Duct exhaust fans are silent with reverse. Duct fans of the TD series. Why does a silent hood fan work quietly?

Modern ventilation equipment can provide a healthy microclimate in any room. But often this is achieved at the expense of living comfort, since accompanying work noise causes, at a minimum, discomfort and irritability, and even chronic fatigue.

Silent duct fans for exhaust hoods will help you get out of this situation. We will tell you how to correctly select an extremely quiet device designed for installation in an exhaust duct or a hole drilled in a wall. We'll show you how to understand the assortment, taking into account the characteristics and features of the work.

Silent duct fans on the market are traditionally divided into different categories and subtypes. But a healthy microclimate largely depends on performance characteristics. One of which, noiselessness, is even included in the name, that is, the buyer always needs to make a choice by determining a number of parameters.

The main ones are:

  • noiselessness;
  • performance.

If you like silence, then you need to start your search with the first characteristic, since it is this that has a significant impact on the comfort of your stay.

Device noise criterion

According to sanitary standards SN 2.2.4/, in residential premises and a number of others, the noise level should not exceed a moderate 30 dB during the daytime and 20 dB at night. Which are comparable to a quiet whisper and in many situations will be quite appropriate for kitchens, bathrooms and other rooms.

Everyone is silent duct fan, on which the complex is made special works. These include isolating structural elements from each other, for example, the engine from the body, as well as optimizing the aerodynamics of the blades, the channel through which contaminated air masses move

But you still need to remember that often the sound produced by these fans at 30-35 dB, even from a distance of several meters, will irritate users. This is especially true for situations where there is a bedroom or children's room next to a toilet or bathroom equipped with ventilation equipment.

As a result, you should know that truly silent, and without any compromises or marketing tricks, are considered models that have such performance characteristic does not exceed 25 dB. In this case, the sound of the fan running is comparable to a very quiet whisper.

Since the good is always the enemy of the best, when purchasing you need to remember that models that fall into the category of market leaders in terms of noiselessness emit no more than 20-22 dB.

And although the advantage over conventional low-noise models may seem insignificant, it may well become decisive after several years of operation. Those. when the performance characteristics of the device decrease, the bearings begin to wear out, the air channels become clogged with dust, and the anti-noise gaskets wear out.

All silent units of the presented type are suitable for use anywhere in the channel, which makes them universal and effective in any conditions

Comfortable operating sound ventilation equipment can provide a number integrated solutions engineers.

These include the following:

  • use of high-precision bearings- such high-quality and balanced products eliminate beating, as a result of which there will be no vibration, which, when resonating, can significantly enhance the sound;
  • high technology blades– one of the reasons for noise is the aerodynamic component, so developers, wanting to make the sound comfortable, carefully select the number of blades, optimal angles tilt, and also during manufacturing carry out precise balancing of the impeller elements;
  • use of technological buildingsquality material manufacturing (metal, plastic) eliminates vibration of individual parts and assemblies, aerodynamic noise of moving air;
  • using vibration damping pads– quiet operation is also achieved by using special types rubber as gaskets to prevent contact between the housing itself and the attachment points of the electric motor to it.

Gaskets have become an important design element; they insulate the fan housing from the air duct and wall.

Bearings, blades and special housings and gaskets - all this reduces vibration, turbulence of air flows and their resonance to insignificant values.

Today it is no longer uncommon to decorate ventilation shafts with modern soundproofing materials. Reduces noise and reliable fastening electric motor to the housing. The power plants themselves are common and are used on all types of fans.

Fan Performance Indicators

This characteristic is considered one of the most important, as it is interconnected with noise. It is clear that the higher the performance, the louder the electric motor and accompanying sounds sound.

As a result, you should not thoughtlessly buy for the kitchen or toilet according to the principle “you can’t spoil the porridge with butter”, as this can result in a decrease in the comfort of living and financial losses.

But avoid negative consequences not difficult. That is, the optimal power can be calculated, knowing that such an indicator must correspond to the derivative of the volume of the room and the air exchange rate.

