Do-it-yourself MDF door slopes: what do you need to know?! Finishing entrance door slopes with MDF panels: how to do it yourself How to make slopes from MDF

When you decide to make renovations in your own apartment or house, sooner or later it comes to replacing the doors. In order to do this correctly, the master must have some experience in performing such work, since it requires care and precision at all stages of dismantling and installation.

It is natural that special attention should be paid to the finishing of door slopes and openings. Depends on how high quality the doorway is finished MDF panels, the visual perception of the door and the repair as a whole will depend.

Types of slopes and rules for installing doors

Slopes can be divided into external and internal, according to their location relative to the room. The final stage in the door installation work is finishing the door slopes. The main thing is to solve two main problems in this process: thermal insulation and aesthetic. It is also important to choose the right building material, which will be used for installing doors and mounting slopes.

The issue of choosing a work technology remains important. If you make the right decision, the doors will last for many years and will perform all the necessary functions. Without experience, it is difficult to make slopes with your own hands, but if you strictly follow all the recommendations, the result will not disappoint you, you can see an example in the photo.

Installation of slopes

Rules that will allow you to produce quality products installation work on the formation of slopes on the doorway:

  1. The slopes should preferably be placed 1.5-2 cm lower than the level of the box;
  2. the distance from one external slope to another must exceed the distance between two internal slopes;
  3. In order to install doors correctly and make smooth slopes, you need to accurately measure the dimensions of the doorway.

Various finishes

Today you can use one of the types of finishing of openings or slopes MDF doors DIY panels. The easiest way is to glue a pre-made slope to the door frame. You can see what it looks like in the photo. To create it, MDF panels are used. Naturally, this will significantly reduce the time spent on finishing work and will also facilitate the efforts made. You can even do this work yourself.

The advantage of MDF panels, which are made from compressed wood waste, is that they are not afraid of temperature changes and humidity fluctuations.

If you are looking for additional items from MDF decorative character, the shade of the color of the door leaf must be taken into account.

Central heating in the house involves predominantly “dry” finishing technology. For optimal thermal insulation and increased sound insulation capabilities, the box must be caulked. The joints that remain between the wall and the frame are traditionally sealed with a special solution. The panels used to cover the slopes are fixed using mastic. It is recommended to then paint the outside of the slopes; preference should be given to oil paint.

In houses where it is installed stove heating, predominantly use wet plaster (photo). The solution that is prepared for finishing work will include different components depending on the building material from which the walls are made, the level of moisture content in the air, etc. The main requirement will be that the plaster adheres tightly and reliably to the wall surface.

Metal doors require their own specific actions when installing slopes and finishing work. For slopes in this case it is better to use a cement-sand composition. If the slopes are wooden, then they are filled polyurethane foam. The negative aspect of this option is its reduced insulating properties.

Advantages of different finishing methods

The main criterion when choosing the finish of a doorway, slopes, etc. is the location of the door itself. If installation work is carried out on interior doors, then there is no need to enhance the thermal insulation properties; the main thing is the aesthetic characteristics of the door and finishing work.

Finishing entrance door slopes with MDF panels, on the contrary, requires increased strength, increased protection from temperature effects and increased soundproofing properties. You can see samples of them in these photos. More often, several materials are used for these purposes.

Some of the most popular ones are plaster and MDF panels. This is the most best option, which will provide protection from cold and extraneous sounds, while guaranteeing reliability and safety of external data for a long time even during active use

Do-it-yourself combined MDF panels

  1. The first step is to get rid of the gaps that have formed between the wall and the door structure. For these purposes, polyurethane foam is preferably chosen. When the cracks are filled with foam, you need to wait a little while it hardens, then use a mounting knife to cut off the excess and smooth out the unevenness as much as possible.
  2. After this, the installation surface is treated with a primer, this further increases the “adhesion” between the plaster mortar and the wall.
  3. It is better to apply plaster along beacons, which are metal profiles attached to the wall with dowels. Then the application will be as even and smooth as possible. Plaster is prepared from the following components: cement, sand, lime mortar.
  4. If you need to save time and are not afraid of additional expenses, then purchase ready-made putty, which is suitable for facade work. External corners are reinforced mounting profile, which is gently pressed into the uncured solution. The last stage is the finishing coat.
  5. Now you can start finishing using MDF panels. The cement-lime composition serves as the basis for the slopes. When it dries, the surface is thoroughly treated with a primer solution.
  6. Next, 2 side parts and 1 top part are cut out of the MDF panel. The glue is applied to the upper part of the surface of the slope and the MDF part can be pressed against it. It must be held tightly until it is completely stuck with glue.
  7. The 2 side panels are glued in the same way. To further ensure secure fixation, you can use spacers. It is recommended to seal the gaps that have formed between the wall and the MDF panels using a decorative plastic corner and glue them with “liquid nails”. When you cut MDF panels, you need to carefully measure all the corners to avoid mismatches during installation work.
  8. The doors are finished with MDF panels.

You can also view photo and video materials about the technology of finishing doors with MDF panels.

Installing a new door is a joyful event for every owner. However, the work is not limited to just installing the box and the canvas - in the end, it is necessary to design the slopes so that the structure looks beautiful and organic.

Of course, you can invite a specialist to carry out this activity. However, does it make sense to overpay for the services of a third-party master, if such a simple job can be done on your own?

For the design of slopes ( - article), materials such as plaster, polyvinyl chloride-based panels, plasterboard and MDF panels are most often used. Study the presented guides, select the design option that suits your case and get to work.

First step. Seal all gaps between the base and the door frame with foam. Allow the foam to harden and carefully trim off any excess blow-in with a sharp knife. Carefully smooth out any uneven surfaces using sandpaper.

Second step. Start surface treatment for future finishing elements. Apply a coat of primer to ensure better adhesion of the plaster to the surface.

The primer usually has to be applied in several layers. Focus on the situation - as a result, you need to get a perfectly flat and smooth surface. New Layer Start applying primers only after the previous leveling layer has completely dried.

Third step. Proceed with plastering. Buy ready-made facade plaster or prepare the solution yourself from a lime mixture, clean fine sand and cement.

Start plastering from the top door slope. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Level and remove excess putty using a wooden lath.

To further strengthen the outer corners, install perforated corner profile. It needs to be pressed a little into the still wet plaster mixture.

Allow the starting coat to dry completely and apply a finishing coat of plaster mixture. It should be more subtle. The main task of this layer is to level out minor irregularities. Wait for the finishing plaster to dry completely. Simple door slopes are ready.

Plastering is the most budget option design of slopes. Whether to give preference to this method or choose some other finishing method - each owner has the right to decide independently.

Video - Door slopes

Beautiful and inexpensive slopes can be made from plastic panels. First, the frame is prepared, and then the finishing is done.


For the frame, prepare a beam with a cross-section of 2x4 cm. They will be attached to the frame plastic panels.

Cut the timber into pieces according to the dimensions of the future slopes. Fix 4 perpendicular strips on each wall part of the doorway. Attach 3 strips to the top. Use nails to secure the elements.

Side elements

Finishing panels should be slightly wider than the surfaces being decorated with them. The finishing elements will need to be bent so that they beautifully “beat” the corners.

The plastic panels have a hollow structure at the end. Voids of regular shape are present along the length of the elements. To give the panel the required shape, make appropriate cuts along the mentioned voids. An ordinary stationery knife will help you with this.

If desired, even the columns can be finished with plastic panels, so there will definitely not be any problems with finishing the corners of the slopes. The joints will be barely noticeable.

Make the cuts exclusively on the back side of the finishing elements.

Attach the cut modules to the frame. For fixation, you can use self-tapping screws or small nails. Fix the bent elements to the wall surface. Work in this order:

  • determine the border of the finishing element;
  • make five holes in the wall so that in the future they will be covered by the edge of the panel;
  • drive wooden plugs into the prepared recesses;
  • screw the panel to the wooden plugs using self-tapping screws (nail).
  • Install all panels according to this algorithm.

Excellent door slopes can be made from plasterboard.

Video - Installation of a plasterboard slope on entrance doors, part 1

Video - Installation of a plasterboard slope on entrance doors, part 2

First step. Drill holes around the entire perimeter of the opening at a distance of about 200 mm. Hammer the dowels into the holes and screw the screws into the dowels, not tightening the ends a little.

Second step. Determine the appropriate dimensions for the starting guide rail. To do this, you need to measure three sides of the opening. Cut the guide according to your measurements.

You can make the upper guide according to the width of the opening, since in the future the side sheets will rest against the upper slope. You can make the side guides a little shorter.

Third step. Screw the starter rail to the wall using self-tapping screws. The long side should be placed outside the door slope, and the short side should be placed inside.

Fourth step. Mark strips of the required size on a sheet of drywall. Cut the drywall according to the markings.

It is very important to follow the cutting technology. Otherwise, the cut edges will be unsightly.

To cut, attach some long, flat object to the marking line, for example, a piece of a fastening profile. Cut through the top layer of paper. By carefully tapping the cut strip on the back of the sheet, break through the plaster, and then cut through the second layer of paper.

Fifth step. Prepare the adhesive mixture. Follow the instructions specifically for your adhesive.

Sixth step. Apply a uniform adhesive mixture to the back of the drywall strips. You also need to coat the pre-installed dowels with glue.

Seventh step. Proceed directly to finishing. Place the edge of the strip into the starting guide. Align the trim piece and then press it into the base. Secure the side slopes in the same way. Remove excess glue immediately, otherwise it will lead to deformation of the drywall in the future.

The slopes must be supported with spacers while the glue dries.

You can fill the gaps between the base and the drywall with removed excess glue.

Give the slopes 12-24 hours to dry and you can begin finishing: puttying, painting or other finishing of your choice.

