirements for regular cleaning of chimney pipes, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

As for the actual cleaning, here, in fact, everything is very simple and clear. Professionals recommend that beginners use a brush in two ways:

  1. Traditional, when the brush is manipulated using a cable.
  2. As a piercing element.

In the first case, we are talking about the cleaning process using conventional methods, when a brush is lowered inside the pipe on a wire, then by manipulating it, the insides of the pipes are cleaned.

In the second case, the main work is done by the kernel. It serves as a weighting agent. The brush is simply thrown into the pipe several times.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

Normal cleaning

The standard procedure is to use a brush along with a cable or tube.

Stages of work:

  1. We are preparing the instrument.
  2. We secure ourselves on the roof. We close all exits.
  3. We lower the brush inside the chimney.
  4. We clean the entire pipe or specific areas.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  6. We remove the remaining deposits from the fireplace (they will all fall down).

Nothing complicated or incomprehensible. However, there are several nuances.

It is very important to close all vents from the fireplace or stove. Only the pipe itself should remain open. This requirement should not be ignored.

The cleaning process itself is quite simple. The brush is lowered to the desired depth, and then moved up and down several dozen times. If the blockage is broken, we move on. If not, then you need to work again.

The same method is used complete cleaning pipes. The brush removes most of the deposits along its entire length. And nothing more is required from him.

In case of large deposits, it is more convenient to use a brush with a rod base. Here it is reasonable to apply force and the blockage will certainly give in.

In some situations, a small weight weighing several kilograms is hung on the ruff. It creates a counter force, which is often necessary when removing solid deposits.

Brush with a weight for cleaning pipes (video)

Cleaning with weights

More interesting option. Here you need to use a ruff as a natural core. A weighting agent is hung on its lower hook. Its weight can be anything; it is advisable to calculate the weight depending on the complexity of cleaning.

Then the brush is lowered inside the chimney and thrown. In free fall, it clears the edges of the pipe and breaks through the blockage.

If the tool does not work the first time, it is lifted by the cable and tried again. And so on until the result is achieved.

This method is effective due to the greater application of force and the possibility of fairly fine control of the brush, with minimum costs time and effort.

Living in a private home means having necessary tools, which must be at hand at any time to carry out repair work. Especially when it comes to such an issue as the removal of waste gases from stove or gas heating.

Causes of clogged chimneys

The main cause of clogging is the deposition of soot and soot on the inner walls of the pipe. Soot is formed from combustion products - waste flue gases. As a result, the traction becomes weaker, exhaust ventilation starts to work poorly, combustion products are not removed outside, but remain indoors, which can lead to poisoning of the body.

Untimely maintenance of the chimney pipe can lead not only to its complete blockage, but also to failure home system smoke removal

To avoid this, it is recommended to clean the chimney pipe at least once every six months - and this applies not only stove heating, but also country houses with a fireplace inside. You can entrust the cleaning to professionals, or you can try to remove the soot on your own. To do this, you will need a very ordinary brush for cleaning chimneys, which you can make yourself.

How is the brush used?

Its function is to scrape off soot build-up from the walls of the chimney pipe. The principle of operation of any brush is quite simple: the scraper is inserted into the chimney opening, then deposits are scraped off with its help - combustion products are swept down to the hatch to collect contaminants.

At cleaning work It is necessary to use insurance on the roof

The simplest stove brush is a structure made of a cable (or rod), brushes and a suspension (or weight). A suspension is required only in cases where vertical pipe cleaning is intended - to adjust the gravity of the cleaning element. For work in a horizontal position, the sinker suspension may not be used.

A long rod with bristles at the end is simplest design brush

The technology for using a brush in general terms is as follows:

As weights, you can use ordinary weights that are compact in size and have sufficient weight for cleaning.

Materials for the brush

Cleaning brushes can be made of steel or plastic, and you can make both with your own hands.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of metal and plastic brushes

Neither material can be used simultaneously for vertical and horizontal method cleaning deposits. Therefore, experts recommend using both metal and plastic brushes for both methods, respectively.

Making your own brush for cleaning the chimney

Two options are being considered: metal ( metal rod) and plastic, each of which has its own nuances.

Made of plastic

The set of necessary tools and materials includes:

  • steel cable (the length of which must be greater than the length of the chimney);
  • a pair of plastic bottles with caps with a volume of 1 to 2 liters;
  • steel wire with a cross section of 1–2 mm;
  • load - it is recommended to select a load of such mass that it would easily pass into the chimney opening when suspended from a cable.

