Peas variety description. Description and characteristics of the best seeds of varieties and types of peas. Which variety to choose when planting

Remember green peas from childhood? How sweet and juicy was it? How they walked the whole street to the fields and collected it in bags, basins, bowls. And if there was nothing at hand, then they simply ate it and filled their pockets... That taste was remembered forever, to this day it is associated with the arrival of summer, like tangerines with winter. But today you can easily grow peas on your own plot, and now not only we, but also our children, are waiting with trepidation for the crispy green pods to become ripe.

For hundreds of years, Europeans cultivated peas as a forage crop. It was not of great value and was included in the diet of mainly poor people or monks. However, time does not stand still. Society developed, the attitude towards the product gradually changed, and with the advent of canning and fast freezing technology, it completely changed radically. Today there are dozens of varieties of crops for one purpose or another.

Peas are the richest source of protein among vegetable crops.

There is no point in describing the botanical diversity of peas, since it will not give anything to a simple gardener. I will give only a brief idea of ​​what groups the varieties bred over many years can be divided into. The source of the classification given is the book by D. Haas “A Year in the Garden” from 1982 (my reference book).

So, the height of peas is:

In what form do you prefer to eat peas?


  • Dwarf - grows up to 60 cm, no more;
  • Medium height - from 70 to 100 cm;
  • Tall – from 90 to 130 cm;
  • Very tall - from 120 to 150 cm.

According to their use, varieties are divided into:

  1. Sugar, eaten together with the tender pods.
  2. Peeling, in which only the seeds or, in other words, green peas are valued.

In turn, seeds in a ripe state or after drying can be smooth or wrinkled. The former are eaten mainly after boiling or stewing; we buy them by weight in the store. In the latter case, these are brain (sweet) varieties, which are usually not brought to ripeness, but are used unripe, for example, in canning. Both are green or yellow when mature.

According to the length of the growing season, varieties are distinguished into early, mid-early and late.

Peas are an excellent predecessor for a large number of garden crops. The presence of symbiotic nodule nitrogen fixers on its roots contributes not only to good plant growth, but also to improved soil quality.

The best sugar varieties

Every gardener wants to grow peas that are sweeter and larger. And so that it produces a good harvest, is little affected by diseases and pests, and ripens at the right time. Below I will give descriptions of several sugar varieties, which, in the opinion of many summer residents, and in some places in my personal experience, deserve the best reviews.

Sugar Snap

The pods are no less tasty than peas!

Perhaps this is the leader among all varieties in terms of taste. I grew it myself and I can say with confidence that its pods are no less tasty than peas. The children cracked them like nuts when they tried them. It is known that ripened seeds are suitable for soup and vegetable dishes, but I never had to cook them, since they were eaten in the garden beds.

The soil in my garden is not the most fertile, but it is not poor or acidified either. As a result, the peas stretched to my height, grew very large and produced a good harvest. He definitely needs support, so I organized trellises in advance, like for grapes. The pods are longer than those of ordinary peas, about 8-9 cm, with 7-9 medium-sized peas inside. I consider resistance to heat and disease a big plus. With moderate watering, Sugar Snap has never gotten sick.

On heavy soils, peas ripen later than on light soils, but the harvest is more abundant. At the same time, on rich soils the plant forms a riot of green mass, but with a small content of pods. It can be sown after any crops except legumes.


Children eat with pleasure!

I haven’t grown Ambrosia myself, but I’ve tried it, so I have a good opinion. The variety is quite sweet and leaves behind a pleasant aftertaste, but still, in terms of taste, in my opinion, it is slightly inferior to Sugar Snap. Its blades can be eaten whole, or added to early salads and stews. About two months pass from the moment of seed germination to ripening.

Ambrosia is an early ripening plant and produces a rich harvest in late June and July. In our south they begin to collect pods at the end of May. The plants are bushy, 0.5-0.7 m high, require support, and in other cases, tying. The slightly curved beans are quite large, formed in pairs from one bud, with 6-8 peas in each pod. This is a brain variety; when fully ripe, it produces wrinkled seeds of a yellowish tint. The culture is unpretentious and widespread throughout Russia.

Sugar 2

Another proven mid-season variety that produces an excellent harvest. The taste of these peas reminds me of the peas from my childhood - sweet, juicy and you can eat the whole shoulder. The product is notable for the fact that it does not become rough for a long time. If in other varieties only young, tender pods are good to eat fresh, then in Sakharny 2, even after ripening, the grain retains its softness and sweetness for some time.

No pollination required and can be grown indoors.

Sugar 2 is considered mid-season; 60-65 days pass from the moment of germination to the harvest of the first harvest. The plant is not too tall, about 60-70 cm, but in order not to die, it requires obligatory support or tying. The pods are large, 7-9 cm, and when ripe are completely filled with large grains. The advantage of the variety is its unpretentiousness, resistance to fungal diseases and codling moth damage. Due to the fact that the pods set without pollination, they can be grown indoors.

Of course, the varieties described above are not the only ones available for sugar snap peas. Worth mentioning are the Sugar Giant, Golden Sweet, Telephone, Children's Sugar, Honey Shovel, Sugar Dad and many others. Breeders from Russia, the USA, India, China, and European countries are working on developing new varieties.

ATTENTION! The speed of pea ripening depends on the ambient temperature. The hotter it is, the faster the crop “deads”: its fruits quickly become ripe, become mealy, hard and tasteless.

Popular peeling varieties

The fruits of shelling peas are excellent for preparing various dishes, but they are grown in dachas no less often than sugar peas. Unripe, while the peas are soft and sweet, they can also be harvested, which means they can be eaten fresh. In this group of varieties the following can be distinguished:


The advantage of the Slider is long-term fruiting.

Good peas for growing on site. Early ripening, it is harvested 48-55 days from the date of emergence. The creeper is considered a weak-leafed pea, that is, with a small number of leaves and a large number of runners. Due to this, the plant has good adhesion and does not lie down due to bad weather. Its height is 60-70 cm. The length of the pod is up to 10 cm.

The variety is brainy, the taste is excellent. When unripe, the grains are juicy and sweet. It peels well. Excellent for fresh consumption and home canning. The advantage of the Slider is long-term fruiting. The harvest can be harvested every other day.


The high protein content makes Madonna peas a suitable animal feed.

The result of the work of German breeders has been present on the Russian market since 2003. A mid-season variety, its growing season is 65-80 days. The height of the plant is about 0.8-0.9 m. The pods are long, thick, with a blunt tip. They are filled with grain of approximately the same size, which easily splits after drying.

Madonna produces a good harvest, and under favorable conditions the yield can increase another 1.5 times. This makes the variety interesting from the point of view of industrial cultivation and food production.

Drought resistance is good, resistance to pests and fungal diseases is slightly lower. The seedlings grow and ripen evenly. The advantage of Madonna is its resistance to lodging, which makes it easier to cultivate in the country.


An early ripening brain variety, ripening in approximately 50-60 days. Low, about 0.6 m, with a simple, slightly branched stem. The pods are slightly curved or straight, densely filled with grain. Their length is 6-8 cm, the parchment layer inside is well developed. Vera is valued for its resistance to lodging, heat resistance and unpretentiousness. In addition, fungal pathogens (except ascochyta blight) and pests are not afraid.