Such slopes will serve for many years without any complaints.

Beautiful door slopes can be made from MDF.

First step. Prepare the basis for future door slopes. To do this, treat the base with a simple lime-cement mixture. Let the mixture dry and apply a primer over it.

Second step. Cut the MDF into three slopes of the required sizes. Before you start cutting, carefully measure the joining angles of the sides of the opening. Next, you need to cut the ends of the trim pieces according to the measured angles.

Before you begin installing the panels, make sure the joints are correct. To do this, attach the elements to be connected to each other. Try not to have any gaps - they will ruin appearance finishing.

Third step. Apply the required amount of adhesive mixture to the top of the doorway. Press the corresponding trim element onto the glue and support it until the glue dries completely. Fix the side elements in the same way.

For maximum quality fixation of the elements, place spacers between them.

Hide the gaps between the base and the fixed slopes using plastic corners. To attach the corners, use liquid nails or other suitable glue.

Try to select panels for making slopes whose appearance would be as close as possible to the appearance of the door leaf. This finish will look as complete and beautiful as possible.

Thus, a wide variety of materials can be used to arrange door slopes. Select suitable option, follow the instructions given, and you will be able to cope with the tasks as well as any specialist.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself door slopes

If the width of the slope does not exceed 20-25 cm, the laminated panel can be installed using liquid nails and polyurethane foam. The method requires a minimum of time, and the result is good.

Preparing the slope elements

Laminate door slopes consist of three parts: two side parts and one top part. If the slopes are made at an angle, then one edge of the sidewalls will be beveled.

This is what the “pattern” for a slope made of MDF or laminated chipboard looks like:

Measure the distances from door jamb to the corner in several places, cut off the strip to the required width and height. The cut out sides should be a couple of centimeters higher than the required length - just in case they missed the dimensions. You can cut it off, but you can’t build it up.

You try on the sides, insert the top. If the edge is flush with the main wall, and the gaps are near door frame minimal - everything is done correctly. If there are mistakes, we correct them.

After cutting off the parts, try them on on the spot.

Then the outer edge of the chipboard or MDF is trimmed - a trim film is glued on: you do not nail the platbands to the very edge, so that some part will be visible. That's why it needs to be decorated. You can do without trimming if you trim the edge with a matching decorative corner. But it is made of plastic, and how good it will look is the question.

Applying the trim film is easy. She is on adhesive based. Only the edge must be smooth and clean - free from dust and dirt. Glue the trim strip evenly onto it, then take a dry cotton fabric that does not fade, and iron the end through it with an iron (at medium power). Then it sticks tightly, but all the irregularities are visible, so saw off evenly.

If you can choose a plastic corner to match, it looks good, and there is less work: it is glued with liquid nails or silicone

If a telescopic platband is used at the final stage of finishing the slope, a groove is made under it using a milling cutter in the laminated end. The width is exactly for the tenon of the platband, the depth is a little more than required so that it “fits” well. For a regular MDF trim, you don’t need anything. It simply sticks onto liquid nails.

Installation of slopes

Having completed all the preparations, we begin to install MDF slopes ( laminated chipboard). The end facing the door is coated with liquid nails. It is better to take a transparent composition - it will not be visible. The jamb to which the MDF is glued is degreased. Having pressed the sidewall, it is placed in the desired position, checking the verticality and maintaining the same indentation. Then peel it off and wait until the glue dries a little. After 5-7 minutes, the fragment is installed in place, checking the position relative to the walls.

The second side panel is installed in the same way, and then upper part. The top expands additionally: spacer wedges are installed above the place where it joins the sidewalls. This will prevent the trim from bending and additionally “pinches” the sidewalls.

Having installed all parts of the MDF slope, place wedges at the top


After the wedges are inserted, check whether everything is aligned correctly and evenly. If everything is fine, take the foam and place “patches” in the gap between the panel and the wall - apply a small amount of foam in islands. They should be full depth, but not wide. There is no need to fill the entire volume: a lot of foam will be required, and it may bend. Therefore, make islands.

After polymerization of the applied foam, the slope fragments are held rigidly. Now you can start filling the empty space. It is also more convenient to seal it with foam, but not to the full depth, but only in front.

The procedure for fixing slopes made of laminated fiberboard

After the foam has hardened, its excess is cut off with a knife. You can start finishing.

Installation of platbands

This part of the work is carried out in a standard way: first, one side panel is measured and cut, then the top one, then the second side panel. After trying on everything folded and checking the accuracy of the joining, the platbands are installed on foam or liquid nails - depending on the situation.

Alternative methods for installing plasterboard slopes

Installing a plasterboard slope on a window

You can bring the slopes into perfect evenness using drywall. The plasterboard material is selected to be moisture-resistant, since fogging of windows and condensation will quickly destroy the gypsum material. Regular sheets of drywall are used, but then a primer is used, as well as protective agents and paint. In some cases, a window block with profiles on the sides is used, which is the basis of the entire slope.

For installation, a profile is used, which is installed on the window frame, resulting in a frame. The profile must be coated with acrylic sealant, and then the window must be covered. The space between the wall and the plasterboard material is filled insulating materials. Next, everything is fixed with self-tapping screws. You can also glue drywall with glue. The mixture is applied to the drywall, after which it is pressed against the wall and held for several seconds, everything is set to the level.

Important! It is convenient to use a metal frame if severe deformation occurred during window replacement and the design cannot be corrected in any other way. Installation is carried out using self-tapping screws directly to the profile, the cracks must be sealed with polyurethane sealant

Next, a primer is applied, plaster and putty are applied in 2-3 layers. After drying, everything should be painted with colored or white paint. It is recommended to cover the slope angle using a decorative corner.

The surface can be designed in any way you like, desired interior. They also make arches on the window or a standard U-shaped window slope.

Installation of PVC slopes (video)

How to choose a finishing method

Cladding can be done in different ways. The standard method includes attaching a ready-made slope directly to the box itself. In this case, there is a great saving of time, since it is not necessary to make the slopes for the entrance doors themselves.

There is a finishing option using plasterboard or plaster. This method is considered no less popular, however, not everyone can carry out such finishing, since this requires some knowledge in the construction field.

In order to decide on the method, you need to know the type installed box. If door slopes are installed on interior design, insulation in this case is not required. Here, the best option would be cladding with decorative materials.

As for entrance doors, they require more careful and attentive work. Here, the best option would be MDF panels (fibreboard). Their popularity is quite high, since this material is not affected by temperature and dampness. The color of the panels in this case is selected in accordance with the color of the door itself. TO high-quality finishing This includes the combined use of MDF with plaster.

Why do you need window treatments?

The interior decoration of plastic windows carries not only decorative function, but also protective. The installation seam must be reliably protected from the influences exerted on it so that the window system as a whole functions correctly: the glass does not fog up or freeze, and condensation does not accumulate on the slopes.

The installation seam on the outside must also be reliably protected from the effects of precipitation, wind and sun rays, under the influence of which expanded polystyrene is destroyed. You can effectively protect it by installing metal slopes and trims on plastic windows for exterior finishing, which will give the window a neat, finished look.

For the interior decoration of a window opening in a house, different types of material are used. This could be decorative plaster, do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels or drywall on the slopes of plastic windows. The decoration of internal slopes with decorative looks impressive artificial stone. To understand which of these methods is better, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Why laminate

The use of slopes was previously used to strengthen the doorway, but today it has become more of a decorative part, which is why laminate is used. So why laminate and not another type of material.

Laminated slope

First, let's look at the features of laminate to understand why this material is often used for decorating slopes.

The laminate is a four-layer lamella. The base of the lamella is MDF, impregnated with resins and having a protective layer on each side. On the front side of the lamellas, under a protective film, there is paper with a pattern that imitates the surface of a stone or the texture of wood. Therefore, laminate is popular due to the variety of shapes and structures.

These statements are supported by the following characteristics of the laminate:

  • affordable price. Laminate is also popular because of its affordable price, and since the slopes do not require the use of high-strength lamellas, you won’t have to spend money like you would on flooring.
  • aesthetics. As already mentioned, the lamella can imitate wood or stone. In addition, it has many colors and shades, thanks to which you can choose the material both for a certain material and for the design of the room.
  • easy installation. The panels are easy to install. Locking mechanisms are used to connect two lamellas, so that the joints are smooth and there are no gaps between them.
  • wear resistance. Laminate endures abrasion and other loads, and when used for finishing slopes, it does not experience such effects, so it will last a long time.
  • lasting. Capable of withstanding heavy weight and impact.
  • moisture resistance. Regarding this indicator, we can say that it depends on the class of the material, but even low-quality laminates can withstand exposure to moisture.

Against the background of these positive properties laminate we can say that this material is beneficial for decorating slopes.

Opening design options

The opening after installing a metal door looks unpresentable and requires finishing work.

The most common types of decoration are:

  1. plastering the opening with ordinary cement mortar;
  2. forming edges using drywall sheets;
  3. finishing doorways MDF panels;
  4. plastic linings;
  5. wooden extensions;
  6. an opening trimmed with decorative stone.

The most common are considered plastering work on the design of openings.

These elements have their own characteristics that need to be taken into account when choosing an installation option.

Entrance door slopes must meet the following requirements:

  1. should serve as a beautiful detail that matches not only the entrance area, but also the entire interior;
  2. must have good thermal insulation properties, preventing cold air from entering the apartment;
  3. must be strong enough not to be accidentally broken;
  4. Such a characteristic as resistance to scratches and mechanical stress is also valued, because they often cling to the slopes and touch them with objects brought in and out through the door.


The plaster solution is applied in several stages and rubbed in well.

The most labor-intensive option is considered to be plastering the opening with cement mortar. But it also has its advantages. Such slopes are monolithic and completely cut off the possibility of cold air penetrating through them.