Manufacturing technology

  1. Remove the bottom of plastic bottles.
  2. Cut the walls of the bottles vertically up to the neck from the bottom into strips like Chinese lanterns. The width of one strip is 3–5 mm.
  3. Punch a hole in the covers, the size is the same as the diameter of the cable.
  4. String the resulting caps with holes onto a cable, and screw the bottles cut into slices onto them. The cut bottles are inserted into one another with the caps in one direction and open in the manner of a hedgehog. To securely attach the homemade brush, the lid is fixed to the bottom with a self-tapping screw.
  5. The free end of the cable can be attached to a large handle - one that will be convenient to operate in the chimney.

Step-by-step images will help you make your own light brush for cleaning the chimney; the brush is attached not to the lids, but with a wire

The tool is ready, now you can begin the cleaning procedure.

Made of metal

Some owners of private houses use disc brushes for grinders as cleaning tools. This method is much simpler - you don’t need to make the brush itself, you just need to secure the load well to the cable.

However, this option is not suitable for those who use an angle grinder constantly. In this case, you can try to make metal brush on one's own.

For it you will need:

  • a coil of steel wire;
  • a large bolt for the rod and a washer for fixing the brush;
  • pliers.

Manufacturing technology

Making a metal brush is even simpler than a plastic one, and consists of the following:

  1. First, a coil of wire is taken and unwound (or uncoiled) into individual threads.

    The rolled wire is cut into equal pieces

  2. Steel threads are cut into equal lengths. The length of one segment should be such that the future brush fits into the chimney hole.

    For good cleaning, it is required that the brush occupies at least 80% of the internal volume of the chimney

  3. The wire is wound onto the bolt and secured with washers. The wire sections are wound along almost the entire length of the bolt.

    The open end of the bolt is designed to attach a cable of the required length to it

During manufacturing, it is advisable to take into account the following points:

  1. It will be better if several brushes are used to clean the chimney. So, the average diameter should be 80–120% of the internal diameter of the chimney pipe. In the first case, it will be convenient to use a brush to break through thick layers of growths and deposits, in the second - to scrape off small dirt.
  2. The size of the load can be within 0.3 - 0.35 of the chimney diameter. This value is the statistical average; loads with this diameter are well suited for both punching and cleaning work.
  3. The length of the cable should be 10–15% greater than the length of the chimney. This is necessary so that if solid deposits break through the walls of the pipe, the cable passes to the hatch, collecting all the contaminants along the way.

Video: how to quickly make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands

A chimney brush is a tool needed in every home. With its help, the condition of the walls of the chimney pipe is significantly improved, and this automatically increases the draft for removing exhaust gases. Self-made brushes are in no way inferior to store-bought counterparts - in manufacturing technology it is important to follow the recommendations in order to obtain high-quality material that will last for many years.

A chimney brush is a tool with a long handle, a working element with metal or polymer bristles and an addition in the form of a weight. Manufacturing requires a minimum of time and physical investment, resulting in a universal design for high-quality maintenance of the chimney system.

Clogging of the smoke exhaust duct is caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Soot accumulates due to the settling of solid particles of combustion products on the inner surface of the shaft.
  2. Condensation forms, the cause of which is the lack of proper thermal insulation of the chimney, which increases the effect of soot and soot sticking.
  3. Poor quality fuel is used. For example, prolonged burning of raw wood leads to intense clogging of the chimney system.
  4. Resinous fuel resources are used - firewood, lumber and briquettes from spruce, fir, and pine.
  5. Waste is burned in the furnace high content hydrocarbons in the form of household waste from polymers - plastic bottles, polyethylene, rubber products.
  6. The heat generator is operated in an incorrect mode, fuel is added in violation of the rules, and the ash pan is rarely cleaned.

One more possible reason chimney blockage is hidden in the design heating device, the essence of which is errors in the construction or installation of the heat generator, or incorrect structure of the chimney.

A clogged smoke line is fraught with negative consequences:

  • the passage for discharging the gas-containing flow becomes clogged, traction deteriorates;
  • The energy efficiency of the heat generator decreases, which is associated with insufficient traction force;
  • the presence of significant accumulations of soot contributes to the formation reverse thrust, And carbon monoxide may leak into the room.

The most dangerous situation is when soot in the chimney duct ignites with the formation large quantities sparks, this can cause a fire in the roof or neighboring buildings. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to promptly remove carbon deposits and soot in the gas outlet channel using chemical compositions or homemade devices for mechanical cleaning chimney.