The grains are rich in protein and have excellent taste. The variety is good for canning.

To obtain green peas, harvesting is carried out upon reaching technical ripeness. Dry grain is harvested when the beans dry out and change color. After this, the grain is husked and dried.

Large varieties of peas

Large does not mean sweet. As a rule, smaller brothers boast greater juiciness and sweetness. But if you still want to please yourself and surprise your neighbors, you can choose the following options:


Bean/bean size


Russian size Beans from 1 cm. Soft, juicy, taste a little peculiar. This is a cold-resistant, late-ripening variety. The cultivation technology is the same as for simple peas. Needs support and loves watering.
Prelado Peas measuring 0.8-1 cm. Shelling type of peas. In milky ripeness, its grains are juicy and sweetish. Each bean contains 7 grains. Does not require constant watering.
Sweet pearls The grain diameter is about 1 cm. Sugar snap peas that produce excellent yields even in cold climates. Peas have excellent taste.
Oregon giant The length of the beans is about 20 cm. The grains are small or medium in size. Ultra early sugar peas with very wide pods. With good nutrition and regular watering, it produces an excellent harvest. Planted according to a pattern of 80x80 cm or more.

IMPORTANT! All large varieties need support, as they simply cannot support the weight of their fruits on their own!

Ultra early peas

The earliest varieties of peas are the juiciest and sweetest. In addition, they are suitable for growing in regions with harsh climates. In addition to Ambrosia, Slider, Prelado and Vera, you can consider the following varieties:

The earliest varieties of peas are very juicy and sweet!

Unusual polka dots

For lovers of exotics and everything unusual, there are a couple more varieties of peas to choose from:

Purple sugar peas are not only tasty, but also decorative.

In fact, there are many unusual varieties of peas. But this is mostly exclusive, which is quite expensive, and at the same time difficult to acquire.

Leafless varieties

Leafless peas are very easy to grow. Such plants are compact and can be sown more densely. The connection of the stems due to the mustache is quite strong, as a result the bushes are resistant to strong winds. In addition, with a minimum number of leaves, the pods are especially visible and easy to collect. Here are some varieties:



Afilla Late-ripening shelling peas, capable of yielding twice in one season. It grows small, only 0.5 m in height. The pods are all even, as if chosen. The variety is unpretentious.
Rocket A variety for central Russia, but it is rarely grown in summer cottages. Mainly on an industrial scale as animal feed.
Bingo An excellent leafless pea that produces good yields in drought conditions. Medium-sized, late-ripening, with medium-length beans. A brain variety with excellent taste.
Aksai mustachioed A tall, mid-season variety, notable for the fact that it does not fall off. Resistant to pests and fungal pathogens. The grains have excellent taste.
Sail A popular peeling variety in the North Caucasus. The plant is not tall, is considered mid-season, and has long, wide beans. The grains are juicy and have a sweet taste.

The choice of pea varieties is so wide that it’s easy to get confused. It’s good that the crop is easy to cultivate, which means you can afford to experiment with new flavors every year.

Video review of the best pea varieties for growing

The best varieties of peas are well known among gardeners, but every year breeders develop new, improved species. Cultivars have been bred for fresh consumption, for culinary processing and preparations. The plants are unpretentious, high-yielding, and some are even cold-resistant. The crop is divided into 2 varieties based on the structure of the pod:

  • peeling, with parchment doors;
  • sugar or asparagus (there is semi-sugar) with fleshy, edible walls.

Peas of both types are distinguished by the shape of the grains:

  • smooth;
  • cerebral, with a wrinkled surface after ripening.

According to their purpose, the varieties are:

  • universal, used for fresh eating, canning green peas and cooking various dishes from ripe hard grains;
  • canned - green peas are used to make preparations, since they are too hard for culinary processing;
  • table peas - hard, starchy peas are easily boiled in soups and purees.

Grains of almost all varieties are eaten in the stage of milk (silage) maturity. High-quality varieties do not lie down and do not fall out spontaneously.

Shelling pea variety

Ripe, starchy fruits of this type are consumed after hot cooking and are used in the chemical industry. The seeds are round, smooth, the pods are hard, with a large proportion of parchment. Young peas are tasty, although not as juicy as those of sugar-type plants. They ripen quickly and become mealy.

Feltham first

The earliest productive variety, low, reaches 45 cm, large pods, with fragrant peas. Biological maturity after 3 months. Very resistant to temperature changes. Recommended for late sowings, when the green crop is harvested in the fall. Requires support.

Vegetable miracle

Mid-season green peas for universal use reach milky ripeness in 2 months. Resistant to typical diseases. Stems up to 50 cm. A feature of the pea variety without leaves is the ability to maintain an upright position. The plant does not lie down because instead of small leaves it has tendrils with which the stems intertwine and hold each other. Pods of 10-11 cm have 9-10 tasty grains.


An early ripening, universal variety, technical maturity occurs in 80 days. Not affected by powdery mildew and fusarium, drought-resistant. High-yielding: beans 8 cm long with 7 grains with a diameter of up to 10 mm. Stem – 65 cm.


Peas are mid-early, high-yielding. The stems are stable, do not lie down, and rise up to 1.2 m. Beans 7 cm long are not attacked by the pea codling moth.

Voronezh green

An ultra-early variety, which is tried from 45-50 days of growth. Stems 70-90 cm, require support, with 12-17 slightly curved pods. 8-10 grains, sweet, fleshy.


Mid-season peas that are not susceptible to fusarium but are susceptible to powdery mildew. Sow early, the variety is not afraid of frost. Height 50-55 cm, pods with 9-10 peas are curved, 9-11 cm long, 1.3-1.4 cm wide. They ripen for fresh consumption after 55 days, later the blades become wrinkled. Used for preservation.


An improved high-yielding variety based on Feltham first. Easily tolerates cold weather. The beans are small but well filled. Recommended for late summer sowing with harvesting in October-November. It has a brighter aroma.

Attention! Pea roots enrich the soil with nitrogen during their life processes. It is a good predecessor for most crops.

Tall pea varieties

High-yielding plants reach 1.8-2 m. These varieties of pea varieties require mandatory support or placement near a fence.


Early sugar peas with a stem up to 1.7 m ripen to milky ripeness in 55 days. The pods are slightly curved with 8-10 grains. The walls of the beans are fleshy, juicy, without parchment. From 1 sq. m collect more than 1 kg of dietary vegetables. The holes are made according to the 15x30 cm pattern.

Miracle spatula

In a mid-season universal variety of shelling type, the powerful stem reaches 1.5-1.7 m. The beans are large, 10-11 cm, with 8-9 peas with a diameter of 0.9-10 mm of high taste.


Productive late peas with extended fruiting. Harvesting begins after 100-110 days, at the same time flowering continues and the creation of new ovaries on top of the stem. Systematic formation of pods is possible with regular collection of already ripe ones and sufficient soil moisture. Beans measuring 10-11 cm with tasty grains hang abundantly from a powerful plant 2 m long, and in nutritious soils the height increases.

