How to fill a skating rink at your dacha with your own hands? How to properly fill a skating rink at your dacha How to make an ice skating rink with your own hands

With the onset of the first winter days, most people think about their pastime. After all, in winter you won’t be able to go outside and sit by the river bank with a book in your hand or, for example, go on a picnic with friends. In such cases, all that remains is to pay tribute to the old grandfather’s entertainments. This could be building a snowman, sliding down a hill, or ice skating. It is the latter that will be discussed in this article.

Ice skating has always been a native Russian tradition, so all our ancestors went out on the ice every year to enjoy their skating skills. In our time, practically nothing has changed, except that the skating rinks have become larger closed type, where there is neither snow nor frost. But at least sometimes I want to experience these childhood memories, ride in the cold, simultaneously throwing snow on my friends. For such purposes, you can create your own skating rink, for example, on summer cottage with your own hands, which will always be fun and cozy.

At first glance, it may seem that filling an ice rink with your own hands is an impossible task for anyone. ordinary person. But this is only at first glance. In fact, to create your own skating rink, you don't need to have any special skills. All you need is basic skill in handling tools and the desire to create something very beautiful that will bring joy to everyone, namely: an ice skating rink in the country or in the courtyard of a private house.

In order to start pouring the skating rink, it is necessary to correctly determine the location for the work. After all, if the place does not meet certain criteria, then the skating rink will turn out to be crooked and difficult for people to access.

Since the skating rink will be located on local area, it is necessary to clearly calculate the entire outcome of events. You need to take into account absolutely all factors, including:

— distance to the nearest residential premises;

— terrain;

— distance to the nearest water source and much more.

If we compare all these factors, then in most cases the most The best option is the backyard of a private house. This is because in the backyard, as a rule, all the conditions for filling a skating rink are created. For example, a flat surface, constant access to water resources, monitoring the condition of the skating rink and much more.

Video: skating rink at the dacha

In principle, the skating rink can be filled in any area that has relatively flat surface without foreign objects on it, and also has open access for visitors (not blocked by old buildings, the territory is not guarded by special services, etc.). It is desirable, of course, that the surface of the earth be as dense as possible so as not to waste a large volume of water and the ice does not crack over time, but it can also be done on a softer surface, for example, on a lawn. In such cases, you will have to follow some tricks, which will be discussed in more detail below.

By the way! During Soviet times, the most common surface under ice was asphalt. Thanks to such a very rigid base, the skating rinks were filled very quickly, and the ice could withstand very heavy loads.

How to fill a skating rink - step by step instructions

When the location has already been selected, you can proceed directly to the process of filling the skating rink. In fact, there is nothing supernatural here, you just need to follow brief instructions presented below.

First you need mark and clear the area of ​​snowdrifts, as well as from other objects that may interfere with the process of filling the skating rink. This can be done with a regular shovel or snowblower. There are only a few points to remember: the site should be relatively flat; there should be a small layer of snow on the surface of the ground (about 3-5 cm); If holes appear, then these places must be covered with snow as densely as possible.

Then the most important points, which should be observed very strictly. That layer of snow that was left on the ground, needs to be compacted very strongly. This can be done using heavy equipment or using a regular shovel, simply compacting the snow with it. The denser the surface, the more reliable the ice will be. In this condition, the site must stand in the cold for at least a day so that the snow becomes even denser.

When the site is leveled and the snow has hardened, you can begin the first pouring of the outdoor skating rink. Using a regular garden sprayer, it is necessary to lightly spray the entire area with ordinary water at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise the snow will begin to melt very quickly, creating artificial holes. As soon as the ice crust hardens, you can repeat the same operation again in order to consolidate the effect.

Now you can see the foundation of the future skating rink! Then it will be much easier. To fill the skating rink efficiently, you need to use a special T-tube design, which you can also build with your own hands.