Features of mechanical cleaning of a chimney from soot using a brush

Before starting work, the preparatory stage is performed:

  • close the vent, firebox door, and cleanout hatches;
  • all of the above points are equipped with an elementary filter in the form of a dense damp cloth;
  • open all the valves and views of the furnace completely.

The vertical part of the chimney is processed using a brush with a core to weight the tool. The structure is equipped with a long cable or a rope, rope or strong cord is used. It is recommended to choose a rope 2-3 m longer than the height of the pipe in order to secure the outer end to the base of the shaft, otherwise there is a risk of dropping the device into the channel due to the gravity of the core.

To clean the vertical section of the chimney, the device is lowered down the channel, pushing and rotating with a rope in different directions. After the structure with the load and the brush is at the bottom of the shaft, they lift it back, making the same movements using a rope. If the tool does not pass due to dense layers of soot in a certain area, the cable is lifted and sharply lowered into the pipe to break through the blockage.

Cleaning the horizontal channels of the flue is carried out using a brush with a rigid handle. Most often, the device is equipped with a solid or stacked rod, the length of which is selected in accordance with the parameters of the plane being processed. Since the rotary chimney units have special doors, moving along them, it is easy to clean all horizontal sections. If there are no turning openings, use a brush with a cable. Performing circular and rotational movements, the structure is pushed deep into the channel and back.

How to make a ruff yourself

Although a chimney brush is not a product in short supply in Moscow and other regions of the country, most owners of private houses prefer to make this device with their own hands.

A homemade brush for cleaning chimney pipes is made taking into account the specifics of the application. For maintenance of metal and asbestos-cement smoke channels You should make a brush with a polymer brush. To clean a brick chimney shaft clogged with years of soot, you need to make a solid device from metal raw materials.

Steel wire manufacturing options

To make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands, you need following materials and tools:

  • a coil of spring steel wire with a cross section of 1-2 mm or a piece steel cable diameter up to 10 mm;
  • threaded pin – 60-80 mm length, 1 pc.;
  • washers for bolt – d50 mm, 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs. regular, 2 pcs. cap with ring;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • chisel;
  • wrench 14.

Sequence of work:

  1. The wire is cut taking into account the cross-section of the chimney. In the case of a cable, blanks are made 10% shorter than the diameter of the pipe.
  2. At the center point of each element, the fibers are pulled apart to make a hole and placed on a pin. The wire is simply wrapped around the rod.
  3. The stud is equipped with steel nuts and washers, clamping the structural elements.

For greater strength, flexible elements can be secured by welding.

When deciding how to make a chimney brush with your own hands, you can choose another product option in the form of a spiral brush. In this case you will need lathe or a homemade rigid structure for tensioning the rod. To make bristles, steel wire d1-2 mm or cable is suitable, and a twisted rod is made of steel wire with a cross-section of 6 mm.

Steps for making a spiral brush:

  1. The required number of pieces of the required length are made from the cable.
  2. Steel wire d6 mm is folded in half, one end of which is welded, and a loop is twisted on the other.
  3. The structure is fixed in the machine. It is necessary to tighten the rod between the chuck and the tailstock well and give correct position his veins.
  4. Next, the blanks are placed in the gap between the cores, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the tensioned rod, and fixed with hot-melt adhesive.

When the spindle rotates, the rod twists into a spiral, firmly clamping the wire bristles between the wires.

How to make a homemade brush from a plastic broom

To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nylon broom, cord;
  • hairpin – up to 10 mm;
  • washers – d5 cm 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs., one of them with a ring.

Remove the broom from the handle, bend the bristles to the sides, fix the position of the product, heating it with a hairdryer. Make a hole in the center of the broom holder with a drill or a hot nail, thread a pin through it, and secure it on both sides with nuts and washers.

Brush made from plastic bottles

You need to prepare:

  • plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-3 l;
  • cable, metal wire d2 mm;
  • knife, scissors.

Cut off the top of one bottle; this will be the base of the polymer brush. Several containers are removed bottom part, the body is cut into strips vertically to the neck. The blanks are placed on the base, and the strips are secured in several bundles using wire. The base is fixed to the cable.

The nuances of using brushes

To clean the horizontal cavities of the chimney, the brush is equipped with a long rod. A device with metal bristles is recommended to be used for removing soot and soot in vertical pipes. If you have to work on processing horizontal or inclined channels, you should use a brush with a polymer brush.