Sleep what does it mean on the air conditioner remote control. What do the buttons on the air conditioner remote mean: dry, heat, etc. Silent night settings

The symbols on air conditioner remote controls are usually standard. Once you learn how to use one remote control, you can figure out any other. This is the average version of the description that we will consider.

Buttons on the air conditioner remote control

The air conditioner remote control is a monoblock with a display and control buttons. It runs on batteries.

At the end of the remote control there is an infrared LED that sends a signal of a certain frequency to the receiving device located on the front panel indoor unit air conditioner The signal is processed and the device reacts accordingly.

As long as the user holds the button on the air conditioner remote control, the signal is continuous. The battery charge is used only at this moment. Because different manufacturers program their equipment for different frequencies, the remote control from Ballu will not fit the air conditioner.

The only difference is in the design, it doesn't matter.

The functions of air conditioners are usually standard. Therefore, the buttons on the air conditioner remote control are the same, as is their interpretation.

Air conditioner remote control buttons:

  • turning on and off;
  • mode selection;
  • increase temperature or time;
  • reduce temperature or time;
  • timer control button;
  • blinds button;
  • changing the direction of blinds;
  • return to factory settings;
  • TURBO mode;
  • SLEEP mode;
  • time setting;
  • blocking the remote control.

If the display is backlit, there is also a special button to turn it on.

Symbols on the air conditioner remote control

"Communication" with climate control technology occurs via the display on the remote control. Therefore, it is very important to understand what the numerous icons on the air conditioner remote control mean.

When switching modes the following appears:

  • Snowflake– cooling is on;
  • Sun (heat)– heating is on;
  • Drop (dry)– dehumidification is on;
  • Fan blades– ventilation mode is running.
  • SWING– this is a command for changing the direction of the blinds.
  • DIRECTION– now you can select the position of the curtains.
  • FAN– select the air supply intensity.

Additional icons on the remote:

  • CLOCK– setting the time;
  • TURBO– mode of the most intensive fan operation;
  • LOCK– remote control buttons are blocked;
  • LED– remote control backlight.

Remote controller remote control– this is a necessary part of the air conditioner, because without it you can only start the device in automatic mode. If the “native” remote control is lost or cannot be restored, you can purchase a universal one. It fits all models and copes with a standard set of functions.

What to do if the air conditioner does not follow the remote control commands:

  • Make sure that batteries are available and working;
  • Check whether the case is broken, whether the screen is intact, whether the necessary symbols are on the remote control and whether the buttons are pressed;
  • Make sure that the remote control is emitting an infrared beam. It can be seen in photographs or videos. If the remote control does not light up, you will have to buy a new one.

A modern air conditioner can do more than just cool the air in a room. It also has a lot of functions that make it a multifunctional device, and not a simple household appliance that can only supply cool air. In particular, we are now talking about the Heat and Dry functions.

Heat function in air conditioner

It is appropriate when the room is cold. By turning on Heat, the user activates the heating mode, and if the room temperature drops below the user-set temperature, the air conditioner starts heating the air. But there's one here important point: V technical specifications air conditioner is always written minimum value outdoor air temperature at which it is permissible to turn on the air conditioner at all. Most models can work as long as it is -5 C outside the window, and if the device is activated at a temperature of -10 C, for example, then there is a high probability of it breaking.

Some expensive air conditioners (for example, Mitsubishi) can operate at more low temperatures, therefore, if the main goal is to provide heating of the room in winter, then you need to look at models that can operate at -20 C.

Also, air conditioners (including inexpensive ones) can be equipped with a special winter kit, thanks to which the device can also operate for heating in winter.

Dry function

Everything is much simpler here. Dry involves dehumidifying the air in the room. If you feel a lot of moisture in the room, then just activate this mode. The air conditioner will begin to draw in humid air, extract moisture from it and turn it into condensation on the heat exchanger. Excess moisture is then removed through the water drainage tube.

This is the simple operation of these functions; we will also look at the rest in detail, but a little later.

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Air conditioners are multifunctional devices that change the indoor microclimate. Even the name of the devices hints at their ability to change the state of a room or area of ​​a room. - one of the most common household machines in the world. They are also one of the most useful; in the automated information age, a person simply cannot waste time lighting a fireplace to make the air around him warmer. Air conditioners also know how to make the space around them drier, colder, and, well, warmer, as already mentioned.

All these abilities would be beyond competition for the average person if most of the imported devices were not labeled in English words. The basic air conditioner button (which can be located either on the control panel or on the device itself) is divided into sectors, each of which turns on and regulates a separate operating mode of the air conditioner. Or the function of the control button will be performed by the control panel, which may look different. Basically, it's a scattering of buttons.