For example, the volume of a shower room is 5 m³, and the recommended air exchange rate, according to SNiP, is 7-9. And to calculate productivity you just need to multiply cubic meters for any number of multiples. The result will be 35-45 m³/hour.

Being the most important characteristic For all kinds of duct fans, the performance must be calculated correctly, since an attempt to achieve silence due to a lack of power will lead to the need to buy a new unit. And excess power leads to excessive energy consumption, drafts and increased operating volume

Different ones perform a number of important options. Therefore, so that during operation you do not have problems with the device, you should pay attention to a number of characteristics when purchasing.

Which, in any situation, include:

  • design safety;
  • functionality;
  • geometric dimensions;
  • price.

Although all of the listed features are traditionally in the shadow of the main performance characteristics (performance, noise), they cannot be called secondary. Since each of them significantly affects the characteristics of ventilation equipment.

The importance of safe design

Since duct-type fans are designed for ventilation in all kinds of rooms, they often have to work in difficult conditions. Which create increased humidity in the bathroom, kitchen, toilet, the presence of fat particles in food preparation areas and increased dust in other rooms.

All of the above has a significant impact on the performance and durability of the unit. And most importantly, it affects the safety of living. Since particles of moisture and fat can always lead to short circuit and other negative consequences.

Each one used should be, at a minimum, splash-proof, and even better, moisture-resistant. An effective measure One way to take care of your health is to purchase a unit that operates on low voltage, which is considered to be 24 V, but its power will not be sufficient in all cases.

An important advantage of any duct fan is that it can ventilate air in several rooms at once, regardless of its location. And everything you need for efficient work This correct installation and sufficient power

And most practical solution would be to purchase a fan with a protection class of at least IP34. Because as a result, the user will protect himself and his loved ones from all sorts of unpleasant incidents.

The importance of equipment functionality

Modern duct fans intended for or in the kitchen are quite technologically advanced and the buyer has the right to choose a device with the most suitable operating mode, which can be:

  • standard;
  • auto;
  • autonomous.

In the first case, it is connected to the same electricity switch as the lighting of the room in which it is installed. As a result, both lamps and ventilation equipment are switched on simultaneously.

The shutdown procedure takes place in reverse order, that is, after switching off, the ventilation and lighting of the room stops.

The method described above is quite convenient and effective for use in, but is already considered outdated. The reason is that short ventilation cycles are not able to successfully cope with high humidity, for example, in a bathroom.

The purpose of all kinds of fans of this type is identical, that is, being in the duct, they must remove air masses outside the premises, but they cope with this task in different ways. And it all depends on the level of functionality of the products

Some species can work autonomously, determining the level of pollution on their own. Less technologically advanced fans operate based on programs embedded in their timers, and the simplest products are ventilated in the interval between switching on/off, which is carried out by the user.

This feature does not make it possible to effectively cope with the replacement of air masses with fresh ones or leads to excessive energy consumption, and an impressive one at that. The automatic ventilation option implies that the fan has a timer, which allows you to set the ventilation period taking into account the existing specific room conditions.

As a result, the procedure looks like this:

  1. The user, entering the bathroom or any other room with a fan, turns it on by pressing the switch button.
  2. The ventilation device removes contaminated air masses, even after a person leaves the room.
  3. Stopping occurs automatically after expiration user-installed period of time.

The advantage of this type of equipment is the ability to select the optimal mode for all cases. At the same time, user participation in the work is minimal.

The most modern are duct fans capable of performing air exchange in offline mode. What the presence of sensors (for example, humidity) allows you to do. The signal from which leads to the fan itself being turned on/off.

Although all duct fans are hidden from view, this is not a reason to skimp on the quality of materials or anything else. Since, in many respects, noiselessness, durability, and efficiency depend on this

The advantage of the latter method is its greatest efficiency. That is, the air is always clean, and user participation is not required; it is also important that there is no excessive consumption of electricity.

Shape, size and cost

Today fans with various shapes buildings.

Which are:

  • round;
  • rectangular;
  • square.

But you should know that mainly products belonging to the first type are used for household purposes.