The plastering process is carried out in several stages and can take 3-4 days, since it is necessary to wait for the previous one to dry before applying the next layer. After finishing the plastering, you can paint the surface or stick any material on it.

Important. If you already have metal doors installed with MDF finishing, then take care of their safety during the plastering work


The photo shows the process of applying glue to the back side of drywall blanks.

This option is used quite often when there is no time or desire to do plastering work.

There are two options for working with plasterboard sheets:

  1. glue installation;
  2. installation on guides.

For doorways, adhesive installation is more often used. Special glue is diluted thickly and distributed in cakes in the form of beacons across back side plasterboard blanks. The strips are then glued into place, leveling is done by pressing the sheets until the glue dries.

Important. The disadvantage of this method is that there is free space under the plasterboard strips, and the plasterboard can be accidentally punctured during operation.

The process of finishing MDF door slopes consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation and insulation of the opening.
  2. Plastering.
  3. Preparation of MDF fragments for finishing.
  4. Installation of panels.
  5. Installation of platbands.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

The initial stage of arranging a doorway consists of from door preparation and the entire adjacent space for finishing work.

To do this you need:

  • remove from the door all elements that will interfere with installation (handles, chains, locks);
  • cover thoroughly plastic film door leaf and adjacent walls (in case there is no general repairs). You can lay out sheets of cardboard on the floor so as not to damage its surface;
  • clean slopes of dirt, dust and old plaster. The surface can be treated with a primer (antiseptic impregnation);
  • Use polyurethane foam to treat the gaps between the door frame and the opening (to improve thermal and sound insulation). Upon completion of work, excess foam will need to be cut off with a sharp knife;
  • styling electrical wires(cable) for installing lighting above the door opening.

To prevent the cold from outside from penetrating into the room, along the door slope lay a layer of insulation from:

  • mineral wool;
  • isolona;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • padding polyester;
  • foamed polystyrene.

It is also possible to spray insulation, which will cost more.

Plastering slopes

To facilitate further cladding, as well as to eliminate remaining gaps, you should carefully plaster the slopes. Applying a small amount of plaster on them will be sufficient, and it is not necessary that the surface be plastered perfectly evenly. At the corners of the slopes you need to install special profiles that will not only help make them even, but also strengthen the corner segments.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

Before finishing the opening slopes with facing panels, it is necessary to take measurements and then cut the material into fragments of the required size. In order to take measurements correctly, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • square;
  • templates for creating patterns.
  1. Correct “cutting” of the material suggests that you need to start with the strip that will be secured first.
  2. When marking, you will definitely have to take into account that the edges of the corners of the door slope have a certain angle of inclination.
  3. All subsequent panels prepared for installation will be installed after the initial one has already been secured.
  4. When starting to work with the side panels, be sure to take into account the presence of a threshold (to ensure free movement of the door).
  5. It is best to cut the material with an electric jigsaw. Its cutting element allows you to get an even cut, without burrs or chips.

Panel installation

Installation of facing material is performed in the following order:

  1. Panels that do not have a locking connection are attached to the frame. It is constructed from aluminum profiles or wooden planks (the more preferable option).
  2. Determining the level of finishing placement. First of all, you need to take into account the thickness of the panels, because their protruding edges can interfere with the free movement of the door leaf.
  3. Fastening the frame to the wall with bolts (the wooden plank is attached directly to the door frame using a drill).
  4. Installation of MDF panels on the frame. First, the top crossbar is fixed to the frame, then they begin to finish the side parts of the slopes, while the protruding excess parts of the panel are cut off. It is quite possible to reverse the order of installation of the panels, i.e. start with finishing the sides of the door slopes.

The cladding can be nailed to wooden planks using small nails without heads or glue with liquid nails .

To complete the finishing, the protruding foam is cleaned off with a painting knife. If necessary, it will need to be puttied to prevent destructive effects. external factors(temperature and humidity). At the same time, the new door slopes must remain clean, and therefore they will have to be carefully covered with masking tape.

Installation of platbands

The doorway becomes ideal in appearance after the final finishing stage. This includes:

  • installation of platbands (they are installed in the upper part of the door opening);
  • masking material joints on door slopes. The nail heads are carefully covered with mastic, matched to the tone of the finishing material (for this you can use furniture stickers).

The simple technology of covering door slopes with MDF panels will especially appeal to those who try to carry out repair work with their own hands.

Why should you choose laminated slopes for PVC windows?

Plastic is the basis of modern double-glazed windows. For this reason, plastic finishing of openings looks most harmonious and appropriate. PVC panels are manufactured both in standard white color and, after applying a special laminating film, in the most various shades. Laminated slopes for wood-effect windows are especially in demand, completely imitating the color and texture of natural wood.

The undoubted advantages of sandwich panels are:

  1. Reliability and practicality. Slopes made of plaster, plasterboard or natural wood, subject to conditions high humidity, may crack, delaminate, grow mold or mildew. All components of PVC panels are resistant to moisture and microorganisms, so the flawless appearance of the windows is maintained for a long time;
  2. Tightness and sound insulation;
  3. Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, moisture, low temperatures and mechanical damage. Thanks to this, laminated slopes can be installed both indoors and outdoors. A window opening decorated in this way on both sides looks simply luxurious;
  4. Easy to install and cost effective.

Main types of finishing panels

Various types of panel material can be used to finish window slopes.

MDF products

This option is not so common, but has its own characteristics:

  • MDF slopes require more careful finishing. Due to the fact that the window opening is located on walls that are in contact with the street, there is a high probability of moisture penetration through cracks and crevices. Therefore, there is a need to completely seal the surface and assembly seams.
  • MDF has a specific material size that limits its use in some areas. Although there are wide options, they have a narrow selection of textures and colors.
  • Plastic windows are not always compatible with such products. Difficult to pick required option, which would look good against the background of white plastic.
  • MDF looks most successful on doorways or balcony blocks.

Finishing window slopes with MDF panels

In reality, such material will great solution m, if you think about it correctly overall design premises. The combination that imitates a cut of natural wood looks especially advantageous.

Plastic wall panels

Plastic panels for slopes are the most popular option and are used everywhere. There are many factors that contribute to this:

  • Cheap material. These products have a lower price than other options. Naturally, you should beware of purchasing panels that are unreasonably cheap.
  • Easy to install. Installing panels yourself is an event that does not require professional skills or the use of special devices.
  • Variety of options. Modern technologies make it possible to produce many variations of textures and colors. This means that the products are excellent for decorating various types of interiors.

Plastic panels are often used for finishing slopes, due to the low cost of the material and ease of installation.

Of course, there are certain difficulties that arise during work.

  1. So, if you plan to sheathe areas more than twenty-five centimeters wide, then it is necessary to install additional support points. Otherwise, the coating will literally begin to “walk.”
  2. We must not forget that it is advisable to perform additional insulation. If you do not do this, then when you come into contact with the surface of the plastic slopes, you will feel cold.
  3. The material is not very resistant to mechanical damage. It's easy enough to ruin.

Slopes made of PVC panels are rightfully considered the most a good option. After all, even insulation work will not be required special costs.

Slopes made of PVC panels look very impressive, but require additional insulation

PVC sandwich panels

This option is a type of plastic panels that has better characteristics. Naturally, this component affects the price of the material. Such products have the following features:

  • The material consists of two sheets of plastic, between which there is a layer of heat-insulating material. This feature allows you to avoid additional work on slope insulation.
  • Installation of the product is carried out without special costs. Naturally, care and accuracy of preliminary calculations are required.

Sandwich panels contribute additional insulation window openings

It must be borne in mind that the sandwich has one negative feature. So, if the window opening is sealed incorrectly, moisture penetration can cause damage to the material. That is, its delamination will occur.

Of course, there are other panel options for finishing slopes:

  1. Products made from natural wood. This option is different at a high price and high installation requirements.
  2. Gypsum-based material lined with PVC.
  3. Metal options. This is a more exclusive modification that requires special conditions.

Slopes made of natural wood

Thus, there are many options that differ in their technical characteristics, but have practically the same installation technology.

Method two

MDF slope finishing

Installation of panels on the finished surface. Making such slopes is somewhat more difficult, but since cold zones most often form in the area of ​​the front door, this method additionally insulates and insulates the wall.

For such finishing of slopes, you will need a more extensive set of tools and materials, as well as a certain skill in plastering.


  1. Rule.
  2. Spatula or trowel.
  3. Gun for liquid nails.


  1. Plaster mixture.
  2. Liquid nails.
  3. Lighthouses, two per slope.
  4. MDF panels and decorative corners.


As in the first option, we first prime the wall; this will never be superfluous. Next, we install beacons along which the coating will be leveled. This can be done using liquid nails or alabaster solution.

We cover the space between the beacons and the beacons themselves with a solution of plaster mixture, and remove the excess using the rule to create a flat surface.

Important! The layer of plaster should be approximately 7 mm less than the frame of the front door. This will allow the panel to be installed flush with the frame.

Door slope in the apartment

Now, the plaster needs to be allowed to dry thoroughly and only after that can you proceed to the installation of the panels.

The panels are fastened using liquid nails, which are applied both to the panel itself and to the walls. The panel is pressed tightly against the surface and held in this position for some time, usually only a few minutes.

The slopes are ready, and you can install the corners. The same liquid nails or any other glue capable of connecting the plastic to the paper surface of the panel will do.

Marking and cutting

No less important stage in the process of finishing door slopes than preparation and installation itself is cutting the necessary fragments. In order to take measurements as accurately as possible, one tape measure will not be enough. Use a square and templates to create unique patterns.

You need to start with the bar that you plan to secure first. This is usually the top panel. Please note that in most cases the edges of the slopes are not evenly cut, but run slightly at an angle. All this should be displayed on MDF. Subsequent elements must be applied after installing the initial panel. That is why the process of marking and cutting is combined with installation.

Cutting MDF panels should start from the top strip

You can cut MDF using a hacksaw or saw, but the best option is a jigsaw. Thanks to its cutting element, it is possible to obtain a perfect cut without chips or burrs. Plus, you won't have to put in any effort.

When working with sidewalls, be sure to take into account the presence of a threshold. This important point, as it can significantly affect the height of the side bars

Types of window slopes and their advantages

How to make slopes on windows with your own hands depends on the location of such an opening. The slope can be external, internal and external. When installing the inside of the window, there is no functional role from the design, except for the tightness of the system. The cladding serves to hide the joints between windows and walls. An external slope is necessary to absorb extraneous noise from the street, as well as to preserve heat.

Why do you need slopes on windows?

The finishing of window slopes inside can be different, based on the material:

  1. Plastering.
  2. Wooden.
  3. Plasterboard.
  4. Plastic.
  5. Sandwich panel.

A description of each type with pros and cons is presented in the table:

View: Description:
Plastering: The classic way to design a window opening using cement or plaster. Installing a window made of plaster material will take a lot of time, at least a couple of days, due to the duration of drying of the solution at each stage. Working with putty and plaster is labor-intensive and requires certain skills, but you can use it anywhere. The material is the cheapest, after application to the walls, it requires smoothing and painting.
Wooden: Wood is more often used if the window is also made of wood. In this case, the appearance will be exquisite and expensive. For work, it is better to select only high-quality wood species that are well dried and processed. High-quality wood will last over time, just like plastic. The main advantage is environmental friendliness, the disadvantage is cost.
Plasterboard: Installing a slope for a gypsum plasterboard window is simple, better than using putty. Drywall is used if the damage to the window opening is severe and cannot be covered. Used for internal slopes; if desired, insulation can be carried out by filling the space between the wall and drywall. Any material is suitable as insulation, especially mineral wool. Such a slope must be puttied and painted. The disadvantage is that the material swells after a while.
Plastic: Lining is more expensive than drywall, but has many advantages. The plastic slope is easy to install, in just a day, it does not require any maintenance, just rinsing. An ideal frame for a plastic window, since the expansion due to temperature is the same. Used inside and outside, on the facade. The width of the window opening should be up to 25 cm, otherwise additional measures must be taken to fix the material.
Sandwich panel: One of the types of plastic slope. The panels differ from plastic in their layering, because they have three layers. A couple of layers of plastic and insulation between them. Great for installation, no need to use additional materials. The most expensive material for window decoration.

There are also other materials for slopes, for example, siding or aluminum profiles; such materials are often used to decorate the outer part of the window, from the street. The slope turns out to be voluminous and looks beautiful on the house.

Slopes made of MDF panels

Slopes made of MDF panels

Beautiful door slopes can be made from MDF.

First step. Prepare the basis for future door slopes. To do this, treat the base with a simple lime-cement mixture. Let the mixture dry and apply a primer over it.

Second step. Cut the MDF into three slopes of the required sizes. Before you start cutting, carefully measure the joining angles of the sides of the opening. Next, you need to cut the ends of the trim pieces according to the measured angles.

Slopes made of MDF panels

Before you begin installing the panels, make sure the joints are correct. To do this, attach the elements to be connected to each other. Try to avoid any gaps - they will ruin the appearance of the finish.

Third step. Apply the required amount of adhesive mixture to the top of the doorway. Press the corresponding trim element onto the glue and support it until the glue dries completely. Fix the side elements in the same way.

For maximum quality fixation of the elements, place spacers between them.

Hide the gaps between the base and the fixed slopes using plastic corners. To attach the corners, use liquid nails or other suitable glue.

Try to select panels for making slopes whose appearance would be as close as possible to the appearance of the door leaf. This finish will look as complete and beautiful as possible.

Thus, a wide variety of materials can be used to arrange door slopes. Choose the appropriate option, follow the instructions provided, and you will be able to cope with the tasks as well as any specialist.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself door slopes

Method one

Slope for MDF doors

Installation on the lathing. For this we need:

  • Drill and screwdriver.
  • Self-tapping screws and dowels.
  • Wooden beam.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • A sharp knife or jigsaw.
  • MDF panels and decorative components in the form of corners matching the color.
  • Primer for walls and impregnation for wooden beams.

First, we prepare the walls and bars, treating them with impregnations and primer, respectively. Of course, this stage can be skipped, but there is a possibility that moisture, hated by builders, will begin to accumulate under the slopes, which will eventually eat the wood and the panels themselves.

Advice! Before buying a block, you need to measure the distance from the door frame to the wall. You need to subtract 7 mm from this size, this will be the required thickness of the bar. With this installation, the “tenon” of the panel can be placed behind the box, it will look good and there is no need to glue it, an additional corner is needed.

Finishing a door slope in an apartment

On each slope, two bars are enough. They are attached to dowels directly to the wall in increments of about 50 cm. The first beam is adjacent to the door frame, and the second is installed flush with the corner of the wall. The space between the guides can be additionally insulated or filled with foam.

In order to make slopes, you may have to cut the panel lengthwise, the main thing is that it is not narrower than the slope.

The MDF is sawn off to height and attached to the guide bars using self-tapping screws with countersunk heads, which will “sink” into the panel and then be covered with a decorative corner.

Interesting! The second block, flush with the wall, may be thinner than the first. In this case, the panel will go at an angle and create visual extension opening.

MDF panels

Facade option for entrance doors made of MDF.

The benefits that come from finishing a door with MDF panels and designing an opening from them can be felt at the installation stage. The opening does not require preliminary preparation or plastering. The registration process is accelerated, and doing it yourself becomes quite possible.

Interestingly, even with an old metal door that you would not want to replace, it is also possible to decorate the doors with MDF panels yourself. You can choose sheets in the form of door facades and similar sheets to decorate the opening.

Installation of facades

More recently, it was difficult to imagine a different finish for a metal entrance door than upholstering it in leatherette. Today, manufacturers provide us with a wide selection of different materials.

The most interesting of them are products made from MDF. The price of such facades is slightly higher than the price of leatherette, but the result exceeds all expectations. And this applies not only to the appearance of the doors as a result of finishing, but also to their acquisition of excellent performance qualities.

It is not at all difficult to decorate the front door with MDF panels yourself.

You just need to perform the actions in a certain sequence:

  1. first of all, thoroughly clean the door of the old coating;
  2. remove the lock and other fittings;
  3. metal sheets must be treated with products designed to combat corrosion;
  4. carefully mark and cut out holes for the lock on the MDF panel;
  5. we attach the panels with glue, securing them in several places with self-tapping screws; we choose the screws of such a length that they do not damage door panel on the reverse side;
  6. install locks and fittings;
  7. The finishing of the MDF entrance door from the inside is complete, let's move on to the design of the opening.

Installation of slopes

Opening design diagram.

Before you start sealing the opening with panels, you need to completely seal all the holes and cracks and cut off the excess foam around it.

The sequence of work on finishing the slopes of the front door is described by the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. We fill wooden guide strips on the edges of the openings according to the level;
  2. we apply the platband on the outside of the slope and measure the distances to determine the width of the workpiece;
  3. when measuring the distance, take into account that it will be necessary to install a decorative finishing corner on the edge under the casing;
  4. Use a jigsaw to cut along the workpiece for the upper slope;
  5. We fasten the workpiece to the top bar with self-tapping screws;
  6. proceed in the same way with the side blanks;
  7. glue a decorative corner along the top and sides of the opening;
  8. we close the corner with platband;
  9. in the places where the slopes join the door frame we also glue thin decorative corners;
  10. small gaps between the slopes themselves can be sealed using a special wood putty.

Advice. To make it easier to complete the opening design work, you can use cardboard templates. Before turning on the jigsaw and sawing off the workpieces, try on cardboard templates on the slopes. And then cut out the parts using them, so you will protect yourself from damage to the material.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Installation of entrance door slopes, preparatory stage

Whatever finishing method you choose, the preparatory work will be the same. First you need to protect the door leaf and frame with masking tape, or better yet, cover the entire surface with film. And only then proceed to leveling the base - if separate areas protrude too much, they need to be trimmed down, and also get rid of all loose materials that are held too loosely.

Using a broom or brush with fairly coarse bristles, sweep away dust from all cracks and cracks, thoroughly sweep every centimeter of the base, especially if you decide to finish with mortar - the adhesion strength of the materials depends on this. Next, the surface is primed with deep penetration compounds. However, foam concrete or similar loose material should be primed with a regular surface primer.

At this stage, you can lay the electrical wiring under the switch or provide a through hole for the cable - for this purpose, you can fix it at the very bottom of the baseboard aluminum tube slightly larger in diameter than the diameter of the cable through which it can subsequently be laid. If you plan to make do with forming a frame, then you will have to tinker with the wire after it is created.

Slopes.MOSCOW on Instagram


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Technology for finishing work on slopes

The technological process is similar to the installation of plastic slopes and begins with the installation and screwing of profiles, which are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.

On preliminary stage the necessary markings are made for the metal frame, so that the upper part of the profile rests on the side frames.

Next, using a construction stapler, the panels are carefully fastened, for which a sufficiently large number of staples are used to ensure reliable fixation due to the flexibility of the material.

In order for the polyurethane foam to adhere better, it is recommended to spray the areas with a little ordinary water from a spray bottle.

After the foam has dried, it is carefully trimmed. At the final stage, the slopes are plastered or painted with a special durable paint.

To decorate finished slopes, you can use corners, which are also made from MDF and are selected in color that best matches the shade of the finishing panels themselves. Typically they are sold in construction stores included with the plates.