You can do it like this: take a pipe with a diameter of 25 mm and approximately 150 cm in length, drill into it large number holes (the more, the better!), the pipe is wrapped in soft material, the water supply pipe is welded in, after which water is supplied to the device and the area is filled. Filling with such a device is a pleasure. All you need to do is lead it along, while the water is distributed in a very even layer over the surface.

Thus, it is necessary to fill the skating rink about 3 times to make the ice as strong as possible. Most last layer the skating rink needs to be filled hot water , so the ice will turn out to be of high quality and smooth.

Pay attention! If small holes appear during re-filling, you simply need to fill them with water, and then fill the surface again, thereby giving it a more even appearance.

That's it, the ice is now almost ready to use! It is only necessary to make sides of snow or boards on the sides, decorate it slightly and bring it into a more acceptable form so that guests receive even more positive emotions.

Video: how to fill a skating rink - instructions for beginners

How to organize skating rink lighting

Lighting at the skating rink plays a very important role, since the main time for skating is in the evening.

To make lighting, you must first take care of the power supply network to the skating rink. This is quite simple to do: you just need to run a wire from the house to the skating rink, make a switchboard on site, and you're done. But for greater reliability, it is still better to use the services of an electrician, because no one has yet canceled safety.

When a power source appears on the site, you can think about lighting sources. The best option V in this case There will be installation of several outdoor LED floodlights. They allow you not only to provide high-quality light to the area, but also save a lot of energy.

Another option could be regular LED strips located around the perimeter of the skating rink. But they should be used only if low lighting is required, which will only protect visitors from various kinds of obstacles. In addition, they are capable of creating some romantic atmosphere, in which it will be very pleasant to spend time with your loved one.

It is most pleasant to skate on the skating rink when true beauty reigns around it. To do this, it needs to be decorated.

The most simple option decoration is the creation of varied color range on and around the skating rink. This can be done in a number of ways - from using ordinary lighting elements (garlands, LED strips, etc.) to more complex jewelry with the help of trees, snowmen, etc. The simplest option, however, would be to install garlands and LED strips. But if someone wants to make a real piece of paradise out of their skating rink, then you can use your imagination and transform it with absolutely any things, everything that comes to mind.

The main thing in this situation is not to violate the integrity of the skating rink and not to create decoration elements dangerous situations. And if all the conditions described above are fully met, the skating rink in your yard will become the most popular place in the immediate area, where everyone can come every evening (of course, if the creator of the skating rink himself wishes).

Skating rink care

When the skating rink is completely ready and more and more people gather on it, over time it becomes necessary to carefully maintain it. After all, what more people skate on it, the faster the ice surface is destroyed, thereby bringing discomfort while skating. How do you take care of your skating rink?

First of all, it is necessary to constantly monitor the integrity of the ice. This is the most basic requirement. It can be done various methods, but the most optimal of them is periodic refilling of ice. This can be done using the same device that was made during the first attempts to fill a skating rink on your own site. You just need to apply several new layers of ice on top of the old ones. After this, the skating rink will become smoother.

Over time, cracks appear on the surface. With them things are a little different. Using a regular garden hose, you need to fill them with water, but not completely, so that as the water expands, the crack does not go further. After freezing, the excess can be cut off with a knife.

It is also necessary to periodically monitor the cleanliness of the area, as well as the integrity of the lighting system.

Let's sum it up

That's all you need to know to create a real skating rink on your street or property. This technique is suitable not only for home use, but also for use on a larger scale. If desired, you can make a skating rink several square kilometers in size!

When all the work is completed, you will be able not only to enjoy skating on your own, but also to invite all your neighbors and friends, who will surely appreciate the work that was not in vain.

After all, having your own skating rink is not only fun, but also profitable! You can go out on the ice at absolutely any time and skate as much as you want, no one will forbid you or ask you to pay extra for extra hours. Therefore, if you are tired of sitting at home in winter, you should think about filling your own skating rink in the yard.