Rectangular and square analogs are most often classified as productive industrial devices, so the owner of a house, apartment, or office is unlikely to have to deal with them. The only exceptions will be cases when vertical ventilation pipe in the form of a separate box.

Main geometric parameter household duct fans is the installation size. For example, this characteristic is always indicated on the body and in its technical documentation, since it is quite capable of affecting performance.

In addition, the indicated dimensions are standard values, which makes it easier to select a fan.

The cost of the models also depends on the features. For example, fans equipped with a metal casing, with the same capabilities, are several times more expensive than their counterparts with plastic casings, although this does not guarantee the opportunity to get much more benefits

Therefore, you should know that for household purposes, devices marked 100, 125 or 150 mm will be optimal. For ventilation in non-standardly large residential premises, restaurants, offices, options that indicate 160 mm or 200 mm are suitable. Products large sizes belong to industrial.

Since the performance, functionality of fans, quality of materials and the amount of work required to ensure noiselessness are radically different, their prices are also significantly different.

As a result, for inexpensive option you will have to shell out a very reasonable amount. But for a model capable of operating autonomously, that is, equipped with a humidity sensor, a controller and capable of operating guaranteed silently for many years, you need to pay many times more.

For comparison: for that kind of money you can buy a pretty decent smartphone. However, the most affordable fans are not the best option. After all, they are not designed for high level safety, durability.

Types of duct fans

Today at points of sale you can find fans of several different types.

These include:

  • axial, less often called axial;
  • radial;
  • centrifugal.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you should know them.

Group #1 – axial fans

A characteristic feature of this variety is the direction of air flows along the axis of the electric motor, on which the impeller is located, which is responsible for the movement of air masses.

Any axial duct unit is the simplest type of duct fans. Nevertheless, they are quite effective and economical. In addition, among such equipment there are quite a lot of modern technologically advanced and safe models that can provide a sufficient level of living comfort

Main advantages axial fans for all kinds of hoods are:

  • low productivity required to move air masses;
  • economical electric motor;
  • simple design.

The listed features make the units belonging to the presented type the most silent without any additional measures. This allows us to rank them among the most affordable, and therefore in demand for any household needs.

The main disadvantage is considered to be low performance, which is still quite sufficient for solving various local problems.

Group #2 – radial fans

Such devices are more technologically advanced than the axial devices described above. This is evidenced by the fact that air flows do not move directly along the axis, but thanks to special forms impeller blades are mixed, compressed and directed towards the housing.

In this case, a vacuum effect is created behind the trailing edges. This leads to rapid absorption of external air currents.

Radial units are more efficient than their axial counterparts. When choosing them, you should remember that there are 2 subtypes of such fans and the quietest are considered to be products with forward-inclined blades, and they are also significantly more economical than their counterparts with backward-inclined blades

Thus, the radial type of fan intended for exhaust comes in two types:

  • with shoulder blades tilted forward;
  • with shoulder blades tilted back.

The first type is optimal for silent operation; moreover, it is more economical, by an impressive 20%. But if performance is an important parameter, then it is better to purchase fans whose blades are tilted back.

An important feature of each radial fan For any type of hood, compactness is considered. This advantage is especially valuable when the installation space is difficult to access or limited.

Group #3 – centrifugal fans

This is the most modern, quietest and most efficient type of duct fans. Their operating principle is similar to their radial counterparts. That is, closer to the body it is created high blood pressure, and in the center there is a rarefied space, which leads to more efficient absorption of external air masses.

Centrifugal fans are the least known variety fans. Nevertheless, such products are among the most technologically advanced, productive and silent. The only downside is that they are too powerful for small bathrooms, toilets and even kitchens in ordinary apartments and even many private houses

Features of the design and operating principle make it the quietest. In addition, they can be installed directly into ventilation shaft apartments, which eliminates negative impact on aesthetic properties premises.

And most importantly, this helps to increase the power of units of this type and reduce the impact of moisture and dust on them, which extends their service life.