This finishing method gives completeness to the work and the aesthetic appearance of the window as a whole. A special colored sealant or silicone is used to treat gaps and cracks.

Types of panels

Today, manufacturers offer the following types of panels.

Whole pressed. The main technical characteristics of this tile material are average strength and smoothness on both sides of the slab. Produced by hot pressing wood material, which is mixed with special binders. Features include reasonable price, attractive appearance and simple installation method.

Laminated. They are manufactured using the same technology as pressed boards, but at the final stage of production they undergo a lamination process. Applying a special protective film allows you to preserve the properties and quality of the material, as well as produce them in a wide range of colors.

Moisture resistant. The main difference from other boards is their increased strength and resistance to moisture, which allows them to be used for finishing window slopes with MDF panels. Produced without adding special chemicals under the influence of temperature to give increased strength to the slabs.

Installation of slopes using the adhesive method

Plastering a door slope

If preference is given to the glue method, then you should familiarize yourself with the tips for installing the front door and MDF slopes. Work algorithm:

  1. First of all, for the glue method, you need to plaster the slopes .
  2. It is recommended to treat the prepared surface with a primer. After priming, the surface must be waited until completely dry.
  3. Install beacon profiles according to level. To install profiles on slopes, apply a solution and level the beacons in all directions. Give the solution time to set.
  4. The solution is applied to the slopes and leveled along the beacons with a spatula. After the manipulations, the slopes should be left for 2 days until the solution completely sets.
  5. The inside of the part is coated with glue and pressed to the surface.
  6. When all the elements are installed, the resulting joints are sealed or covered with overlays.

Important! After completing all the manipulations, you can proceed to the exterior finishing. door design. For this purpose, it is possible to cover the surface with platbands or level the surface using putty

In the vastness of the Runet there are photos, videos and reviews that describe in detail the whole step by step process frame and glue method.

Purpose of slopes

A finished door jamb is necessary to give the doorway a finished look. If new doors are installed, then leaving the old slopes will not be presentable. Therefore, they emphasize the novelty of the doors and redo the slopes with laminate.

The slopes undergo changes when the old door frame is dismantled. The plaster is crumbling, so they are either re-plastered or sealed in some other way. When a new door is inserted, the seams are foamed to seal, so this foam is closed.

The use of plaster to seal the resulting holes does not seem to be decorative and in an effective way. Therefore, the use of laminate has become something of a novelty, which provides many opportunities in choosing the design of the opening.

Finishing slopes with plaster with insulation

Window plastering is different; it is possible to use insulation, or not to use it. The step-by-step process for decorating a window with plaster and insulation is as follows:

  • The insulation is being installed, in this case it is better to use polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. It is glued to an adhesive solution on a primed wall, which is pre-leveled if there is a large flaw. Good insulation should not exceed 1.5 cm in thickness, you need to look in the store when choosing the material.
  • The material is fastened with glue or foam. The solution is applied directly to the insulation.
  • First, the material is glued to the side walls of the window, after which the upper part is sealed. If the work is carried out outdoors, then you need to start at low tide. If necessary, the joint of materials is foamed.

Plastering external slopes

  • Large window openings can be aligned using a similar scheme, but insulating material with fungus is additionally used. For such fastening you need to punch a hole in the wall, through the insulation and install a dowel into the finished hole.
  • For the finishing material to serve long time, mesh is used for reinforcement. External corners need to be finished with corners that are glued directly to the putty or other solution.
  • The mesh is pressed into the putty and excess material is removed.
  • The solution is applied standard method in several stages, usually 2-3 times is enough to level the window.
  • At the end, the finishing layer is applied and painting is carried out.

Such a slope will be washable, since paint is applied over the plaster, which protects the window from water.

Advantages of building materials

Finishing a door opening is a labor-intensive process that requires precision and following advice. Therefore, it is possible to make this kind of cladding yourself. Slopes can be finished with panel materials, the variety of which can satisfy any request. Often finishing work is done with plastic, wood panels, plasterboard, but MDF panels are considered the most successful.

Advantages of MDF panels

Since this finishing building material has numerous advantages:

  • Availability of material.
  • Easy to install.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • The density of the material creates additional sound and heat insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Fiberboard It is made by pressing wood chips under the influence of temperature and pressure. The core binders of the fibrous material use carbide resins, which are harmless to humans. Consequently, MDF is an environmentally friendly building material that can be safely used for cladding both exterior and interior structures.
  • The color palette allows you to satisfy any request. You can choose the colors of the panels from wenge to bright shades.

Doorway lined with MDF slopes

But like any building material, MDF panels are not without disadvantages:

  • Weak resistance to mechanical damage. If the MDF panel is deformed, the damage cannot be restored.
  • Does not withstand significant levels of humidity.

Therefore, finishing door slopes with MDF panels should not be done in conditions of high humidity.

DIY entrance door slope made of MDF (video)

Installation of PVC slopes

Attaching the profile to window slopes

Installing plastic panels for window slopes is quite simple, following the rules for performing the work:

  • Initially, you need to make guides, securing them around the perimeter of the window. For this, a starting profile is used, which is mounted on the slope wall. Fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws; they should go quite deep into the wall.
  • If the walls are made of brick, then use a drill to drill holes, and then attach the profile with dowels. To make the panel slope level, a level is constantly used during the work.
  • Next, the size of the window is taken and transferred to the finishing material. Measurements must be taken accurately so that everything falls into place and the opening is reliable. It is necessary to saw or cut the panel according to the transferred dimensions.

Measuring the window slope

  • The cut out elements are tried on in depth. If the opening is deep and the sandwich panel does not fit, then it is trimmed.
  • The cracks must be sealed with polyurethane foam or sealant applied if the internal slope has minimal holes.
  • After the material has dried, you can complete the window with special decorative elements. A corner is mounted on the joints, due to which each corner of the window will be of the correct shape. Manufacturers make them from plastic and are simply used to mask seams.
  • All dirt and dust are removed, foam or sealant is cut off. If the joints are not perfectly smooth, then white sealant is used to seal the imperfections.
  • Next, the panel is mounted into the starting profile at the required length, and the space can be filled with insulation. There is no need to finish the window additionally, except to install corners.

Installation of PVC slopes

The slope on the balcony from plastic panels is carried out by analogy; the façade slope of windows, attic, interior, if we are talking about the front door, is also made. You can put a platband on the door, choosing it by color or finishing it with other materials.

Photos on the Internet will allow you to get acquainted with the finishing and composite. Each stove has different technical characteristics, depending on the country of manufacture. The Alt-profile company, which produces panels, has a good reputation; reviews about it are only positive, and there is a large selection, you can even buy matte material. Finally, you can watch a video tutorial on how to assemble a plastic window assembly:

Finishing slopes with panels

Finishing of slopes is carried out using several methods, each of which is used for panel materials.

The following set of tools is required:

  • Spatula.
  • Level.
  • Drill.
  • Construction pistol.
  • Construction knife.

There may be some differences depending on the cladding option.

Method one - cladding using profiles

This method allows you to complete the work most quickly. The technology consists in initially installing profiles that will serve as the basis for installing the material. General procedure the work is as follows:

  1. The starting profile is attached. This is done directly along the edge window frame. Fixation is carried out using self-tapping screws.

    Attaching the starting profile

  2. On the other edge of the window - mounted wooden slats, which form a complete contour.
  3. A panel prepared to size is installed. It is inserted into the profile and secured to a wooden strip.
  4. Next, an F-profile is used, which acts as a platband.

This technology allows work to be done very quickly. But it must be taken into account that it is additionally required to provide for the laying of the resulting voids.

Method two - gluing

The option is to glue the material onto the slopes. For this, special glue or polyurethane foam is used. The instructions are as follows:

  1. The window needs to be well prepared. Excess foam is removed. The surface is puttied and leveled.
  2. Each area is measured. The facing product is cut.
  3. Each element is coated with glue (spray foam is applied). For some time, the fragment is pressed to the surface and torn off. After a couple of minutes, final fixation is carried out.
  4. The internal corners are coated with sealant, and the external corners are closed with a plastic corner.

Installation of window slopes with glue

This method is convenient for installing PVC slopes. There are other finishing variations, but they require more time-consuming work.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

- This is a simple procedure that requires only a certain accuracy and compliance with some nuances. Different materials can be used in the work, but MDF panels are considered the most successful. Their popularity is due to numerous advantages:

  1. Availability. Indeed, it exists now great variety of these products that are affordable. You can purchase all the necessary components for them.
  2. Easy to install. Naturally, if you have no experience, then any finishing work may seem complicated. But once you practice a little and understand the essence, the work will seem quite easy.
  3. Great looks. There is a certain rule, which is that all elements must be combined with each other. Therefore, the slopes on the front door must be made of suitable products. MDF will be an excellent solution in such a situation.
  4. Additional sound and heat insulation. This is an important point that many initially do not take into account.
  5. Safety. The panels are completely environmentally friendly.

MDF panels allow you to create spectacular decorative coating and insulate slopes

We must not forget that there are no completely ideal materials. Therefore, the disadvantages should also be taken into account:

  1. Average resistance to damage. This product perfectly withstands various impacts due to its high density, but is very unstable to scratches, as well as other similar impacts.
  2. MDF is a bad option for rooms that have high humidity.
  3. Sometimes difficulties arise with the selection of additional elements. The fact is that overhead MDF corners, which have a limited decorative range, can be used for finishing. Therefore, you should think through the overall design in advance.

Note! Many people mistakenly confuse finishing MDF doorways with installing extensions on door frames. These are completely different procedures in technology. It should be taken into account that extensions are excellent for narrow (up to 11-12 cm) and straight openings that are found in interior structures.

Covering entrance door slopes with MDF panels

Samples of films for lamination RENOLIT STANDARD

PVC profile lamination color Image Catalog number
Dark brown - 851805 RENOLIT 851805
Bog oak – 2052089 RENOLIT 2052089
Mahogany - 2065021 RENOLIT 2065021
Mahogany KBE - 2097013 RENOLIT 2097013
Golden nut - 2178007 RENOLIT 2178007
Rustic oak – 3149008 RENOLIT 3149008
Light oak – 2052090 RENOLIT 2052090
Mountain pine – 3069041 RENOLIT 3069041
Golden Oak - 2178001 RENOLIT 2178001
Striped Douglas - 3152009 RENOLIT 3152009
Oregon - 1192001 RENOLIT 1192001
Natural oak – 3118076 RENOLIT 3118076
Light red - 305405 RENOLIT 305405
Green moss – 600505 RENOLIT 600505
Emerald green - 611005 RENOLIT 611005
Dark blue - 515005 RENOLIT 515005
Blue – 503005 RENOLIT 503005
Gray - 715505 RENOLIT 715505

All we use decorative films and coatings have passed the necessary quality certification.

Do you want stylish windows your dream? Finishing wood-look slopes with laminated sandwich panels according to German quality standards!

Features of installation work

We prepare the surface

Now, if you have a prepared hand, you can start making the slats yourself and fixing them on your window. Then you can follow the given diagram or watch video or photo instructions from experienced finishers on the Internet.

  • From the panel you need to cut 2 vertical parts and 1 horizontal.
  • The prepared parts are applied to the window opening to carry out trimming, which is carried out strictly along the window.
  • Then liquid nails are applied to the back of the panel and the material is fixed to the wooden frame.
  • After this, you need to adjust the panel as much as possible so that the gaps disappear or become minimal.
  • It also wouldn’t hurt to further strengthen the fixation of the panels with self-tapping screws, which can be hidden in drilled recesses and buried with caps to match the panel.
  • All gaps are filled with putty to match the panels or colorless sealant.

As can be seen from the instructions given, the work is labor-intensive. But, despite the complexity of installation, it is possible to master the technique.

Stages of sealing slopes with MDF panels

When everything is ready, you can begin installation. The work is carried out in the following stages:

  1. It all starts from the top bar. First, foam patches are applied to the wall at the top of the opening. Their diameter is 5-8 cm, and their height depends on the distance of the wall from the beginning of the dimensions of the box. Ideally, you need to make a slope for an MDF entrance door so that the panel is flush with the frame or even slightly lower.
  2. The cut overlay is placed in place on the desired height. There will be a gap between it and the wall. It is tied up with masking tape and then the position is adjusted according to the level. The bar is supported from below with a T-shaped wooden spacer.
  3. Now you can put the nose of the gun inward and give more foam for better fixation, but you must act carefully so as not to squeeze the material out.
  4. Using the same principle, the side panels are installed on tubercles with foam, only they will need to be pushed apart with pieces of timber tied with tape to the box in order to eliminate the curved shape of the MDF.

After closing the inner wall of the opening, you need to create a beautiful transition to outside. For this, a second set of cut strips 7 cm wide is used. But before fixing, you will need to cut the end of the panel at 45 degrees to get the correct joint with the top jumper. For such cutting, measure 7 cm in length from the edge and draw a solid line to the corner, along which the cut is made. This is done on the right and left panels in a mirror image. The trimmed edge is sanded for a neat look, but you should not overlap the outer surface too much, so as not to remove the decorative layer.

The panels are mounted on mounting foam and secured with masking tape to the wall and door leaf. At the bottom, their length extends to the plinth, if it already exists, or to the floor itself, and the plinth extends from the overlay. Installation of MDF slopes on the front door ends with a sticker plastic corner with a 15 mm shelf at the corner of the wall around the perimeter, which is permitted only after the foam holding the main structure has dried and the tape has been removed. The color of the element covering the joint is selected identical to MDF, which will look holistic and beautiful.

The online store “The Right Choice” offers not only to correctly install metal door, but also to seal the slopes with MDF panels, which will completely relieve the owners from the final finishing work. Installation of extensions starts from 800 rubles. and available large selection by color and thickness of panels. It is possible to install an entire portal. It is convenient to find out deadlines and finishing options through feedback.

Finishing the door slope with MDF panels

To finish door slopes with MDF panels you will not need special tools or special efforts. The following stages of work are distinguished:

  1. surface preparation;
  2. insulation of the opening;
  3. plastering of slopes;
  4. marking and cutting MDF;
  5. installation of panels;
  6. installation of platbands.

Everything can be done with your own hands. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • spatula;
  • hammer;
  • dowels;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler and pencil;
  • plumb line;
  • building level;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • cement mortar;
  • wooden slats.

Preparation and insulation of the doorway

At the preparation stage, the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, all protruding objects are removed, and cracks and crevices are sealed. If there is major damage, the coating must be removed to the base. When making slopes for entrance doors, you should be careful not to damage the wires, which are often run near the door.

If the old coating is being dismantled, the surface is plastered. For this, a cement-sand mixture is used. They proceed to the next stage only after the solution has completely hardened. Lay on top heat insulating material. This completes the preparation of the opening for installation of slopes.

Plastering slopes

If the old coating has not been removed, the surface should be leveled and slopes made at the required angle. It is necessary to do the work efficiently, because otherwise drafts may occur in the room, heat loss may occur, etc. For this, a cement-sand mixture is made. Level the surface using a wooden strip or rule.

Preparation of MDF fragments for slopes

First, take all dimensions and transfer them to paper. Based on the received data, each slope element is marked. The following should be taken into account:

  1. presence or absence of a threshold;
  2. in what order are the parts arranged?
  3. opening width and angles of inclination.

Panel installation

Now you can begin installing the panels. This can be done in two ways. When the opening width is small and solid parts are attached, the fragments are fixed with glue. Often used materials in this case are liquid nails and polyurethane foam. When the sheathing needs to be joined, a sheathing is installed. Each element is attached to it using self-tapping screws.

The second option is inconvenient because it requires hammering into the wall wooden blocks. This creates additional stress and destroys the surface. Therefore, it is better to choose MDF in sheets, since fragments of any size can be cut.

Installation of platbands

After installing the slopes, they proceed to the installation of platbands. They are the final and easiest stage of the work. The easiest way to attach trim is with flat head nails. This way you can achieve high quality fixation, and if necessary, you can also easily dismantle all elements.

Nails about 4 cm long are driven in every 40-45 cm. Holes of the appropriate diameter are pre-drilled so as not to damage the material.

Installation of panels

In order to install door slopes into the opening with your own hands, you need to complete several stages of work:

  1. First you need to decide on the mounting method. If the panels do not have a locking connection, the easiest way is to secure them to the frame. As a last resort you can use aluminum profiles or wooden planks, which is more preferable.
  2. Determine the level at which the trim will be placed. In this case, it is important to take into account the thickness of the panels themselves, since if the material protrudes excessively in the opening, the movement of the door leaf may be difficult.
  3. The frame is fixed to the wall using bolts. You will also need a drill for this. From the inside, you can attach the strip to the door frame itself. There is also an alternative to a wooden frame - special guides that are installed at the corners of the opening. This option is suitable for installing L-shaped panels.
  4. After the frame is fixed, MDF panels are applied to it and all excess is cut off. You can first secure the top crossbar and then proceed to the sides, or do the opposite. MDF can be glued to wooden planks using liquid nails or nailed. In the latter case, small nails without heads are used.

Examples of finishing entrance door slopes with MDF panels

In order to eliminate drafts, additionally insulate slopes and provide stronger adhesion, polyurethane foam is used

It is important not to smear the MDF during the foaming process, as it will not be easy to clean.

Plaster slopes for metal-plastic windows

Plastering slopes is inexpensive; the method is old and considered standard. Today there are a lot of putties and any composition can be used. The materials are prepared in water according to the proportions indicated on the package, after which the mixture will be ready. Gypsum mixtures can be replaced with cement-sand mortar.

Before starting work, you need to treat the window area, remove dirt and dust, excess concrete and foam. Additionally, the seams in the corners are enlarged so that the putty adheres better to the wall. Initially, you need to plaster the wall, and only then proceed to the slope.

Important! It is mandatory to follow the tips described below, why? After all, if you don’t follow the instructions, you won’t be able to finish the window correctly; it may get cold in winter, and the slope itself may fall off after a while or simply crack and the paint will peel off. .

Main types of materials

PVC slopes on plastic windows

The finishing of doors, windows, loggias and balconies is carried out using different panel-type materials. The main types include:

  1. MDF panels.
  2. Plastic wall panels.
  3. Sandwich panels.

MDF is not often used for windows; as a rule, it is used to cover a door and is used as cladding. MDF panels have their own characteristics:

  1. Slopes require meticulous work. Moisture can get in through cracks and crevices, which means everything needs to be carefully sealed.
  2. The size of the panels is factory-made, due to which it will not be possible to use MDF everywhere. If the width of the slope is large, then MDF will do.
  3. Small selection of colors and textures.
  4. Plastic windows will not always be combined with MDF.

It is better to use the material by carefully considering the interior of the house. Goes well with wood or wood-look materials.

Advantages of PVC slopes

Plastic panels for slopes are the most popular choice of people. They have many advantages:

  1. The material is cheap compared to other types.
  2. Installation is simple, even without experience.
  3. The choice of colors is huge, so you can match any design inside or outside the facade of the house.

There are also difficulties during work:

  1. If the slope is more than 25 centimeters, then additional clamps are installed, otherwise the cladding will “walk”.
  2. It is recommended to use insulation, because insulation will not allow cold to pass into the house.
  3. Plastic panels are easy to damage.

Despite the disadvantages, plastic panels for slopes great option window decoration. Cutting, installation and insulation are very simple, the appearance is decent. Slopes made of sandwich panels are a type plastic material, but the characteristics of such raw materials are better, of course, this differs in the price of the product.

PVC sandwich panels for slopes

Sandwich panels for window slopes have their own characteristics:

  1. The product is made from two pieces of plastic, and there is already insulation between them. Due to this, there is no need to insulate the slopes.
  2. Installation work does not require large financial costs The main thing is to calculate everything correctly and install the slopes carefully.

There is also a disadvantage of sandwich panels for slopes - if the window sealing is poor, moisture will begin to penetrate, the material will deteriorate and collapse, in other words, it will peel. You can also find other panel elements on sale:

  1. Natural wood is highly expensive and difficult to install.
  2. Composite panels based on gypsum, lined with PVC.
  3. Metal panels are used more often outside and require certain knowledge when installing slopes.

Although the materials are different, their installation instructions are almost always the same.

Slopes made of PVC panels and PVC corners (video)

Finishing slopes with plaster without insulation

Making a window opening without using insulating material is not a modern method, but is often used. The main reason why such finishing disappears is improper execution of the work.

How to properly plaster window slopes

The step by step process is as follows:

  1. Guides made of metal or wood are placed around the window.
  2. Beacons are installed level and fixed with dowels in the walls. In fact, the beacon shows the percentage by which the thickness of the plaster will be.
  3. The second beacon is placed on the corner of the window opening.
  4. Plaster is thrown onto the wall, uneven walls are leveled using a rule that is carried out from the bottom up along the beacons.
  5. By analogy, work is carried out for the ceiling part and drainage.
  6. The main task of the first layer is to fill the voids and form the corners and the window opening itself.
  7. It is necessary to level the walls when the mortar is no longer wet, so the material is thrown on and the surface is leveled along the beacons. A flat plane should form. Excess material is removed and the window is left to dry the solution.
  8. The window opening must be primed and a finishing layer of putty up to 1.5 mm thick must be applied.

At the last stage, the opening can be updated with paint or other finishing materials, for example, a paper layer of wallpaper, etc.

Important! Every meter of work done with your own hands will not only decorate private house or an apartment, but will also provide experience and pleasure. The design of the slope can be carried out according to the described method everywhere, inside, outside, on the balcony and in other places

You can familiarize yourself with the process in the video at the end of the article.

Advantages of PVC panels

The use of PVC panels is the best option, with a number of positive aspects, which are shown in the table:

Install plastic slopes simply, with your own hands, of course, there are nuances that you need to know. Step-by-step installation and material details will be presented below.

Design methods for making front door slopes with your own hands

There are different options for installing door slopes, they depend on the type of material used, operating technology, etc. If you decide to install the slopes yourself, everything must be done strictly according to the instructions. The materials you use must be durable, not brittle, and designed to last for a long time.

And it is very important that these materials cope with the insulating function.

Finishing of slopes can be done using various materials

The finishing of slopes can be different:

  • Laminate;
  • Drywall;
  • PVC panels;
  • Wooden panels, etc.

The slopes themselves should not have voids. Sometimes it takes a lot to finish plaster mortar, then it is advisable to install a frame on the slopes.

This is often done when corners have to be aligned. The base of the frame can be either wooden slats or standard metal profile, which will subsequently have to be sheathed. And the necessary engineering communications are often carried out through frame slopes - telephone lines, power lines, etc.

MDF door frame

The door slope is part of space. located between the door leaf and the wall, which can be decorated using:

  • MDF panels (finely dispersed fraction);
  • drywall;
  • plastic;
  • laminate

According to the repair rules, the installation of slopes is carried out at the final stage of door installation, and the finishing method is chosen based on the type of door frame. So, if the door is located at the entrance, then it will need to be insulated. Interior doors, as a rule, are not insulated, so their door slope performs only a decorative function.

In general, there is a general requirement for all slopes (external and internal) - they must be perfectly smooth and neat .

If you choose from different finishing methods, then an MDF door frame is the best option. The great demand for MDF panels for finishing the opening can be explained by:

  • the advantage of finishing material made of MDF;
  • affordable price;
  • many variations of style solutions.

Advantages of using MDF in finishing doorways

MDF door frames are often chosen for finishing door openings made of wood. This is primarily explained by the beautiful texture of MDF panels, and the positive characteristics of the material are added to this:

  1. Strength The product can withstand moderate impact loads.
  2. Sustainability to most factors that cause damage to finishing materials (dents, scratches, cracks).
  3. Variety of textures front side of MDF: veneer, PVC, eco-veneer (this coating looks like valuable wood). The door slope, trimmed with MDF panels, fits well into the interior of any style. True, the color range of the material does not have a wide range, so it is not always possible to choose the ideal combination of MDF with the color of the door.
  4. Excellent sound insulation provides protection from external noise.
  5. The material is not subject to deformation and is non-toxic(has emission class E1).
  6. Resistance of panels to temperature changes and the absence of dampness in the doorway decorated with them.
  7. Simplicity and convenience in the installation they make the slope finishing technology accessible to everyone involved in repair work on one's own.

Therefore, when purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to its quality. There are cases when door slopes, finished with low-quality material, quickly lose their aesthetic appeal due to its swelling, delamination or damage to the outer surface

Advantages of panels over other materials

Panels are considered a universal finishing material. Finishing slopes with this product is more simple procedure than applying plaster or using gypsum boards. Especially stand out plastic varieties. They are characterized by good durability, low cost and ease of installation.

Covering window slopes with panels has many advantages, namely:

  1. The work is completed in a short time. The process usually takes no more than one day, which is significantly less than putting putty and subsequent painting.
  2. If properly sealed, such slopes will become an excellent barrier to the penetration of cold.
  3. Modern materials are different good properties. They are durable and indestructible from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. There is no need to carry out additional finishing measures. The fact is that the panels have different colors and texture, which makes them suitable for use in various interiors.
  5. The result is an attractive decorative surface. It is also necessary to take into account that there are additional elements (profiles, corners, moldings) that make the coating even more sophisticated.

Different materials on how to make front door slopes

The door opening should be different as a result of all work for a long time use, it should be practical, convenient, and preferably not subject to mechanical damage. Much depends on the choice of cladding. And there is plenty to choose from.

Finishing slopes is possible using plasterboard

Cladding for slopes:

  1. Drywall- material that allows you to hide possible unevenness of the slopes, putty and other solutions in this case will not have to be purchased.
  2. Plaster- this is a practical and economical way to design slopes, everything can be done independently, work surface should be covered with plaster, and then you can start finishing.
  3. PVC panels– they are usually used for finishing window openings, but they can also be used in door openings if it is in harmony with the interior of the room.
  4. Wooden slopes– the most popular type of cladding, the wood is durable, reliable, and aesthetically neutral.

Very often you can find the option combined finishing. For example, the walls are plastered, and MDF panels are fixed on top of the plaster. And this option is practical and durable.

Do-it-yourself finishing of entrance door slopes with laminate

Cover the foam with decorative slopes

It is worth considering in detail how with my own hands make slopes from laminated panels. To decorate slopes with them, the following two methods of installation on the surface of slopes are used.

  1. Adhesive installation.
  2. Installation on the lathing.

Each of these methods has its own characteristics.

Glue mounting

Installation with adhesive must be carried out on a previously prepared surface, so for this you need to carry out the following work:

  • the old plaster is removed. Only defective and poorly adhering areas need to be removed.
  • then clean the surface from debris, dust and excess foam. Prepare the surface for primer treatment.

Plastering slopes

  • After preparing the surface, you need to prime it and let it dry.

After the primer has dried, prepare a cement mortar or a special plaster mixture. Mix the mixture or cement according to the instructions on the package.

As soon as the primer is ready for plastering, the solution is applied to the surface of the slopes and leveled with a spatula. In this case, you need to ensure horizontal and vertical evenness. After the surface has dried, another layer of primer is applied.

You can begin installing the lamellas on the surface only after the primer has dried. Special synthetic glue or liquid nails are used as an adhesive.

Installation proceeds as follows:

  1. Cut the slats under required dimensions using a jigsaw. The horizontal orientation of the lamellas looks much more laconic, but will require a lot of work on the pattern and time for installation. You can also do vertical installation - this is not prohibited.
  2. It is better to start from the upper horizontal part of the slope. Because after gluing it can be fixed with side slats in the form of a spacer.
  3. Apply to the surface of slopes and prepared lamellas adhesive composition with a notched spatula.
  4. Place the lamella on the gluing surface and press firmly.
  5. To make it stick better, fix it with mounting tape.
  6. The other sides of the slopes are sealed in a similar way.

Important! In order not to hold the horizontal slope for 10-15 minutes until it sets on the surface, spacers made of timber are used. .
Foam is used for sealing

Foam is used for sealing

After the slopes are completed, all that remains is to seal the platbands. Regarding the connection of platbands in the corners. In the corners, the platbands should be adjacent to each other along a cut chamfer made at 45 degrees. Direct connection looks unpresentable and cheap.

Finishing door slopes with a laminate frame

If gluing lamellas to slopes requires plastering the surface, then for the frame method this part of the work can be safely omitted. Preparatory work consists of preparing wooden frame from bars. The sequence of work is as follows:

Frame option

  • the remains from sealing with polyurethane foam are cut out with a knife;
  • install vertical bars, attaching them to the base with dowels and sealing the seams with foam;
  • At the same time, we must not forget about maintaining the horizontal and vertical evenness of the frame;
  • To add rigidity to the structure, a pair of horizontal bars are added.

The lamellas are mounted on the prepared frame in two ways.