Video: how to fill a skating rink near your house with your own hands

In order to avoid difficulties during further mowing of the lawn, it is necessary to carefully level and compact the soil before and after sowing the seeds. A self-made lawn roller, the drawings of which you will find in this manual, will help you accomplish this task quickly and easily. In the future, to care for the meadow garden tool can be transformed into a ripper roller. For this purpose, spikes from gun dowels or bolts or knives from steel rings that cut into the turf should be welded to its surface.

You can make a skating rink for free from scrap materials.

Looking for materials for a skating rink

A good garden tool for compacting the soil can be made from scrap materials. The “raw materials” for the production of a skating rink can be:

  • metal or rigid plastic pipes;
  • keg from bitumen mastic;
  • empty and thoroughly cleaned gas cylinder;
  • old car wheels;
  • plywood, timber and sheet iron;
  • 4 water bottles with a volume of 19 liters.

Manufacturing technology also varies from welding work before being twisted or tied with rope.

Roller drawing: a – smooth tamping roller, b – needle roller-ripper, c – roller diagram: 1 – body, 2 – bracket, 3 – cross member, 4 – handle, 5 – washer

How to make a homemade roller heavier

To make the instrument heavier, it needs to be filled with some material. There are several options for filling the skating rink cavity:

  • water;
  • sand;
  • sand and gravel mixture;
  • cement.

Each of the fillers has both advantages and disadvantages. So, getting water into the skating rink is the fastest way, but at the same time it is not as heavy as, for example, a mixture of gravel and sand. Yes, and premature corrosion of the seams with this method of weighting is ensured. Another disadvantage is the likelihood of leaving the skating rink with water inside for the winter, which will lead to its deformation.

Sand is more preferable as a filler, since it can be compacted tightly, and pouring the material, if necessary, will not be difficult. But there is no need to compact the ASG at all - after all, the volume of the material is almost 2 times heavier than the same volume of water.

If there is no need to transport the roller, its base can simply be filled with cement. The disadvantage of this solution is the inability to make the structure lighter for loading and transportation.

Roller made from a barrel with PGS backfill and a soft handle

Three master classes on making a garden roller

Since the need for this tool in subsidiary farming is small and it is often used only once, optimal solution– make the instrument yourself. You should select materials for the production of a skating rink based on your existing skills in working with them and the tools required for this.

Economy option using plastic bottles

In order to make a lawn roller with your own hands, it is better to choose bottles that are not equipped with a handle. Scheme of connecting the containers to each other:

  1. Place 2 bottles so that their bottoms touch each other.
  2. Make cuffs from the remaining bottles: cut off the neck and bottom and cut the plastic lengthwise.
  3. Secure 2 whole containers with cuffs and wrap the entire structure with thick tape.
  4. Tie the edges of the rope to the necks to create comfortable handle.
  5. Pour sand or sand-gravel mixture into bottles.

19 liter water bottle

The weight of the finished skating rink made from bottles compacted with sand reaches 100 kg. Instead of cuffs made from leftover bottles and tape, you can use self-adhesive PVC film. To make such a tool it will take no more than 30 minutes.

Metal pipe roller

To make a compacting tool you will need:

  • pipe, with a diameter of 300–350 mm and a length of 0.6 to 1 m for the base;
  • a small sheet of metal 2–5 mm thick;
  • pipe sections with a diameter of 20 mm for making bushings;
  • pipe with a diameter of 15 mm or a corner of 50 mm for the frame;
  • 2 bearings and a shaft for them (10 cm);
  • reinforcement for spacers.

Operating procedure:

  1. Pre-cut circles from a sheet of metal should be welded to the ends of the widest pipe. In one of them, make a hole with a plug for filling in weighting material (sand, ASG). Another option is to weld a circle on one side, fill it in and compact it with sand, and then secure the circle to the other side of the pipe.
  2. If it is not possible to use bearings, you should do through holes in metal circles to accommodate smaller diameter pipes.
  3. Weld a U-shaped frame from a corner or 15 mm pipe. In the version with bearings: drive the shaft into the bearings 5 ​​cm each and fasten the parts by welding, weld the outer parts of the bearings to the edges of the frame, and the shaft to the center of the pipe circumference. Without bearings - weld the edges of the frame to a pipe passed through the holes at the ends of the roller.
  4. Strengthen the fastening of the frame to the pipe with reinforcement spacers.
  5. Attach the handle to the frame. The best option– make the handle long and collapsible using a sleeve and fixing it with a nail.

Roller with T-handle and axle on rings for rotation

How to use a gas cylinder or mastic barrel

The procedure for working with an empty gas cylinder is similar to the process of making a garden roller from a pipe. The only difference is the careful preparation of the container itself for welding:

  1. Release all remaining gas, drain the remaining gasoline away from the fire.
  2. Unscrew the valve and fill the bottle with water, then drain it and repeat the entire cycle several times.
  3. Leave the empty container for several days to air.
  4. Cut off excess metal from above and carefully sand the resulting seam.
  5. Repeat the operations described above to make a hand roller from a pipe.

A barrel of mastic can be transformed into a convenient garden tool as follows:

  1. Place a pipe in the center of the barrel, acting as an axis.
  2. Fill the entire structure cement mortar.
  3. Attach the axle to the frame using bearings or rings and make a convenient, dismountable handle.

a – drawbar with handle, b – metal frame, c – bearing in the frame, d – axis on the cylinder, e – nut, f – hole for filling and draining water with a plug

When deciding how to compact the lawn with your own hands, you should proceed from the area where you plan to carry out the work. If it is necessary to compact the soil large area the device can be attached to a walk-behind tractor by placing a channel between them. Thus, the channel will “cut off” uneven areas in the area and ensure that the holes are filled with soil, and the roller will compact the soil surface.

Due to the fact that making a homemade lawn roller does not require any costs, anyone can try themselves as a master, and if that doesn’t work out, you can always buy a factory tool.

It is better to choose an asphalt area for the skating rink, which will not require additional leveling. Otherwise, the earthen surface will have to be prepared in the fall by filling holes and bumps with sand. To prevent water from flowing from such an area when pouring, make a snow roller along its diameter, like a curb. In winter, uneven areas in the area will need to be corrected with snow. It's best if you can get a small tractor. The loader, moving in reverse, will perfectly level the surface with its bucket. If you don’t have equipment, arm yourself with shovels.

You should start filling the skating rink in calm, clear weather at an air temperature no higher than -5 degrees. The wind may cause the ice to become uneven. The main question is where to get water? Ideal option, if there is a fire hydrant nearby. Otherwise, you will have to negotiate with the residents of a nearby house. Cooperate with your house elder and collect general meeting apartment owners. As a rule, residents will only be happy if someone fills up a small skating rink for them in the yard (and, in addition, a children’s slide). With the consent of the residents, employees of the management organization will let you into the basement, where you can collect water. The water consumption will be recorded by the meter. The amount spent will be divided among all residents of the house.

How to level the ice?

First you need to make the so-called “pillow” - the first layer of ice. For this you will need a regular hose. However, you cannot throw it in the middle of the site and walk away, otherwise the surface will resemble lunar craters. Water should be poured slowly in a thin layer. It is better to direct the stream upward so that the water fills the surface evenly. Can be used special nozzle made from a curved stick plastic pipe. Another option is to place the hose on the shovel and move it slowly.

By the time you reach the end of the hockey box in this way, at the beginning the ice will have already frozen and you can go to a new circle. To level out the resulting swelling and build up the ice layer by layer, walk with the hose two to three times. The procedure will have to be repeated for another two to three days until the ice thickness reaches 10 - 15 centimeters.