Regardless of the type of duct fan, its performance and functionality, it is recommended to clean it from dirt every 1-3 years. It is advisable to carry out the same operation with bearings, which will extend the service life and also increase safety

A significant disadvantage of any centrifugal fan is high performance, as a result of which they can only be used in rooms of 15 m².

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video provides an opportunity to familiarize yourself with what a duct fan is and understand the principle of its operation:

Among modern duct fans it is quite possible to find a silent model required power, characterized by durability and safety, and in various price categories. But at the same time, you must have a certain amount of knowledge or you will not be able to get the expected result.

Would you like to tell us about how you chose silent fan for installation in an exhaust duct? Share what was the main selection criterion for you personally. Please leave comments in the block below, ask questions and post questions on the topic of the article in the block below.

Updated: 09.19.2019 11:10:35

Expert: Boris Mendel

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Maintain an optimal microclimate in homes and production premises Duct fans allow. They represent electrical appliances, consisting of a housing, a motor and an impeller. The main task of a duct fan is to move air masses along ventilation lines. This could be removing polluted air from a room or organizing an influx of masses from the street. In each specific case, a device with a certain set of technical characteristics is required. Expert recommendations will help you make the right choice.

How to choose a duct fan

  1. Size. First of all, you should decide on the size and shape of the bends. The easiest way to do this is when the ventilation system is already installed. For round pipes select a duct fan with outlets of the same shape and suitable diameter. In the case of square or rectangular shafts, it is better to buy appropriate fans.
  2. Performance. The second important parameter is performance. IN technical specifications an indicator such as air exchange is indicated. It can range from 100-2000 cubic meters. m/h. For a private home, a duct fan with a capacity of 100-500 cubic meters looks optimal. m/h. But for retail and commercial premises, more powerful models are required (1000-2000 cubic m/h).
  3. Engine power not always directly proportional to productivity. The more powerful the motor, the easier it is for it to pump air, the less the load on its components and parts. The power range ranges from 10 to 500 W; it is better to choose models with a small margin. For example, if the project specifies a 130 W fan, then it is optimal to install a 150-160 W model.
  4. Noise level. For residential premises, a pressing problem after installation ventilation system The device may become noisy. Manufacturers indicate the noise level in dB (15-100). Many users, in their experience, consider electrical appliances with a noise level of up to 40 dB to be low-noise models. A higher sound load becomes annoying, especially when the duct fan is located directly in the room.
  5. Materials. As for the materials used in the manufacture of devices, manufacturers most often use plastic and metal. Steel casings and impellers are considered more reliable, but they weigh more and are more expensive. Plastic products benefit from silent operation, lightness and low price. Owners of private houses prefer to buy them, despite their lower strength.

Our review includes the 7 best duct fans. When compiling the rating, the opinions of the expert community and reviews of domestic consumers were taken into account.

Rating of the best duct fans

The VENTS TT Silent-M 200 duct fan perfectly combines high performance (1020 cubic m/h) and low noise level (36 dB). Experts highly appreciated the waterproof design of the steel case with polymer coating. Thanks to the special design of the impeller, the model is quite economical in energy consumption. Optimal combination everyone technical parameters allowed the device to become the winner of our rating.

Users pay attention to the ability to tilt and rotate the duct fan. They confirm the silent operation of the device, a sealed terminal box, and motor overload protection. The disadvantages include the absence of a regulator for external control of the rotation speed.


  • high performance;
  • tilt and swivel functions;
  • moisture-proof design;
  • motor overload protection.


  • lack of external control.

Soler & Palau TD-350/125 SILENT

The Spanish duct fan Soler & Palau TD-350/125 SILENT is somewhat inferior in power to the rating winner. The model is optimal for a small ventilation system in a private house. Its capacity is 360 cubic meters. m/h. Experts consider the main advantage of the device to be silent operation (20 dB); the installation diameter is 125 mm. The housing has reliable protection from moisture, high-quality sound insulation prevents the sound of the rotating blades from penetrating into living rooms. The model has 2 speeds, the rotation mode changes in steps.

Professional plumbing system installers note the durability of the fan. Some products installed by them have been working without interruption for more than 8 years. Only a high price can be included as a liability.



  • high price.

The Ukrainian duct fan VENTS TT PRO 200 was included in the top three ratings for its affordable price and excellent air exchange (1040 cubic m/h). Powerful engine(108 W) creates a high flow intensity. The installation diameter of the device is 200 mm. The model has compact overall dimensions and light weight (3.95 kg). The moisture-proof design of the case makes the device durable. The fan has two speed modes, which allows you to customize the ventilation system to suit your needs.

With all the positive qualities of the model, it also has a significant drawback. The fan produces a loud whining sound (52 dB) when operating. Many users find it annoying, but they note the combination of affordable price and high performance.


  • reasonable price;
  • waterproof housing;
  • high intensity of air exchange;
  • compactness and lightness.


  • loud howling sound.

The Soler&Palau OZEO-E multi-zone unit is designed for organizing ventilation consisting of several shafts. The duct fan is designed for large private homes and commercial buildings. You can organize exhaust hood from bathrooms and kitchen premises with high humidity levels. The diameter of all pipes is 125 mm. The manufacturer completes the model with three plugs, with which you can block the openings of the suction pipes. Its modest performance (420 cubic meters per hour) did not allow it to take a place in the top three in the rating.

Users are satisfied with the performance of the multi-channel Spanish fan; it does not create much noise during operation (38 dB). For ease of use, it is better to purchase an additional regulator from the same manufacturer.


  • multi-channel design;
  • moisture-proof design;
  • quiet work.


  • modest performance.

The German duct fan Blauberg TURBO is available in six different modifications. They differ in productivity (137-1750 cubic m/h), and are united by moisture-resistant design and high-quality assembly. The device body is made of impact-resistant plastic, the diameter of the air ducts depends on the version (100-315 mm). Thanks to the special design, the motor-impeller block can be removed without dismantling the entire device. The two-speed single-phase motor has overload protection; the fan is controlled using a built-in switch. It is possible to connect an external regulator.

The model could not take a higher place in the ranking due to noise (47-56 dB). Stops potential buyers and price.


  • wide choice performances;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • two-speed motor.


  • noisy work;
  • high price.

For ventilation of rooms with different humidity levels, the Bulgarian model MMotors VOK-T is suitable. But the main advantage of the fan, according to experts, is heat resistance. The device body and its impeller are made of aluminum alloy; some modifications are equipped with a fan made of heat-resistant polyamide. The maximum temperature is limited to 180°C. Electric motor It works quite quietly thanks to special ball bearings. The manufacturer guarantees up to 30,000 hours of trouble-free operation both when installed in horizontal and vertical positions.

User reviews criticize the duct fan for its low performance and limited duct diameter. The model ranks sixth in the rating.


  • metal case;
  • heat-resistant impeller;
  • low noise level.


  • poor air exchange;
  • small range of installation diameters.

By itself affordable price The Ballu FLOW 125 duct fan is sold on the Russian market. In addition to the attractive price, experts note such an advantage of the device as a low noise level (30 dB). Compact model Designed for installation in a pipeline with a diameter of 119 mm. By using plastic, the manufacturer managed to create one of the lightest duct fans (1.5 kg). The device comes last in our rating, because in terms of its main parameters it is inferior to its competitors. Thus, the air exchange rate is only 240 cubic meters. m/h, and among the additional options, only two-speed engine mode can be noted.

Users carefully examined the fan, finding it weaknesses. The main ones are the motor core and stator. They become dirty over time, causing the device to fail.


  • compactness and lightness;
  • low price;
  • low noise level.


  • The internal components of the motor are not protected from dust and moisture.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

The Lyuchki.RF store offers silent household fans for hoods from the Spanish company Soler & Palau. These are reliable models with a wide variety of characteristics, easy to install and operate.

Productive and silent

It is believed that more powerful ventilation, the more noise it will make. In general this is true.
However, low-noise household fans are designed to provide sufficient air exchange small rooms. They do not need such a high level of power as, say, for production shops.
So you don't have to choose between efficiency and personal comfort.

Silent exhaust fan

“Pulls out” the air, eliminating it along with it unpleasant odors and excess moisture, reduces the risk of mold formation and extends the durability of the interior.
At the same time, to ensure an optimal microclimate, it will be necessary to take care of the influx fresh air and occasionally ventilate the room.

Silent supply fans

Act strictly the opposite principle– “drive” fresh air into the kitchen, eliminate stuffiness, and promote accelerated settling of steam and smoke.
However, they require additional device to eliminate “exhaust” air. Since the layout and architecture of the room itself do not always allow for full circulation of air flows only due to the supply system.

How to choose?

The optimal characteristics of the model depend on many parameters, including the area and operating conditions of the room.
In the Lyuchki.RF store you can purchase a silent overhead fan with any:
  • diameter
  • productivity
  • power
  • color
  • design
  • additional options(timer, humidity sensor, etc.)
To select a counter-mounted household fan with optimal characteristics, contact our consultants. We have experienced specialists who are ready to answer any questions.

The silent duct fan is intended for use in supply and exhaust ventilation. It is suitable for rooms where there are strict requirements for noise levels, and where the amount of space where ventilation equipment can be placed is limited.

Duct fan device for exhaust hood

The device has an electric motor with an external rotor. When turned on, the rotor moves around the starter, making the engine economical and compact in size. Another advantage of this design is the precision and balance during assembly.

Most manufacturers pay considerable attention to the thermal protection of the unit. It's built into the system. Household fan The channel one has a thermal contact relay, which ensures reliability. Restarting is carried out automatically, thereby preventing malfunctions and protecting the device from possible overheating.

Our catalog contains various models fans with different housings. They come with a round plastic or rectangular metal body.


Round fans are easily installed in the ventilation network. Thanks to a large number various components and accessories, such a product can be installed in any room, and it will meet all the necessary standards and design requirements.

The device can be mounted in any desired position. Its main advantage is high power with the most compact dimensions. It is great for installation in tight spaces. Manufacturers equip their products with volume controls or transformers to make it easier to control room ventilation.

Main advantages:

  • Long service life
  • Small, lightweight design
  • The device is convenient and easy to assemble and install
  • Electric motor and impeller are located together
  • Ventilation power is controllable
  • During startup, energy costs are significantly reduced, resulting in savings.

The Spanish company Soler&Palau, in continuation of its permanent job dedicated to reducing noise levels in fans, presents a new product: the unique TD-SILENT duct fan.

Problem higher level noise in places where people constantly stay is especially relevant in modern world. Requirements for comfort in these premises are growing, requirements are becoming more stringent regulatory documentation. Ventilation systems, along with providing fresh air and comfort in the room, also introduce their share of noise into our lives.

At the stage of modeling a new fan, the developers were faced with simple tasks, because it was necessary to achieve unprecedentedly low noise levels and surpass the TD-MIXVENT series fans. Soler&Palau engineers solved this problem. Thanks to the use of a fundamentally new fan layout and high-quality materials, the noise level of TD-SILENT is lower than that of its closest analogues by 12 dB(A).

The heart of the fan is an impeller with diagonal blades and an electric motor located in a special casing. To significantly reduce noise levels, the designers created a double casing with a layer of special noise-absorbing material. The internal, perforated casing transmits sound waves, directing them at a certain angle to a layer of noise-absorbing material, in which sound waves are damped almost 100%. The transfer of vibrations from the fan housing to the air duct is prevented by special quick-release clamps with rubber seals. TD-SILENT fans are made of high-quality plastic. For ease of installation and maintenance, the fan is made of two parts: a mounting bracket and a fan housing attached to it.

The housing can be installed in any position relative to the fan axis, which, together with the rotating terminal box, makes connecting the fan to the power supply quick and convenient.

The TD-SILENT fan range consists of five standard sizes, with connecting diameters from 100 to 200 and air flow from 180 to 1100 m3/h. The factory warranty for TD-SILENT series fans is 5 years.