Designers from leading air conditioner manufacturers have not stinted in their work, since introducing instinctively understandable icons on the control panel that embody the process that is triggered by an operating mode tied to a button is not the worst idea. But not all models have this attribute, and all old copies do without such little things.

Air conditioner modes: icons and captions on the control panel.

The vast majority of manufactured air conditioners come complete with remote controls. These remote controls contain a display and an air conditioner control panel. The display can show the air temperature around the air conditioner, humidity and other parameters. The control panel may look different. It can be a single button divided into active parts, or a scattering of buttons responsible for their own algorithm of actions. One way or another, all the flexible parts of the remote control are marked with an inscription or, possibly, a clear picture.

Typically, air conditioner manufacturers use the same names for the operating modes of their products. If air conditioners use the shortest and most convenient names for their various functions, then there is no point in inventing something new. Moreover, the names of the modes have already become the hallmark of the entire air conditioner production, oddly enough. Keeping the same names is also beneficial for the consumer, because it makes it easier to find a guide on the Internet on which switch does what.

However, this logic does not always work. Sometimes the remote control is equipped with a different control panel. So when purchasing such equipment, it is worth considering this aspect.

Basic air conditioner modes and their designations.

Conventional air conditioners are equipped with a significant number of functions, but the average user is unlikely to use most of them every day. On the other hand, the user will overwrite the values ​​on the remote control that directly interact with the environment. The strength of their influence can be adjusted with a double button (+/-.) after selection on the control panel. Such operating modes can be combined into the concept of “basic”. The most commonly used functions are labeled cool, heat, dry, fan, and swing. One level lower in meaning and location on the control panel are modes such as sleep, lock, timer and the like.

In addition to text, modes can also be distinguished by illustrations: sun, drop, fan, snowflake, etc. Designations are associated with the properties of certain functions.

To quickly switch between the main operating modes, there is a “mode” button, which actually means “mode”. When pressed, the air conditioner will change the current mode to the next one. The shift is fixed in a strict order between cold, heat, dehumidification and fan. The procedure, however, depends on the wishes of the manufacturer.

“Heat”, translation into Russian in the air conditioner.

The heat mode on the air conditioner is responsible for heating the room. The word obviously means “heat.” When operating this way, the device consumes electricity to emit warm air, raising the air temperature.

The mode is turned on in spring and autumn during cold times of the day. In winter, it is better to rely on heating, since winter air has a negative effect on the components of the device.

If the air conditioner has modes designated using illustrations, then heat will be depicted as the sun.

“Fan”, translation into Russian in the air conditioner.

Among the air conditioner switches you can find the “fan speed” option. If we translate this word into Russian, we get “fan speed”. The function may also be referred to simply as "fan", which is equivalent to the word "fan". When selecting this mode, you can change the rotation speed of the valves in the unit. If you increase the rotation speed, the air conditioner will cool and heat the room faster. The fan frequently changes rotation speed as its operation is automated. The speed is calculated from the difference between the set temperature and the room temperature. The speed can be fixed using the button marked “fan”. As a rule, you can choose three or four rotation speeds.

"Fan" is indicated by a fan symbol.

What is “dry” for an air conditioner, translation into Russian.

"Dry" is an important function that allows you to reduce indoor humidity. This word is translated into Russian as “drain”, and the function is indicated by the symbol of a drop of water.

Other modes.


The most used mode is called "cool". The Russian translation of this air conditioner mode sounds like “cold”. And it lowers the air temperature, just as the name suggests. The reason why the regime is classified as “other” is banal. He's the main one. After purchasing such a device, any person will first press two buttons: the big red one, and then the button with the snowflake icon.


The set of modes also includes a less popular function, which allows air to be evenly distributed throughout the room thanks to the swing of the air distribution dampers (blinds). They are located in the device in front of the modules that create the air flow. If you translate “swing” (as the mode is marked on the remote control), you get “swinging”. After selecting this option, the blinds will begin to move up and down.

“Swing” has the symbol of three horizontal plates parallel to each other.

Air flow.

Another switch is associated with the “swing” option – the “air flow” button (or “air flow direction”). “Air flow” means “air flow”, and “direction” means direction. This function allows you to fix the position of the blinds, thereby directing the air flow in only one direction. To activate this function, you must first turn on the damper swing. By pressing the “swing” button, wait until the blinds are in the desired position. Then click "air flow". The air will blow in the direction the dampers point.

This option may be indicated by several wavy lines.


Another function allows you to set a timer for turning on the air conditioner. This mode is operated using the display.

The start button is indicated by the symbol wall clock or/and the word “timer”


Many modern systems capable of operating in automatic temperature control mode. In this mode, the air conditioner is able to independently regulate the air temperature if it does not meet the specified parameters. Such parameters can be set, or the machine can be allowed to determine comfortable temperature. One way or another, in this mode, the machine will independently make the air in the room colder or warmer if it detects excess heat or cold.