  1. Fasten with self-tapping screws through the slats and then cover the fastening points with decorative furniture plugs.
  2. Use a complex but presentable method in the form of fastening using hidden clamps. To use this connection method, it is necessary to slightly trim the locking mechanisms for a tight connection of the lamellas. It will take longer to act in this manner, but the work will turn out to be of high quality and beautiful.

Furniture plugs Metal clamp

Platbands and other decorative elements can be secured using sealant. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a tight fit and remove excess sealant.

It’s easy to make laminate slopes for entrance doors with your own hands. This will require a little skill and precision. It is worth noting that this will require little finishing material. As a result, you get decorative ones with your own skillful hands, which will not only please the eye, but also keep the apartment warm.

Do-it-yourself finishing of the entrance doorway with laminate

How to bend MDF

Sometimes it becomes necessary to trim elements of a round or semi-oval configuration with wood fiber sheets. Naturally, the question arises of how to bend the material and whether it is possible. It should be noted that it is possible to bend MDF if thin panels are used (the average value should not exceed 3 mm).

How to bend an MDF panel at home

To bend the panel, perform the following steps:

  • Manufacturing blanks from fiberboard.
  • Make notches in the sheet across the bend.
  • Cut pieces of MDF to the required dimensions.
  • At the bend points, apply lines at intervals of 5 mm. The undercut should be 1 mm.
  • The resulting shavings must be collected and mixed with glue until a paste-like mixture is formed, which fills the holes.
  • Place the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. The nails do not need to be driven deep for ease of removal.
  • The last stage is removing the workpiece, sanding and painting.

Following the recommendations, you can effortlessly sheathe slopes with MDF panels or other building materials yourself. Anyone can do all the manipulations with their own hands, despite the fact that finishing slopes with a material such as MDF is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

Installing slopes on windows

  • Good thermal insulation, do not fade
  • Installing slopes on windows in 1 day
  • Free travel around Moscow at a convenient time
  • Material + Work - from 700₽ per linear meter!

In order for windows to acquire a neat, finished look, they need finishing. Window slopes and window sills perform not only an aesthetic function, hiding rough surfaces underneath, but also create reliable protection against drafts and leaks. Therefore, their selection and installation should be taken seriously.

  • 1. Polyurethane foam. Expanding, it fills the entire space and is responsible for thermal insulation.
  • 2. Vapor-permeable layer (PSUL). Protects installation seam from moisture and provides ventilation.
  • 3. Waterproofing tape (WPL). Protects the assembly seam from steam and moisture indoors.
  • 4. Sandwich panel. Attached to starting profile. It has such properties as: sound insulation, thermal insulation and moisture resistance
  • 5. Decorative corner. A decorative PVC profile covers the external joint between the panel slope and the wall
  • 6. Window sill.

Interior design will not have a complete look without a comfortable, reliable and aesthetic door design.

Slopes made of MDF will allow interior decoration acquire completeness. But it should be taken into account that installation requires compliance with recommendations and standards that contribute to achieving the durability of the structure.

Advantages of building materials

Finishing a door opening is a labor-intensive process that requires precision and following advice. Therefore, it is possible to make this kind of cladding yourself. Slopes can be finished with panel materials, the variety of which can satisfy any request. Often finishing work is carried out with plastic, wooden panels, plasterboard, but MDF panels are considered the most successful.

Since this finishing building material has numerous advantages:

  • Availability of material.
  • Easy to install.
  • Aesthetic appearance.
  • The density of the material creates additional sound and heat insulation.
  • Environmental friendliness. Fiberboard is made by pressing wood chips under the influence of temperature and pressure. The core binders of the fibrous material use carbide resins, which are harmless to humans. Consequently, MDF is an environmentally friendly building material that can be safely used for cladding both exterior and interior structures.
  • The color palette allows you to satisfy any request. You can choose the colors of the panels from wenge to bright shades.

But like any building material, MDF panels are not without disadvantages:

  • Weak resistance to mechanical damage. If the MDF panel is deformed, the damage cannot be restored.
  • Does not withstand significant levels of humidity.

Therefore, finishing door slopes with MDF panels should not be done in conditions of high humidity.

DIY entrance door slope made of MDF (video)

Preparatory moments

All the benefits that come from lining the slopes of external doors with MDF panels can be demonstrated during installation. Therefore, before starting work, you can study a video of exactly how slopes are made at the front door. Wood fiber panels come in 2 options:

  1. Designed for finishing work (they have an L-shape).
  2. Wall panels.

Most novice craftsmen have a completely natural question about how to sheathe the slopes of an MDF entrance door correctly. First you need to do some detailing. To make door slopes from MDF, you need to take the dimensions of the opening, which should be drawn on paper. Based on the transferred data, each element should be schematically depicted. It is recommended to take into account the following points:

  • Presence of a threshold.
  • The order of placement of parts.
  • Opening width and angles of inclination.

After installing the door, all gaps between the wall and the frame must be sealed with foam. After the foam has hardened, all excess should be cut off.

Installation of slopes using a frame method

Slopes from fiber panels can be made using the frame and glue method. Do-it-yourself installation of slopes from MDF panels using a frame method is carried out using the following technology:

  • Along the edges of the slope, both inside and outside, use dowels to fix wooden slats, which must be covered over time with MDF panels. The bars should be level. To avoid distortion of the structure between the skeleton and the opening, wedges must be driven in.
  • Cut 3 sheets from MDF (2 for vertical mounting and 1 – horizontal).
  • The parts should be attached to the opening and points for cutting should be marked.
  • Trimming should be done strictly to the size of the door opening.

  • Apply liquid nails to the inner edge of the panel and attach to the frame.
  • The panels should be aligned so as to achieve a minimum gap between them.
  • Fixation can be strengthened using self-tapping screws that are screwed into the upper and lower parts. The screw caps are decorated with special elements.
  • The final point is attaching the platbands.

If the depth of the opening does not exceed the width of the MDF, then in this case it is possible to fix it in a seamless manner by installing it vertically.

Installation of slopes using the adhesive method

If preference is given to the glue method, then you should familiarize yourself with the tips for installing the front door and MDF slopes. Work algorithm:

  1. First of all, for the glue method, you need to plaster the slopes .
  2. It is recommended to treat the prepared surface with a primer. After priming, the surface must be waited until completely dry.
  3. Install beacon profiles according to level. To install profiles on slopes, apply a solution and level the beacons in all directions. Give the solution time to set.
  4. The solution is applied to the slopes and leveled along the beacons with a spatula. After the manipulations, the slopes should be left for 2 days until the solution completely sets.
  5. The inside of the part is coated with glue and pressed to the surface.
  6. When all the elements are installed, the resulting joints are sealed or covered with overlays.

Important! After completing all the manipulations, you can proceed to the exterior finishing of the door structure. For this purpose, it is possible to cover the surface with platbands or level the surface using putty. On the Internet there are photos, videos and reviews that describe in detail the entire step-by-step process of the frame and glue method.

How to bend MDF

Sometimes it becomes necessary to trim elements of a round or semi-oval configuration with wood fiber sheets. Naturally, the question arises of how to bend the material and whether it is possible. It should be noted that it is possible to bend MDF if thin panels are used (the average value should not exceed 3 mm).

To bend the panel, perform the following steps:

  • Manufacturing blanks from fiberboard.
  • Make notches in the sheet across the bend.
  • Cut pieces of MDF to the required dimensions.
  • At the bend points, apply lines at intervals of 5 mm. The undercut should be 1 mm.
  • The resulting shavings must be collected and mixed with glue until a paste-like mixture is formed, which fills the holes.
  • Place the MDF sheet on the template and fix it with nails. The nails do not need to be driven deep for ease of removal.
  • The last stage is removing the workpiece, sanding and painting.

Following the recommendations, you can effortlessly sheathe slopes with MDF panels or other building materials yourself. Anyone can do all the manipulations with their own hands, despite the fact that finishing slopes with a material such as MDF is a painstaking and time-consuming process.

Photo gallery of finished works

Pros of the solution

By choosing this material for covering the wall adjacent to the block, you can:

hide installation flaws, which the most careful work cannot do without;

V short terms putting the door portal in order - plaster, drywall and other building materials require much more time and effort than slopes on an MDF door;

increase the level of thermal and sound insulation of the entrance area;

give the opening a harmonious appearance. Since modern metal structures, as a rule, are decorated “like wood,” finishing MDF slopes is most appropriate.

Design of the portal by the hands of specialists

Finishing the slopes of MDF doors is one of the activities of the Jaguar-M company. Employees service department who have the skills of such work will quickly and professionally improve entrance area, providing:

individual approach to each client - finishing of slopes with MDF panels will be carried out depending on color design and style of entrance and interior blocks;

ideal appearance of the skin without the slightest damage, protruding screws, uneven joints and other defects that could negatively affect the appearance of the opening;

high quality of work when handling panels of any modification.

Qualified slope finishing MDF input doors are accompanied by a guarantee.

Why MDF?

Synthetic material is more affordable alternative natural wood.

By choosing MDF door slopes, you do not risk the health of the most vulnerable family members - unlike chipboard, such a board is completely safe.

Such cladding is considered very practical, which is due to the homogeneous structure and strength of the material.

During operation, the panels do not warp, swell, or crack.

You can buy MDF slopes with various options milling. Like wood, artificial board is suitable for applying relief patterns.

Resistant to microorganisms, MDF panels for door slopes do not rot or become moldy.

Such decorative elements can be installed on openings of any size.

Types of cladding

Finishing MDF door slopes can be done using several finishing coatings:

laminate . The price for such products is usually low;

anti-vandal plastic . A practical and durable decor option;

veneer . Veneered panels are worth buying if the facade of the canvas is finished in a similar way.