The last stage is leveling the ice with warm water. For this craftsmen come up with various devices. One of the options is the so-called drag, into which water flows. The equipment consists of a 160-meter pipe with drilled holes, to which a towel is attached. Another pipe is welded to this pipe, through which water flows from the attached hose. As a result, the hot towel drags along the ice, leveling its surface.

“All our childhood in the hockey section we poured the ice ourselves. The principle is similar, only we didn’t have such a design. Everything was simpler. One person was dragging a double folded wool blanket, nailed on one side to the stick. And the second one evenly watered this blanket with warm water from a hose,” says social network user Dmitry Evstratenko. “The wet large blanket was quite heavy and smoothed out the ice better than a rag.”

If you don’t have a hose at hand, you can water such a blanket from a barrel of warm water attached to a sled. In the future, small scratches on the ice can be repaired using a mop with a wet rag, the holes can be filled with wet snow, and the bumps can be cleaned with a scraper. If you actively use the skating rink, you will have to level the ice with warm water every week.

A skating rink in the yard is great entertainment for both children and adults. Here they can frolic, burn off their overwhelming energy, improve their physical fitness and just have fun. Naturally, such a skating rink must be built correctly. It is quite possible to do it yourself, but you need to know some of the subtleties of the process.

How to choose a place to work?

Before pouring ice, you need to find suitable place and prepare it. If you have multi-storey building, near which there is a homemade skating rink that can be equipped there. Naturally, you will need permission from all residents and the housing office.

The surface that will be used for the skating rink must be level, without any hills or holes. It is desirable that it has a slight slope. In this case, the water that forms after the ice melts will drain without harming the surface of the site. Naturally, it is necessary to decide on the size of the future skating rink. The site should be well lit, have full access and be far from the road.

Features of base preparation

All work should be carried out in suitable weather. The base must be clear of debris, snow and ice. Only now can we begin to prepare it. That is, you need to pour snow onto the cleared area and compact it well. The thickness of the layer should be at least 5 cm. The snow must be compacted very tightly so that you can walk on it freely without falling through. If the site does not have sides, then you can make them yourself from snow or wooden planks. If the base is prepared, you can start pouring.

What tools are needed for the job?

Before you make a skating rink in the yard, you need to collect the tools that you will need for the job:

Wooden boards (for constructing sides);

- (for compacting snow);

Medium diameter hose (can be a fire hydrant);

Sprayer (to ensure that the ice is homogeneous);

Large mop (to remove uneven surfaces and excess ice).

Naturally, you will need quite a lot of water, so immediately think about where you will get it. In this case, you can also come to an agreement with the house management.

Correct filling of the skating rink

Now let's move on to the actual spraying of water. This should be done at a temperature that will not exceed 4 degrees below zero. Otherwise, the water will take a very long time to solidify. Before filling the skating rink in the yard, prepare a hose, check how tight its connection to the tap is, and also put a sprayer on it. If this element is not used, then the ice will lie in swells and not evenly (especially in

Since filling a skating rink in the yard is not difficult, we must not forget about the small nuances that are present in the work. For example, both the first and all subsequent layers should be sprayed very carefully, without the formation of large puddles. Their thickness should be at least 1.5-2 cm. If the surface of the skating rink is not completely smooth, it can be smoothed with a rag and a mop. Do not fill in snowy weather. In this case, the surface will be lumpy.

Before filling the skating rink in the yard, keep in mind that you will need to do the procedure several times. That is, between the construction of layers it is necessary to wait for several hours so that the ice has the opportunity to harden well. Before each subsequent pour, the previous surface must be leveled and cleared of snow. Hoses with water should not lie on ice, as it can quickly melt under them.

Please note that filling must be done both clockwise and counterclockwise. In this case it is necessary in a circle. The wind in this case should blow at your back. If the ice has holes or cracks, they must be eliminated. For this, a slurry of snow and water is used. After the “repaired” area has hardened, it needs to be sanded.