Zhegalova 112

High-yielding sugar peas of the old variety, on the register since 1943, medium ripening. Harvested in milky ripeness on the 55-60th day of growth. Fruiting lasts from 2 to 3 weeks. The 1.2-1.8 m stem is strewn with beans 10 to 15 cm long and up to 2.5 cm wide, which can hold only 5-8 very large, juicy peas of a rounded angular shape. From 1 sq. m harvest 1.2-1.5 kg of sugar variety. The walls of young pods are also edible.

Sugar snap

A variety of sugar snap peas from the USA stretches up to 1.5-2 m. A real delicacy, with fleshy and long beans. Inside there are 7-9 large blades, sweet, like the valves. The plant needs support and nutritious, moist soil.

Brain pea varieties

Peas are characterized by an increased sugar content in the milk ripeness phase, up to 6-9%. Young peas are sweet and tasty, but when ripe they shrivel and are not even suitable for soups or purees. Their structure is very dense and does not boil down. Used during the period of silage ripeness for freezing and canning, like the German variety Dinga.

Golden eagle

The plant is drought-resistant, mid-season, the beans are harvested after 60-65 days. A vigorous stem of 80 cm requires installation of support. Slightly curved, narrow pods 9-11 cm long contain up to 7-9 sweet and juicy fruits. Productivity per 1 sq. m is 600-900 g.

Honey cake

Low-growing, up to 40 cm, mid-season plant of the peeling variety. The long, wide pods are filled with uniform, tasty grains. Suitable for canning and cooking. The yield is average, up to 500 g per 1 sq. m.


Included in the State Register in 1975, it still maintains its position in popularity. On one stem 60-80 cm high, 8-14 straight beans are tied, 7 cm long, containing 6-9 tasty and juicy medium-sized fruits. Productivity is high - up to 0.9-1 kg per 1 sq.m. The plant is not susceptible to powdery mildew and ascochyta blight.


An ultra-early peeling variety with good adaptability to development conditions is sown early. It is valued as a drought-resistant species, productive, and resistant to yellow mosaic and fusarium. The beans are ready in 40-50 days. The stem is 70 cm, does not lodge, the pods are 9-10 cm, with 7-9 peas of high taste.


A low plant, 45-50 cm, forms pods almost above the ground, at a height of 20 cm. Ripens early - after 46 days. The beans are straight, 8-9 cm long, with 6-7 angular tasty fruits. From 1 sq. m harvest 250-550 g of peas. The variety is not affected by fusarium and ascochyta blight.

Advice! Peas are planted in an area where cabbage, melons, cucumbers, and potatoes used to grow.

Varieties of large peas

There are many varieties and types of peas; from the photo you can see the diversity of the crop. There are several large-fruited plants with beans over 10 cm: Prelado, Telefon, Zhegalova 112 and others. Mostly these varieties are medium and late ripening, although there are also early ones among them. The stems are tall and powerful, capable of supporting the weight of a dozen large beans with heavy peas. Many varieties require supports. Plants have been developed that are resistant to lodging, but with large pods.

Gribovsky 11

A resistant early variety is suitable for eating and processing after 51-58 days. Long, straight and large beans reach 10 cm, bear 8-10 tender and sweet round fruits of the brain type. Peas Early Gribovsky 11 with a stem 40-70 cm high do not lodge. Used for fresh delicacies and preparations.


The variety is peeling, mid-season, 70-85 cm tall with 5-9 pods, suitable for the southern regions. Ready-to-eat beans up to 12 cm long bear 10-12 small brain peas. Sugar content – ​​6.25%. Not susceptible to powdery mildew.

Russian size F1

Late harvest peas with beans over 10 cm, tightly filled with very large grains with a diameter of 1 cm. The peas are delicate in structure and sweet. They are eaten raw, canned and frozen.

Sweet Pea Varieties

The variety is characterized by fleshy pods with walls of a delicate consistency, which lack a parchment layer. These types and varieties of peas can be called asparagus peas. The pods are collected a week and a half after flowering, in the phase of their milky ripeness. The beans are usually boiled together with still small, underdeveloped peas for soups and stews, chopped into small pieces. When the peas are filled with sweet juice, they are eaten fresh, canned and frozen. The grains are small, but very tender and tasty. When ripe, the fruits harden and are not used for pea puree. The most famous are the tall Zhegalova 112, Inexhaustible-195, Alpha.


Among – a favorite in vegetable gardens. An early ripening sugar crop ripens in 45-55 days. The plant is low, 50-70 cm, with the lower pods forming 35 cm from the ground. Large beans, ripen from 1 bud in 2, 9-10 cm long, have 7-9 tender and juicy grains. From 1 sq. m average harvest - 500-600 g of green peas. Be sure to install supports.

Baby sugar

An early ripening variety, after 61-69 days, with a stem up to 80 cm high, which requires support. The plant bears 12-14 wide beans, 5-8 cm long, sometimes up to 11 cm. There are 5-9 peas inside. Cold-resistant, high-yielding, from 1 sq. m harvest up to 1.5 kg.


Peas are mid-season, can be used from 65-70 days of development. The tall stem, up to 80 cm, requires a garter. The beans are curved, 10-12 cm long, with 10-12 peas with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The yield is 600-900 g per 1 sq. m. Resistant to diseases, moderately susceptible to fusarium.


Leafless pea beans will ripen early, in 52-54 days. But the plant sets new pods, so Slider-Sugar is famous for its long fruiting period. Narrow beans are slightly curved, 9-10 cm high, contain 8-9 grains. Productivity – 400-500 g per 1 square. m. The height of the stem reaches 70-80 cm, but due to the modified leaves, in place of which tenacious tendrils are formed in similar varieties, the plants support each other and do not lie down.


The mid-season proven variety Sugar-2 is valuable because there are no voids in the pod and the grains are tightly packed. The plant is up to 80 cm high, resistant to lodging, matures by 55-63 days of development. The pod is long, 7-10 cm, carries 7-8 seeds.

Important! Before planting, peas are soaked overnight. If there is a threat of return frosts, peas are sown with dry seeds.

Pea varieties that do not require support

Plants with low stems or abundantly equipped with tendrils can do without a garter. The seeds of such peas are the best varieties for a hassle-free garden.

Avola peas

A mid-season, peeling-type variety is ready for consumption after 55-60 days of development. Uniform pods 8 cm long are tied on stems 65-75 cm high. Each contains 7-8 round sweet fruits. The plant is unpretentious to weather conditions and is not affected by fusarium. The product tastes good both fresh and frozen or canned.


One of the early ones, ripens in 47-53 days, amazes with its yield: up to 2.8 kg of pods and 480-900 g of green peas per 1 sq. m. The stems are low, up to 50 cm. The pods are 7-9 cm long, up to 1.4 cm wide. 5-9 peas of a square-compressed shape are tightly packed inside. Used fresh and for canning. The plants do not lodge and are resistant to fusarium. It is grown in many regions, except for the Ural, northern and Volga-Vyatka regions.

Early ripening pea varieties

Early ripening plants that quickly form a harvest are suitable for the climate of the middle zone, the Urals and Siberia: Oscar, Alpha, Ambrosia and others.


Shelling type peas with sweet brain fruits. Ripens in 43-45 days from the start of sprouts. The plant is low, with an average yield of 300-400 g per 1 sq. m.


Delicious brain peas from the southern shelling variety Corvin, with a yield of 400-500 g per 1 sq. m. Ripen after 40-50 days. The stem is low and stable. The fruits are large.

Pea varieties for Siberia

In regions with harsh climates, pea seeds are popular in those varieties that have shown endurance to temperature changes during testing: Narymsky 11, Children's Sugar, Berkut, Alpha, Altai Izumrud, Miracle of Kelvidon.


Shelling type of low-growing peas, in which pods are formed already at a height of 7 cm from the soil. Ultra-early, ripens in 32-35 days, recommended for Western Siberia. The plant has a yield of 650-730 g per 1 sq. m.


Recommended for central regions and the East Siberian region. A shelling variety with juicy and sweet brain-type peas that contain 7.4% sugar. From 1 sq. m harvest 350-900 g. Stems of medium height, 50-70 cm, are moderately resistant to root rot.


The best pea varieties can provide delicious, fresh produce all summer long. When choosing seeds for planting, you usually purchase several different types of shelling or sugar type. For long-term harvesting, the crop is sown twice every 10 days.

There are large quantities of pea varieties on the market, which is good for the farmer or the owner of a summer house, but not everyone knows how to understand huge catalogs. The seed material of this valuable crop is classified into several categories, the names of which can confuse an inexperienced novice vegetable grower.

Varieties of peas for canning

The described industrial crop is divided into three varietal groups according to its main purpose - sugar pea seeds, shelling and vegetable seeds. For canning, it is advisable to purchase material that, when harvested, produces beautiful peas with a sufficient amount of sugars. Not fully ripened grains with a delicate texture and a small amount of starch that have reached the required size are processed. Upon examination, the valves of the pods have a succulent appearance at this time; there is no mesh on them.

The period of technical ripeness of most varieties of peas used for canning green grains is extremely short; it must be harvested from the 11th to 16th day after the formation of peas. It is advisable to control the degree of ripening so as not to miss the optimal period for harvesting beans. If the collection is delayed for a couple of days, the technological qualities of the product decrease sharply. Inferior peas harvested early turn out watery, crumpled and tasteless, so premature harvesting is prohibited.

When purchasing pea seeds, we select the best varieties for sowing. In this way, the owners of the plot are insured against harvesting low-quality crops and obtaining substandard bushes, which cause problems during harvesting and cultivation. Some varieties of beans need to be fried or stewed in order to get tasty dishes, but you won’t be able to enjoy them in the garden. It is advisable to have several varieties of peas on the estate - canned and for raw consumption.

When selecting the best varieties of peas for canning, it is recommended to purchase the shelled variety of beans. They can have different pea shapes - smooth and wrinkled. Smooth-grained varieties are famous for their frost resistance and early harvesting time. Wrinkled peas have a sweet taste, but in terms of resistance to frost and pests they are slightly inferior to competitors with a round shape.

Excellent smooth-grained pea varieties:

  • Early green - 33,
  • Meteor,
  • Feltham first,
  • Ambrosia,
  • Vegetable miracle
  • Dakota.

Wrinkled types of peas are often called brain beans due to their original shape. They contain less starch, which makes the taste better, and when consumed, the sweet taste is felt more strongly. The pea begins to wrinkle towards the end of the growing season or during thermal processing. Brain peas are excellent in salads and are considered an excellent option for canning.

  • Early onward
  • Early Gribovsky -11,
  • Winner G-33,
  • Little Marvel,
  • Kelvedon miracle,
  • Fragment,
  • Sugar browcin,
  • Hurst green shaft,
  • Sunrise,
  • Troika,
  • Zhegalova 112,
  • Onward,
  • Alderman,
  • Delikata.

Low growing peas - varieties

Tall varieties are considered to be those with stems above 115 cm, and medium-tall - from 70 cm. The stems of some pea plants can grow up to a gigantic 200 cm in length; harvesting or growing them in a home garden is not always convenient. Among ordinary gardeners, low-growing, non-troublesome varieties of peas that do not require support are in particular demand. Their stems grow 30-70 cm, so they do not need a complex trellis, stakes with stretched wire or twine.

Semi-dwarf plants with an average height of 65-75 cm are famous for their good qualities. Peas Tsarevich has a description of the variety that is excellent for the garden - smooth yellow shelled beans, high yield, resistance to lodging. A variety of excellent peas has earned good characteristics among summer residents Varys. It gets sick a little, is mid-season, and is resistant to lodging and shedding of beans. Varieties considered promising Faith(up to 65 cm), Ambrosia(up to 70 cm), Little miracle, Grandma's surprise(65 cm).

Pea variety Kelvedon miracle

This variety deservedly received excellent recommendations; when fresh, its beans are sweet and tasty and are suitable for processing. From a dacha hundred square meters, the Kelvedon Miracle yields 40 kg even in milky ripeness. These peas belong to the species and varieties that are low-growing and prolific, easy to clean. The juicy pods of the Kelvedon miracle, up to 8 cm long, contain 8 brain peas, excellent for freezing and canning.

Alpha peas - variety description

This pea grows without support, the variety reaches a height of up to 55 cm and is easy to use in agricultural technology. It is recommended to harvest the beans once when they reach approximately 70% maturity. Alpha is an early ripening variety, but with stable yields and excellent commercial qualities. Gardeners note its increased resistance to common fungi (fusarium, ascochyta blight) and frost.

Tall peas - varieties

Tall varieties of peas are sometimes called “poked” or “stake” among summer residents. They are difficult to grow, but produce high yields. It is necessary to install supports after 3-4 leaves appear and tie up the plant. It is impossible to plant tall peas densely; they require light and love warmth. If there is not enough sun, the plant lies down, stretches, and the stems become brittle. Sometimes tall varieties are used perfectly for landscaping a dacha, receiving, in addition to tasty peas, additional decorative benefits.

  • Zhegalova 112,
  • Alderman,
  • Telegraph,
  • Miracle spatula
  • Sugar snap.

If you are not satisfied with two-meter monsters the size of a grape bush due to difficulties in care, then you can purchase seeds of medium-sized species. These include the varieties Azart, Viola, Voskhod, Gigant, Horn, Emerald, Lincoln, Inexhaustible 195, Oscar, Premium, Perfection 65-3, Sphere, Yuzhny 47. The Madonna pea variety is medium-sized, does not lodge, characteristics for growth up to 90 see he has suitable ones for a dacha.

Pharaoh peas - variety description

Pharaoh is a medium-sized plant with a stem height of up to a meter, but it belongs to the mustachioed leafless pea varieties, which are less prone to lodging during the growing season. This variety can be called promising, drought-resistant, with a yield of up to 56 c/ha. It is harvested by direct harvesting in the fields, which significantly reduces losses. If you are selecting pea seeds, which are the best varieties for open ground, take note of pharaoh beans.

Prelado peas - variety description

Prelado is suitable for vegetable growers who buy pea varieties for early harvesting and fresh consumption of beans. It has large peas with a sugary taste and is of excellent quality. Commercial ripeness of these beans occurs on the 40th day with a bush growth strength of about 70 cm. Prelado frosts are not terrible; this Dutch variety has adapted well to drought, maintaining excellent quality and appearance of peas in unfavorable conditions.

Belmondo peas - variety description

When going through catalogs in search of what types of peas there are, you need to pay attention to seed material of foreign selection. A good variety of mustache-shaped beans are the mid-early Belmondo beans of French selection, growing up to 95 cm in height. Vegetable growers note the resistance of the bushes of this plant to lodging, its pods do not crack and crumble little during harvesting. Belmondo tolerates frost well and has excellent culinary qualities.

Oscar peas - variety description

When you are looking for types of green peas that can be harvested equally conveniently by mechanization or by hand, pay attention to the early Oscar variety. The height of its bushes is up to 80 cm, which reduces the risk of lodging. The juicy 9 cm long pods produce 10 to 12 tender peas of excellent quality with a high sugar content. It is suitable for freezing, various methods of preservation, and fresh consumption.

An interesting feature of sugar beans is the ability to consume fresh peas along with the pods. They do not have a parchment film on the wings, which impairs the taste. It is necessary to harvest the crop before a net appears on the surface of the pods, indicating overripeness. The catalogs contain a variety of sweet pea varieties - tall, medium-sized, short-grown, early and medium-ripening. In terms of yield and shelf life, sugar beans are inferior to their smooth-grained counterparts; it is recommended to sow plants of different types in the beds.

The type of bean in which immature green blades are allowed to be consumed is also called snap pea. There are many culinary dishes that use this plant. During heat treatment, the wall of the pod is destroyed, the taste of the product increases, the fruits become sweeter and noticeably more pleasant. Sugar peas are used to prepare salads, meat pies, casseroles; they are a good independent dish when boiled. Fried snow peas are a popular dish in American and national Chinese cuisine.

Good varieties of sweet peas:

  • Sugar,
  • Zhegalova,
  • Geneva,
  • Giant,
  • Sweetie,
  • Swiss giants
  • Soup spatula 181.

Green peas are a low-calorie dish, with 73 kilocalories per 100g of product. Healthy beans are used in many foods; raw fruits contain a lot of amino acids and selenium; they are recommended to be consumed to prevent the development of tumors. People who eat peas regularly reduce the risk of developing heart disease or hypertension. Legumes contain a lot of protein, which prevents aging and helps keep the skin in excellent condition. Pea fiber perfectly removes toxins, cleansing the gastric tract of toxins.

Legumes have been valued at all times. Peas are no exception. After all, it is not only a vegetable crop, but also a fodder and grain crop. The best varieties of peas with photos and descriptions, as well as characteristics, are given in the article. This light-loving and moisture-loving plant is grown on neutral loamy soils by both beginners and experienced gardeners, but everyone knows the most productive varieties of this crop.

Those varieties of peas that do not require supports to grow in the garden are in great demand.

We can talk for a long time about the beneficial properties of a crop, the peculiarities of its cultivation in certain regions of the country, but still farmers strive to find out which varieties are considered the best according to reviews from gardeners. Those varieties of peas that do not require supports to grow in the garden are in great demand.

Let's look at the most popular of them:

All these varieties are excellent for growing in open ground. However, you should not limit yourself to them, because there are many other crops that are appreciated by the owners of summer cottages.

Pea varieties: photos and names

Almost every year, breeders delight gardeners with new varieties of peas with excellent characteristics

Peas are valued because they are undemanding to growing conditions and rarely get sick. It doesn’t require much care, which is why busy gardeners strive to plant it in their garden beds. The following types of this agricultural crop are at the top of popularity:

Almost every year, breeders delight gardeners with new varieties with excellent characteristics and productivity indicators. There are a lot of such varieties, but the following types of plants are also in demand: Troika, Havsky Pearl, Gregor, Oscar, Russian size, Violena, Vikma, Moscow delicacy, Miracle of Kelvedon, Purple sugar, Ilovetsky and others.

Peas are an irreplaceable food and feed crop, popular throughout Russia. Advances in pea breeding have produced many varieties of legumes that differ in taste, appearance, and ripening mechanism.


Tall varieties require the mandatory installation of specialized supports (trellises, support stakes, wigwams, nets) and have increased requirements for growing conditions - pea stems can reach a height of up to 3 meters. However, the difficulty of their cultivation is fully compensated by an abundant harvest of high quality.


Contrary to its name, this pea variety is not the tallest and rarely exceeds 1.5 meters in height. At the same time, the giant is quite early in maturity, and after 2 months it is already possible to collect the fruits. The yield of the variety is extraordinary, up to 1.5 kilograms per 1 sq. m.

The beans are slightly curved, wide, long, and have a sharp tip. Their walls are fleshy and thick, without a parchment layer. Inside you can find up to 10 large peas.

The giant is characterized by the friendly ripening of fruits. And peas are notable for their excellent taste and versatility: they are suitable for both fresh consumption and canning.

Zhegalova 112

The maturity of the variety occurs after 3-4 months. Zhegalova 112 is a plant with a climbing stem up to 1.5-2 meters high. The average yield is 14.4 centners of unripe beans per hectare.

At the stage of technical ripeness, the beans are sword-shaped, light green, their length can reach 15 cm and width - 2.5 cm. One bean contains from 5 to 8 large rounded angular peas.

Large blades and excellent taste are why Zhegalova 112 is so loved and popular.

Blue pod

The height of the stem is up to 150 cm. The variety is mid-season; from sowing to the first harvest it will take about 70 days. The yield of beans will please any gardener and is up to 1.5 kg per 1 sq. m.

Purple beans with a waxy coating are the hallmark of the variety. Thanks to this structure, excess moisture does not evaporate, as a result of which the peas remain fresh for a long time. The pod reaches 8-9 cm in length and contains from 7 to 9 peas.

The color of the blue pod is not only its distinctive feature, but also an additional convenience when collecting: the beans are noticeable against the background of the general greenery. The taste of the variety is as outstanding as its appearance.


Depending on the growing conditions, the height of the stem can reach 2 or even 3 meters. Telefon is a high-yielding, late-ripening variety; it takes up to 4 months from sowing to the start of fruit harvesting. Moreover, ripening is extended: first, the beans located in the lower part of the plant ripen, and after a little time - in the upper.

The length of the bean is about 11 cm. The peas are large and round.

Timely harvesting of ripe peas and sufficient moisture increases the chance of new pods forming.

Mustachioed nanny

Belongs to the group of leafless varieties, in which part of the foliage has changed into additional “whiskers”. The mustachioed nanny is not a titan among high-grade ones, and rarely exceeds 80 centimeters in height. It ripens moderately - within 60-65 days.

The beans reach up to 10 centimeters in length and contain about 8 wrinkled brain seeds. The leaves of young beans lack a hard parchment layer.

A significant advantage of the mustachioed nanny is the ability to grow it without supports. Due to the powerful development of the runners, the grass stand is strongly cohesive, which significantly increases the plant’s resistance to lodging. The grains ripen together. In addition, not only peas are suitable for food, but also the entire bean, along with the fleshy, sweet leaves.

Miracle spatula

The plant is powerful, strong, reaching 160-170 cm in height. It will take up to 1.5 months for peas to ripen and be eaten. The yield is good news and amounts to 2-3 kilograms per 1 square meter.

Miracle beans are impressive in size - they grow up to 9 centimeters and contain up to 10 large, tasty peas.

It requires minimal support and is quite unpretentious in care and cultivation.

Sugar snap

Favorable conditions allow the plant stems to grow up to 2 meters in height. Sugar snap is a mid-season variety, and the first fruits can already be tasted after 70 days.

The beans are convex, short, and lack a parchment layer. Round, medium-sized peas retain their taste for a long time.

Not only the fruits are edible, but also the unripe pods.


For normal growth, low-growing varieties do not need specialized structures for fruit to appear; just basic garters are enough. Despite their compactness (up to 70 centimeters in height), miniature types of peas are practically not inferior in yield to their taller comrades.

Grandma's surprise

Mid-season variety of peas, shelling variety. The time from germination to the first harvest is about 1.5-2 months. The length of the plant reaches 55-65 centimeters, foliage is medium. Productivity – up to 0.5 kilograms per 1 square meter.

The beans are slightly curved, with a pointed top, covered with a parchment layer, containing about 8-10 peas. The fruits are large, light green, sweet.

Grandma's surprise is valuable due to its cold resistance and stable yield.


The variety is mid-season, the growing season averages 70-75 days. Vatan is distinguished by leaves of a modified mustachioed type. The stem and internodes of the plant are relatively short, on average their height is about 60 centimeters. Potential yield – 5.5 tons per 1 hectare.

The beans are medium in size and have a slightly curved, pointed top. There are from 4 to 7 round yellow seeds in the stalk.

Vatan is characterized by high resistance to seed shedding, plant lodging and diseases.


Mid-season sugar peas, the growing season of which is about 2 months. The plant grows in bushes up to 70 centimeters. The variety cannot boast of yield - up to 0.3 kilograms per 1 square meter.

The beans are visually attractive and long, up to 15 centimeters. There are few seeds in the pod, and they are small (up to 0.5 centimeters in diameter).

Chinese peas are universal and do not require specific conditions for growth.


This variety is one of the representatives of leafless peas, growing in length up to 50-70 centimeters. The growing season is about 7.5 weeks. The yield of the slider leaves much to be desired - from 200 to 400 grams per 1 square meter. m.

The beans are slightly curved, narrow, medium length, green. Contains up to 10 large sweet peas.

The slider does not require any support at all, and does not lie down. It is unpretentious in care and has a long fruiting period.

The stem of the plant is simple, unfasciated, and grows up to 40 centimeters in length. It grows with two pairs of light green or yellowish-green leaves, oblong-ovate in shape. The variety is early ripening - it will take from 50 to 60 days for fruit to appear. The yield of beans in the technical ripeness phase reaches up to 220 centners per 1 hectare of land.

A dark green large bean, up to 10 centimeters long, containing about 8 large peas.

Early Gribovsky is famous for the high quality of the resulting fruits and their outstanding taste properties.

The Miracle of Kelvedon

This early-ripening (55-65 days) variety is one of the smallest among the low-growing varieties: it rarely exceeds half a meter in height. However, its miniature size does not in any way hinder the yield, which reaches up to 1.5 kg/sq. m.

The beans are long, arranged in pairs on the peduncle. Contains about 7 light green peas with a high sugar content.

Kelvedon miracle peas are resistant to unfavorable growing conditions and frost, and the peas can be used in different ways: for fresh consumption, for freezing, and canning.


Another representative of peas without leaves. The length of the plant reaches no more than 65 centimeters. Shustrik is an early ripening variety; in warm climates, the first fruits can appear after 50 days. The yield of shustrik is average, and is about 3 tons per 1 hectare.

The bob is straight, with a rounded top. The peas are small, smooth, almost perfectly spherical in shape.

Despite the fact that the shustrik is slightly inferior to representatives of low-growing species in terms of resistance to shedding and drought, its resistance to lodging is much higher.


Sugar pea varieties are famous and loved due to their edibility and waste-free nature - you can eat not only peas, but the entire sweet blade, because the beans have practically no parchment layer. The grain of these varieties, contrary to the name, has a relatively low sugar content.

The plant has a medium-length stem. The ripening period ranges from 1.5 to 2 months. The lower beans are attached at a height of about 30-35 centimeters. The children's sugar variety boasts a good yield of beans at technical ripeness - up to 2.5 kilograms per 1 square meter.

The beans are slightly curved, long, of medium width, with a sharp top, in technical ripeness - light green, without a parchment layer. Medium sized wrinkled peas. The variety is often called a delicacy.

Most often, the stem of the plant is short, but sometimes it can reach medium length. The lower beans are attached at a height of 40-45 centimeters. The variety is mid-early, from sunrise it will take 55 to 65 days until the fruits ripen. Honey pod yield is confident, but not impressive: from 80 to 130 centners per hectare.

The beans are of medium length and medium width, slightly curved, and have a pointed apex. At technical ripeness they are green, without any parchment layer. They also have small, wrinkled seeds.

The taste of the honey pod is remarkable starting from its technical ripeness.

Sugar girlfriend

The plant has a short, sometimes medium, stem. The height of attachment of the lower beans is 70 cm. The variety is also mid-season - 65-70 days from germination to the start of bean harvesting. The yield of sugar girlfriend is up to 1.3 kilograms per 1 square meter or up to 0.5 kilograms of green peas.

The degree of bean curvature varies from slight to significant. At the same time, the pods are invariably long, of medium width, and have a pointed top. At technical ripeness, they are green or light green; the parchment layer is completely absent in them.

Sugar Oregon

The height of the plant usually reaches 70 centimeters. The stem itself is angular, prone to lodging and can grow 2.5 meters in length. Sugar Oregon is original in its shape - the pinnate leaves end with tendrils that can be held on a support. The variety is characterized by relatively fast ripening - about 60 days.

The shape of the pod is slightly curved, blunt-ended, the length of the beans reaches about 10 centimeters. The fruits are light green in color and small to medium in size.

Sugar Oregon's resistance to common diseases sets it apart from other varieties. In addition, it is perfect not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning and freezing.

Sugar Prince

This is a prominent representative of high-yielding sugar varieties, the plants of which reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. The growing season is about 2.5 months. Sugar Prince has a moderate yield - up to 1.5 kilograms of beans are harvested from 1 square meter.

The pods are green, flat, up to 12 cm long, devoid of not only a parchment layer, but also fibers. In them you can find about 8 round, green, very sweet and tasty peas.

The Sugar Prince is characterized by high and synchronous ripening of fruits and excellent taste of peas. Used for fresh consumption, cooking, canning and freezing.


The name comes directly from the shape of the peas: during the ripening process, the fruits become covered with “convolutions”, as a result of which they begin to resemble the corresponding organ. Brain varieties are famous for their minimal starch content and best taste; these peas are the sweetest.


The height of pea bushes reaches, on average, half a meter. The growing season of the harp is quite early; from the moment the sprouts appear above the ground to technical ripeness it will take from 43 to 57 days. The variety is characterized by stable, good yield - about 600-700 grams of peas can be harvested from 1 square meter.

Each pod contains 2 beans, and in the axil 7-9 cm long there are up to 9 seeds.

Harp is notable for its resistance to pea diseases such as ascochyta blight and fusarium blight.


Plants of this variety grow relatively small - the bushes reach an average height of about 60-70 cm. The growing season is also average - to start harvesting, you need to wait about 2 months.