The mechanism will also prevent the room from becoming too dry or damp.

The start button is usually emblazoned with big word AUTO.


Sleep is a night silent operating mode. Sleep sets the ideal room temperature for sleep and maintains it. Almost identical automatic mode adjusted for noiselessness. And also that Sleep is more of a safety net in case of a sudden cold snap at night.

Night mode is indicated by a month or a star.

"Turbo", "jet cool", "powerfull".

The mode, called “turbo”, “jet cool” or “powerfull”, allows you to briefly increase the power of the device until the air in the room reaches the desired state. On average, this mode does not work for more than half an hour. The mode can have different names, they usually mean “full power” or “turbo mode” in Russian. If there is a button on the remote control that is labeled with some pretentious name, most likely this is this function.

It is also designated according to the power of the designers’ imagination: a muscular arm, lightning, and the like.

Remote control functions.

The remote control may also have additional features. These functions do not directly affect any capabilities of the air conditioner, but largely relate only to the remote control. Manufacturers often add them to their creations. As a rule, these are two main modes. Lock (close) protects the remote control from children, LED (light emitting diode) turns the remote control backlight on and off for comfortable operation at night.

Lock is indicated by an illustration indicating a lock, and the backlight is indicated by LED.

Unique innovations.

The remote control for your colossus may contain unique innovations from the developer. If, after pressing a button with an unknown word and an incomprehensible picture (for example, an arrow encircling a large number 24), something unclear happens, then it means that it has turned on some complex function. Descriptions of the capabilities of individual companies' equipment can be found on the Internet. But if after searching the answer is not found, then sooner or later the function will either be revealed, or it is not so needed.

I welcome everyone to my website “Air Conditioner”! Today I will tell you about the most incomprehensible mode in air conditioners - the “Fan” ventilation mode. This option is a basic one (present in almost all devices) and performs the function of ventilating the room. In this case, “split” creates an air flow in the room without an influx of oxygen, i.e. works like a traditional fan. Only some luxury models have the possibility of additionally introducing fresh air from the street (read more about this option).

How does the ventilation mode work and why is it needed?

The word fan means fan. After enabling this option, the device uses the so-called “shaft” (aka fan, aka drum with blades), located . Air is taken from the room, filtered and returned to the room. At the same time, layers of air of different temperatures are mixed and the entire room (apartment) has a uniform “degree”. This is convenient when, for example, the bathrooms are cooler than living rooms(or vice versa).

This option is also relevant when, for example, a person is sick - a flow of air at room temperature can refresh him. A cold stream can only do harm. If you have small children, this function can also be a life saver. Knowing what the ventilation mode in air conditioners means, it is easier to figure out how and when to use it. The mode is turned on in the following cases:

  • when the air in the room is stagnant, you feel that the air next to the radiators is hot, but the heat (or cold, depending on your needs) does not reach the corridors. Gathered near the floor cold air, and near the ceiling it is warmer, for human comfort it is better to equalize the temperature;
  • present in the room bad smell or dampness - is eliminated by turning on the shaft. In this case, the air is forced through existing filters (carbon, catechin, plasma, bactericidal and others);
  • when in the room optimal temperature and you just want to be under the flow of air (neither cold nor hot);
  • There are sick people or small children in the room for whom cold air is contraindicated, and a flow of room temperature will not harm.

Don't confuse ventilation with ventilation!

Ventilation involves the flow of fresh air from the street. But With traditional air conditioners, air from the street does not come in at all! Air
taken straight from the room. At the same time, the room temperature remains the same. This “FAN” VENTILATION mode is found in almost all modern air conditioners.

The most “advanced” models have special devices capable of taking air from the street, i.e. carry out VENTILATION. Outside air they undergo thorough filtration, after which it enters the room. Such devices are very expensive and extremely rare.

Do not confuse the “fan” mode and the “fan” speed control buttons

The fan mode on the air conditioner does not perform the functions of heating or cooling the room. It simply creates air flow like a fan. This same fan has several rotation speeds. Therefore, on air conditioners it is necessary to distinguish:

The rotation speed button does not turn on the ventilation mode itself!

How to turn on ventilation mode

Ventilation in air conditioners is activated using the remote control. The inclusion algorithm is quite simple:

Since the ventilation mode in traditional air conditioners does not provide fresh air from the street, then the use of this function does not exclude the banal ventilation of the room. Now you understand what ventilation means in air conditioners. I wish everyone good luck! Leave comments if the article was useful!

Household air conditioners have long moved from the category of luxury items to the category household appliances necessary in every apartment. In cities where the air from the street has long ceased to be clean, it is easier and more reliable to regulate the air temperature in residential premises using an air conditioner. Split systems are purchased mainly to cool a room in the hot months, but many people use them to heat the air during the cold season.