Features of skating rink care

Before you fill the skating rink in your yard, you should remember that it requires some care. Only in this case will he be able to please both children and adults for as long as possible. For example, you will have to remove snow from the surface of the ice every time. If, after using the roller, defects appear on it, the surface will have to be refilled. The last layer needs to be updated quite often.

Clean the skating rink once a week using a mop and a soft cloth. After this procedure, the ice becomes not only clean, but also smooth. Plastic shovels can be used to remove snow. Naturally, all tools for maintaining the skating rink should have universal access. For example, children can remove snow from the skating rink, but adults will do the filling.

It should be noted that a similar skating rink can be made in the courtyard of a private house. Naturally, it can be much smaller in size, but it will not bring less joy kids Good luck!

It is currently necessary to initiate a public discussion on the issue of high-quality filling and maintenance of ice rinks in Samara, since, for example, in the Kirov region there are 230 thousand people. The only publicly accessible high-quality ice rink is the ice at the Voskhod stadium, and even there the entrance fee is 150 rubles. per person when playing hockey is prohibited. Such a discussion, firstly, can encourage concerned Samara residents to get involved in helping the municipality in these matters, and secondly, it can push the city administration to more carefully prepare the issue for the next winter season. This season, I believe that the work of the municipal authorities in this issue carried out unsatisfactorily. The importance of such work cannot be overestimated; it has been verified by practice. On weekends, more than 100 people, adults and children, come out to the site from nearby houses at the same time throughout the day.

Video “How to fill a skating rink”

In the fall of 2013, on the territory of my native school No. 73 in Samara, opposite my house, a wonderful multifunctional field with artificial turf for playing football and basketball in the summer, hockey in the winter. Until the end of January 2014, the field stood idle “under the tears” of the local children.

Dmitry Kotukov’s post “Battle for the Ice” inspired active action. Realizing that with all possible legal efforts and complaints, management companies and other organizations will pour ice, at best, by the summer, I decided not to waste my emotional energy and time on forcing officials to work, but instead help them organize the process of pouring ice, because the hockey player of the Metallurg team of the late 80s does not sleep in his soul...

We ourselves are novice ice makers and acted on the advice of experienced ones - the director of school No. 58 in Samara, Alexey Petrovich Degtev, and the director of the Samara Parks MP, Sergei Alexandrovich Kandakov, for which they Thanks a lot! That's why this instruction shows that anyone who cares can solve the problem of creating an ice field with certain personal organizational efforts and low costs. The tradition of playing hockey in Russia continues, there are also caring people.

Stage 1 - organizational.

Purchase a hose (required only rubber) with an internal diameter of at least 25 mm, a wall thickness of at least 5 mm (it is necessary that the hose does not freeze) and an appropriate length, equal to the distance from the water supply to extreme point sites. We found such a hose at a price of 80 rubles per linear meter including VAT;

Make a “drag” for finishing ice pouring warm water(more about her below);

Find a place from where warm water will be supplied and make a special wiring to such a source of warm water supply with the required outer diameter of the outlet pipe equal to internal diameter rubber hose;

Decide on assistants (2 people) to fill the ice. These can be either hired workers (our case) or caring social activists. Once the ice is filled and the skating rink begins to function, it will be easier to find help. But the first stage - the stage of pouring ice - has to be overcome by ourselves;

If the site needs to be cleared of excess snow and compacted, then it is necessary to find a qualified specialist - a loader driver;

Purchase entrenching tools for clearing snow from the site: shovels 4 - 7 pcs., wide scrapers - sliders 4 - 7 pcs.

Stage 2 - clearing the field and creating a cushion of snow approximately 10 cm thick.

Over the winter, approximately 50 cm of snow accumulated on the field. We invited good specialists- road workers who promised to do the right pillow of snow no more than 10 cm and compact it. They kept their word - well done! During 7 hours of clearing the field of excess snow, the loader never touched the fencing net or the sides of the box. The snow was compacted using a loader bucket while moving in reverse. The snow must be well compacted.

If you start pouring ice immediately from the beginning of winter, then you don’t have to wait for snow to fall to create a snow cushion (if the field surface is not artificial) and pour ice onto the existing surface when the daily average subzero temperature air for several days in a row.

Stage 3 - creation cold water“rough” ice cushion, approximately 10 - 15 cm thick.

For these purposes, it is best to use a fire hydrant, since it is faster and more efficient than pouring a pillow from a hose whose diameter is much smaller than the diameter of the fire hose. Firefighters from the Kirov district of Samara willingly responded to the request of the director of school No. 73, Natalya Borisovna Drozhdzha, and provided already unused fire hoses to help the school and local children. Using such fire hoses, we pour required thickness ice for three days in a row. Every day we fill the ice with cold water in at least three layers without stopping for at least 4 - 5 hours. Having spilled the outermost territory of the site, the initial one has already frozen and we again return to the beginning, and so on as long as the strength and time are enough. We do the filling in the evening, transitioning into the night. By morning, complete freezing of the poured layer of ice is achieved.

Stage 4 - finishing filling of ice with warm water.

For finishing ice filling we use the so-called. "drag", a special device that consists of one metal pipe(internal diameter 40 - 60 mm) 1.5 - 2 m long, welded at the ends and having holes every 7 - 10 cm along the pipe for supplying water to the ice, and another metal pipe (the external diameter is equal to the internal diameter of the purchased hose), welded to the first in the center with reinforcements, also acting as a handle. This design was made as a gift to the children of the microdistrict by the masters of the Samara Parks MP under the leadership of director S.A. Kandakov, special thanks!

We attach a rag to the first pipe, to places specially provided and made in advance, which will serve to smooth the surface of the ice. We connect the hose to a source of warm water, secure it with a clamp, attach the hose to the drag with a clamp, turn on the warm water and begin the final pouring. At least two people work with the drags, one drags the drag along the site, the other works with the hose so that the hose does not fall under the first person’s feet or onto the poured surface. It is better to walk not in a circle, but along the platform forward and backward, gradually approaching the exit so that the hose does not twist. Perform filling better in the evening, at night, preferably three layers. By the time the last longitudinal passage with drags is carried out, the layer of applied first ice has already hardened and you can go again. Warm water melts irregularities and gradually leads to high-quality ice coverage. Previously formed cracks and holes must be sealed with snow slurry before finishing filling. This work is similar to working with cement mortar. We take snow, dilute it with water until we get a snow slurry, and with a trowel we fill up the resulting holes and cracks.

Stage 5 - maintaining the ice cover.

Depending on the coverage area, 2 - 3 people are needed to maintain it in proper condition. As mentioned above, it is easier to find such people for an already created site than when the business is at zero. Snow must be removed from the site as it falls. Filling with ice 2-3 times a week, depending on the intensity of ice use. In 2 days of medium-intensity use, skates cut off approximately 1 - 1.5 cm of ice.

In weather of 0 and a slight plus, it is better not to renew the ice, but clean it; in weather of 0 and a slight minus, you can refill it at night. If you do not clear the ice from the snow that fell during the thaw period in time, then after the frost hits, the snow will weld to the ice and all the work may go down the drain.

And lastly, I propose that the city administration solve the issue of filling and maintaining the city’s ice rinks not just by allocating some money management companies or TOS, but systematically, by imposing the responsibility for pouring ice and its subsequent maintenance at all sites in the city to a single specialized organization(for example: MP “Blagoustroistvo”, MP “Spetsremstroyzelenkhoz”, etc.) since these ice fields are needed by Samara residents, and management companies are like a dog’s fifth leg

Over the course of two days on February 8-9, we open the new ice rink with a daily five-hour game of hockey.

Russian people are happy that they have the natural opportunity to skate on real ice, play hockey on fresh air, figure skating. At this time, children and adults are distracted from zombie boxes, computers, iPads and other husks. It's worth a lot.

Health and successful skating!