The beans are straight, have a pointed top and an expressive green color. The size of the pod corresponds to the size of the bush - medium in width and length. Upon reaching technical ripeness, peas are uniform in size, green, and have outstanding taste.

The variety is loved and popular due to its excellent technological qualities.

Voronezh green

It grows quite large - at least 1 meter in height. At the same time, it has an impressive ripening speed: the first tasty fruits can be harvested within 1.5 months after the sprouts emerge.

The seeds of the Voronezh green variety are uneven, covered with convolutions. At the same time, the peas are quite large and can reach up to 1 centimeter in diameter. They have an expressive, bright green color.

The variety is resistant to fusarium and peronospora. The leaves of Voronezh green are especially loved among gardeners - there are few of them, which facilitates manual harvesting, and at the same time, with sufficient watering, they do not burn in the sun at all.


The plant grows up to 80 cm, and the growing season is about 55 days (mid-early variety). Gloriosa has a good and stable potential yield - from 1 square meter of crop you can harvest up to 500 grams of tasty green peas. Delicious variety.

For successful cultivation of this variety of peas, high-quality soil is important, but you cannot apply fresh manure under the bush, otherwise the peas will get sick. It is necessary to prepare the soil in advance or apply liquid fertilizer.


Dakota peas have a short stem length, on average 70 centimeters. It takes about 1.5-2 months before the first fruits appear, but full ripening can take over 70 days. The yield of the variety is very impressive - up to 1.5 kilograms of peas per 1 square meter.

The beans grow up to 10 cm in length and contain up to 12 sweet peas. The grains in the beans are a rich dark green hue.


Representatives of plants have a simple stem up to 1 meter long. Dinga peas are a medium-ripening variety, and the time required from full germination to technical ripeness ranges from 55 to 70 days. The yield of green peas is high - from 500 to 1100 g per 1 square meter.

Although Dinga is susceptible to powdery mildew and yellow mosaic virus, it is resistant to fusarium.


The plant has a fairly short stem and rarely exceeds 37 centimeters in height. Belongs to the early ripening category; on average, it takes about 2 months to ripen the fruits.

The pods are straight, small (about 6-7 centimeters in length) and store up to 9 peas. The seeds themselves are also medium in size, dark green, with a delicate and sweet taste.

The variety is valuable due to the smooth ripening of the fruits and its unpretentiousness to support: Zagnaya is extremely resistant to lodging.


Premium is the king among brain varieties. The plant grows to an average height of about 80 centimeters. And relatively little time is allotted for fruit ripening - up to 2 months.

The pods are medium bubbly, with a rounded top, about 8 centimeters long. Covered with a parchment layer.

Premium is valued for its inimitable taste: its fruits are ideal for both fresh consumption and canning. In addition, the beans ripen together, which makes harvesting much easier.


This variety is another representative of miniature brain peas. On average, it reaches a height of 40 cm. Tropar is an early ripening plant, and the first harvest can be expected after only 50 days. The yield leaves much to be desired, and amounts to about 200 grams of fruit per 1 square meter.

The variety is characterized by outstanding taste, especially in the third week of ripening. In addition, Tropar is loved by gardeners because of its unpretentiousness: it has no tendency to lodging and does not need supports.


Early varieties of peas differ in the time required for the fruits to fully ripen and become suitable for consumption. Divided into 2 categories:

  • Very early. It takes 50-55 days from germination to maturity of peas. They deserve special attention, as they are very popular among gardeners.
  • Early ripening. The fruits will take 56 to 60 days to reach maturity.


It has straight beans of medium length, 6-9 peas per pod.

A very cold-resistant crop, very demanding of moisture, but if the conditions are met it gives high yields (over 7 tons per 1 hectare).


Barthesa is a record holder among early pea varieties. After just 41-45 days, you can harvest the fruits and enjoy the peas. Productivity is unstable, fluctuating between 39-65 centners per hectare.

Pods can be double or triple, with a number of peas of 10 pieces.

The variety is notable for its resistance to diseases, ease of harvesting and excellent taste.


An early ripening variety with a growing season of 47-55 days. Virtush does not have a constant yield: from 1 square meter you can harvest both 350 and 620 grams of peas.

Notable for its resistance to fusarium and suitability for mechanized harvesting. Peas can be replanted in their original place only after 4 years, and at this time, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers or tomatoes can be grown in this area.


The average growing season for a handsome plant is about 50-55 days. It has the most unstable yield among all early pea varieties: the yield per 1 hectare ranges from 3.5-8.5 tons.

The pods are slightly curved and can be long or very long in length. One pod produces from 5 to 7 medium-sized peas.

The advantage of the variety is its suitability for mechanized harvesting. The taste qualities of the handsome one can be from good to excellent, depending on the growing conditions.

For canning

Unripe green pea grains are used for canning. White-flowering peeling varieties are used as raw materials for preparations. The varieties with smooth, rounded grains, which are characterized at the technical stage of maturity by a relatively low sugar content and a rapid transition of soluble carbohydrates into starch, are best suited for the role of canned food.


Super early crop with a growing season of 48-63 days. The yield is about 80-90 centners per hectare.

Vera has slightly curved or straight beans, 6-9 cm in length, containing 6-8 seeds.

The value of the variety lies in its stable yield, rapid ripening and resistance to lodging. Mechanized cleaning is possible.

First early

A high-yielding peeling variety with a short growing season of 52 days.

The beans are of medium length and contain 7-8 fairly large peas.

The culture is valued due to its high resistance to cold and spring frosts.


It is a leader in ripening speed: fruits can be collected and preserved within 42-48 days after germination.

The bob is straight or slightly curved. 6-8 seeds develop inside.

Resistant to ascochyta blight and fusarium blight. The defeat of the codling moth is insignificant. Valued for its stable yield, suitability for freezing and resistance to lodging.


The variety is characterized by an extremely fast ripening period, the growing season is 45-55 days.

The pod is long (8-9 cm), with 7-8 peas.

It has a high commercial value and excellent taste characteristics.

For open ground

Peas are a crop that does not require a lot of heat to grow, so they are most often grown in open ground. Almost all varieties are suitable for this technique, but the most effective will be the planting of unpretentious and high-yielding plants that are not prone to lodging and crumbling. For industrial cultivation, the listed qualities play a particularly important role.

Varieties devoid of foliage are best suited for open ground. Such plants received tendrils as compensation, with which they firmly adhere to each other, without requiring supports or garters from the gardener.


The crop is notable for its high commercial value, stable yield, and special taste (due to its high sugar content).

The ripening period, starting from the germination of sprouts above the soil surface and until the moment of technical ripeness, can take from 45 to 55 days. In one pod 8 cm long, from 5 to 9 peas develop, in each of the axils 2 beans are formed. Productivity is from 6 to 7 tons per hectare.

There is increased resistance to ascochyta blight, fusarium blight and similar diseases.


A distinctive feature of the variety is its high yield: if you regularly apply mineral fertilizers, this will entail an increase in the fruiting period. The ripening period is 45-55 days. 2 beans develop in the sinuses at once. The length of the pod reaches 10 cm during technical ripeness. Each of them produces 6-8 peas.

It has average resistance to diseases: tolerance to fusarium is noted.


The pod is notable for its dark green color. Quite large, with 10-12 seeds inside. An early-ripening variety with high yield (about 70 centners per hectare) and a growing season of 65-70 days.

It has average disease resistance and is tolerant to Fusarium wilt.


A variety with late ripening and a growing season of 78-95 days. The yield indicator is 500 grams of fruit per 1 square meter.

One bean develops small peas in the amount of 6-7 pieces.

The key feature of the variety is that despite the small seeds, they are very sweet, for which they are valued by chefs and farmers. The commercial and taste value of the variety is very high.


Drought-resistant, mid-season crop, growing season - 64-85 days. On average, there are 4-7 medium-sized seeds per bean. It has a high yield - about 20-30 centners per hectare.

The plants have high immunity - the variety is notable for its tolerance to root rot and ascochyta blight.

Grain and fodder

Peas are indispensable not only on the human table, but also in pet food. Both fine-grained and coarse-grained varieties are used for feeding. Grain-forage varieties of legumes are also grown for drying: in this form, the product can be stored for up to 10 years.


The plant grows up to 1 meter in height, the growing season of the fruit is from 75 to 85 days. The yield of angels is unstable, and from 1 hectare you can harvest either 25 or 60 centners of peas.

The advantage and at the same time disadvantage of the variety is its heat-loving nature. Angela is susceptible to low temperatures, but at the same time it has enviable drought resistance and practically does not lodge.


Plants grow medium - from 40 to 80 centimeters in height. The period of fruit ripening ranges from 2-2.5 months. Astronaut is also not a stable variety and brings from 20 to 50 centners of peas per hectare.

The variety is moderately resistant to ash, stem rot, rust and drought. A separate advantage is the possibility of mechanized cleaning.


Velvet grows in height from 90 to 100 cm. At the same time, the variety ripens quite late, and it may take more than 3 months to collect the first fruits. The yield of corduroy is constant and predictable, and is about 50 centners of peas per hectare.

A distinctive positive feature of the variety is its versatility and unpretentiousness to growing conditions: corduroy can be cultivated in almost any climate. Average resistance to ascochyta blight and rust is also noted.


The plant grows to an average height of about 90 centimeters. The growing season is quite long, and you need to wait 75 to 85 days to harvest. Gothic pleases with stable and high yield - about 550 grams of peas can be harvested from 1 square meter.

The variety is valuable for its outstanding drought-resistant properties.


This is a mid-season variety with a growing season of about 2.5 months. The plant grows up to 1 meter in height. The yield is unstable and average in terms of indicators - about 250 grams of peas per 1 square meter.

Modus is valued due to its drought resistance and high nutritional value of the fruit - just 100 grams of dried peas contain about 300 kilocalories. In addition, the variety is suitable for mechanical harvesting.


The height of the rockets can reach from 40 to 90, and in some cases, under extremely favorable conditions, up to 95 centimeters. The yield of the variety is stable and moderate - 4.6 tons of fruits per 1 hectare.

Rocket is a variety ideal for early sowing, as it has outstanding frost resistance. In addition, it has good resistance to pea diseases such as gray rot and ascochyta blight.


The length of the plant stems can vary, and equally often reach 40 centimeters or 1 meter. You will need to wait before harvesting: the growing season ranges from 63 to 87 days. Salamanca is the record holder among grain fodder pea varieties in terms of yield: up to 8 tons of healthy peas can be harvested from 1 hectare.

Salamanca is resistant to rust, ascochyta blight, and drought at an average level. Another advantage is the smooth ripening of fruits. The variety is suitable for mechanized bean harvesting.


Stabil is a giant among grain-forage pea varieties. The plant reaches a height of at least 1 meter. The growing season corresponds to the size of the variety - fruit ripening can take more than 95 days. The yield remains quite mediocre - from 3.5 to 5.5 tons of fruit per 1 hectare.

Stabil has increased resistance to diseases such as ash grass, stem rot, anthrocnose, and root rot. The variety is suitable for growing in different natural conditions. By providing sufficient moisture, it is possible to obtain high-quality peas suitable for consumption not only by pets, but also by humans.

By region of the country

Peas are a crop that feels equally comfortable throughout Russia. However, when choosing seeds for planting, you should focus not only on the characteristics of the variety, but also on its adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region.

For Siberia

Despite the not very hospitable and gentle climate of the northern zone, pea crops in Siberia are able to grow and bear fruit well.

Particularly popular in the region are peas such as Altai emerald, especially widespread in the Eastern and Western regions. The variety belongs to a number of low-growing varieties, but at the same time has an enviable yield - at least 9 tons of peas can be harvested from 1 hectare of land. Siberian fruits are famous for their impressive taste and versatility: they are suitable both for fresh consumption directly from the garden, and as a raw material for canning and preparing side dishes.

In addition to the undisputed leader in prevalence, some other, less popular varieties take root well in Siberia:

  • Annushka;
  • Varangian;
  • Darunok;
  • Demos;
  • Zavodoukovsky;
  • Kemchug;
  • Narymsky 11;
  • Rus;
  • Svetozar;
  • Yakhont.

For the middle band

Pea cereals have been grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation for many hundreds of years. The climatic conditions of the region are almost perfect for peas (at least for heat-loving representatives). If you plan to plant a crop specifically in the middle zone and the Moscow region, it is best to opt for the following varieties:

  • Children's joy;
  • Gloriosa;
  • Arrogant.

However, other, less well-known and popular varieties of peas will also feel great, such as:

  • Afonka;
  • Farmhand;
  • Burgomaster;
  • Jackpot;
  • Calypso;
  • Lincoln;
  • Nemchimovsky 100;
  • Spartacus;
  • Triumph;
  • Round dance;
  • The hero of the day.

For the south

Peas are one of the most important components of agriculture in this region. Here the crop is grown by both large farms and small gardeners and amateurs.

Peas have earned particular popularity Gregor. The variety is known and loved due to its advantages:

  • a large number of tendrils that do not allow the plant to lie down;
  • possibility of mechanized cleaning;
  • drought resistance;
  • high yield (at least 4 tons of fruits per hectare);
  • relatively high protein content.

However, over 40 other varieties are grown in the region, perfectly adapted to the local climate. The most famous and popular of them:

  • Bosphorus;
  • Zenkovsky;
  • Cleopatra;
  • Magnate;
  • Mazepa;
  • Profit;
  • Torch;
  • Fargus;
  • Kharkov reference.

For the southwest

In this region, mainly shelling varieties are grown, which are ideal for canning and making cereals. Particular attention is paid to types of peas with high yields.

A striking example is the variety Minsk grain. It is characterized by high grain uniformity and a high yield of shelled peas - over 80%. The variety has enviable resistance to lodging and is fully adapted for mechanized harvesting. The yield of the variety can reach over 50 centners of peas from 1 hectare of land.

Other varieties are also successfully grown in this part of the country, although on a smaller scale. These include:

  • Stork;
  • Ales;
  • Belarusian non-shattering;
  • Cartoon;
  • Natalevsky;
  • Starter;
  • Facet;
  • Chervensky.

Peas are an agricultural crop of which many varieties have been developed. Among them, you can choose one suitable for any growing conditions and intended purpose: some are good fresh, others are more suitable for canning or animal feed. Therefore, it is important to carefully study all their differences and characteristics.


City: Nizhny Tagil

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