Often, on air conditioner control panels, the buttons are labeled in English, which seriously complicates its use by a person who speaks and reads only Russian. For example, the inscription translated into Russian means fan speed. This button on the remote control controls the rotation speed of the fan (shaft) of the indoor unit. Also this function may be marked with the words “Fan”, "Speed" or some other icon displaying the fan.

This button does not adjust the temperature, i.e. no matter what speed is set, the set temperature will be maintained (which is displayed on the remote control). But by changing the speed it is possible to speed up or slow down the cooling time room to the set temperature.

Buttons on the air conditioner

A household air conditioner can be turned on with a simple button on its body, but such activation often activates it in cooling or auto mode, which limits its functionality. The correct way to control the air conditioner is to use its remote control. But for an unprepared person, the remote control will be a “Chinese literacy”, which is difficult to master without the help of instructions or the Internet.

There are hundreds of air conditioners that have unique forms of control panels, but generally accepted unspoken rules force manufacturers to make the same inscriptions on the buttons, only changing their position or shape. This is done so that a user who has mastered controlling an air conditioner using one remote control can control an air conditioner from another manufacturer with the same ease. In most countries, the lettering on the remote control will be English, which is understood almost all over the world. Thus, a person who has mastered one remote control will be able to subsequently use any air conditioner in the world.

In this article, I will take a closer look at the functions of the Samsung air conditioner remote control and the meaning of its buttons. Most often, the split remote control has a liquid crystal monochrome screen, and the rest of the space is occupied by various buttons:

  • Power. When activated, the air conditioner returns to the operating mode in which it was turned off. For example, if the air conditioner was working at cooling to a temperature of +20°C before turning off, then when activated it will continue to work in the same mode.
  • Mode. This is one of the most important options. When you press it, the operating mode changes sequentially: Auto, Cool, Dry, Fan, Heat.
  • Smart Saver. When it is turned on, the electricity saving mode (t +24 +30°C) is activated, maintaining coolness.
  • Turbo. As the name suggests, this button activates the highest fan speed and provides rapid temperature reduction at the owner's request.
  • Auto Clean. This feature guarantees cleanliness internal parts device, thanks to the operation of the fan after turning off the air conditioner.
  • Quiet. Thanks to it, specified operations are carried out with a minimum noise level.
  • Air Swing (Blind position). Using this button, the position of the air conditioner “curtains” is adjusted, which allows you to direct flows of cold or hot air to different heights or in different directions.
  • Temp. This button will allow you to set the required temperature.
  • Fan. The Fan button on the air conditioner remote control will allow you to adjust the speed of the fan (it is also called a “shaft” or “impeller”).
  • Good Sleep. Adjusts the operation of the air conditioner when its owner is sleeping.
  • On Timer. Using this button, a pre-configured timer is activated.
  • Off Timer. Pressing this button disables the timer functions.
  • Time Up and button Time Down. Both buttons are needed to set the timer.

Fan speed on air conditioner

The Fan (or Fan speed) button on the air conditioner remote control is special place, it is she who regulates the speed of air distribution in the room when the air conditioner is turned on. Do not confuse the Fan air conditioner mode (which is activated by the Mode button) with the Fan button for fan rotation. These are two different functions, and their purposes are different.

Pressing the Fan button changes the speed of the air conditioner fan, whose task is to distribute cooled or heated air inside the room. Each time you press the button, the next mode (next speed) is activated, and so they alternate each other cyclically in a circle. The following fan operating modes exist:

  • Auto. When you select this speed, the air conditioner independently changes the fan speed depending on the algorithm (may depend on the current temperature in the room). Do not confuse Auto fan speed and Auto operating mode of the split system!
  • If you turn on the air conditioner in mode Low, then the fan will operate at minimum speed. This mode is best set during rest (including sleep) or when people are in a calm state. In this case, the “degree” in the room will change very slowly, without disturbing the owners.
  • In mode Medium The fan operates at medium speed and quickly cools or heats the room, depending on the set temperature. You could say balanced speed. This button often appears on the remote abbreviated as Med
  • Mode High on an air conditioner serves for the fastest distribution of heated or cooled air throughout the room and is characterized by the highest shaft speed. In this mode it will make a lot of noise. It is best to turn on this speed when there are no people in the room.

On many remote controls, the speed is shown on the display as a scale!

It is important to understand that the Fan button only changes the speed of the fan, and, consequently, the speed of air distribution. It has no effect on temperature regime operation of the air conditioner or any other functions. Also, this button does not affect the rotation speed in any way. external unit– it works independently according to its own algorithms.

Owners of air conditioners rarely think about how these devices affect the health of their owners. Based on user experience, several important recommendations for the operation of air conditioners: