Year of President Poroshenko. Quotes that have gone down in history. President's Birthday: TOP Poroshenko's epic phrases Russia and the crocodile

I made a selection of epic statements and fails of the head of the country.

Confused "bandits" with "banderas"

In one of his speeches, Petro Poroshenko, speaking emotionally about the murder of Ukrainian intelligence officer Viktor Manzik near Volnovakha, said that he was killed by "cynical Bandera." True, he immediately recovered and said "bandits." It must be assumed that the president misspoke, mixing up two words that sound approximately the same.

Geographic confusion

The president also made a slip of the tongue during his speech at the economic forum in Lvov, saying that the Ivano-Frankivsk region is not Galicia. The leader of the country said that a resident of the Carpathian region, Minister of Energy Igor Nasalyk, came with him. Moreover, as Poroshenko said, Nasalyk is not a Galician, since he comes from the Ivano-Frankivsk region. From the hall, they immediately began to correct the president, saying that this region is still part of Galicia. Poroshenko was surprised and embarrassed, and hastened to hush up the embarrassment.

« ChildrenDonbass will sit inodvalakh »

In 2014, during a visit to Odessa, speaking to an audience, the President, speaking about the situation in Donbass, without thinking, touched upon pensioners and young residents of the region. The phrase is ambiguous:

« We have a job, they don't. We will have pensions, they will not. We will provide for children and pensioners, they will not. Our children will go to school and kindergartens, they will sit in their basements. Because they can't do anything. And so, just so, we will win this war » Poroshenko noted.

Forgot "native language"

In 2016, during one of his speeches, Poroshenko suddenly forgot the Ukrainian language. The leader of the country could not remember the word « gamanets" and asked « help a friend » .

Outhouse and democracy

In his official speeches, Poroshenko does not hesitate to use "strong words". So, in 2016, during a speech on the occasion of the Day of Dignity and Freedom, the President stated that the authorities of the Russian Federation « soaked in the toilet » democracy in their own country.

Doghouse Poroshenko

Sometimes the statements and comparisons of the current President are surprising. This year, Poroshenko has sharply criticized those who call for destabilization of the country, noting that we are not going along with those who have not even built a doghouse.

« Someone really wants to shake the boat. Someone really wants to walk along the avenue with flags, shouting « get out ». Why - because they don’t know how to work, they haven’t built anything, even a doghouse, in life, and they call for destabilization in the state. We will not allow this to be done, we are not on the road with such » , the President emphasized.

Russia and the crocodile

Speaking to an audience at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, President Poroshenko even compared Russia to a crocodile from Winston Churchill's statement.

« Everyone hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him later than the others. » , - Poroshenko quoted the words of the former British prime minister, said by him in 1942. Poroshenko then explained to the audience: « There is one place where these words are especially relevant - this is Ukraine. And this crocodile, which many would like to feed so that he does not eat them today, is Russia » .

Quotes Petr Alekseevich Poroshenko

Pyotr Alekseevich Poroshenko(Ukrainian Petro Oleksiyovich Poroshenko; September 26, 1965, Bolgrad) - Ukrainian statesman and politician, 5th President of Ukraine (since June 7, 2014); Elected May 25, 2014.

We must prove to Russia: the first factor is that we will never recognize the annexation of Crimea. For this we will use international solidarity, the judicial mechanisms of the International Court of Justice, the mechanisms of the European Court of Human Rights, the positions of sanctions, the positions of the negotiation process. We must firmly prove that Crimea will be Ukrainian. - television performance on 03/30/2014

Should Crimea be taken by force? No. Crimea must be taken wisely. - television performance on 03/30/2014

Ukraine's second choice is the European choice. Ukraine intends not only to implement the Association Agreement, but also to become a full member of the EU. - television performance on 03/30/2014

I have no doubt that in ten or eleven years, say, in 2025, Ukraine can become a member of the European Union. Today in Europe they admire the courage of Ukrainian heroes, and there is even a feeling that Europe owes Ukraine a debt. This is a must to use. This window of opportunity will not be open for long. In this short period of time, it is necessary to demonstrate a decisive attitude towards the implementation of reforms in order to gain the prospect of membership. - television performance on 03/30/2014

So, excuse me, the position that if someone tries to justify their actions by the fact that the state of Ukraine does not exist is cheating. When someone tries to justify their actions by saying that the introduction of troops of a foreign state into the territory of another state is called a violation of international law, this is called an act of aggression. And this is neither good nor bad. I speak without emotion. There is just a position. - television performance 03/30/2014

The fever of separatism that has gripped the east of the country and Odessa can only be calmed by quick and decisive action by law enforcement agencies. - in an interview on 04/08/2014

The Russian language, of course, should receive the status when any person who communicates in Russian should not feel any restrictions. If an official works in places densely populated by one or another national minority, he must learn its language. - during the debate on 05/10/2014

Yanukovych's opinion interests me only from the standpoint of his return to the dock. And I think he should only comment on the timing of his return. - On the reaction of Viktor Yanukovych to the presidential elections in Ukraine

The soldier of Ukraine will no longer be naked, barefoot and hungry.

In our country today, neither the United States of America nor the Russian Federation, with all my absolutely sincere respect for them, should not be the world policeman who will establish what is legal and what is not.

I do not want war and revenge, I want peace and unity and I ask everyone to lay down their arms! - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine on 06/07/2014

Russia occupied Crimea, which was, is and will be Ukrainian. And yesterday I firmly stated this to the Russian leadership in Normandy. - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine on 06/07/2014

Any aggressor on the border of Ukraine should remember the Gospel wisdom: whoever comes with a sword will die by the sword.- during his inauguration as President of Ukraine 06/07/2014

The presidential elections put an end to the myth about the alleged illegitimacy of the Kyiv authorities. This myth was sown and nurtured by Russian propaganda and the Yanukovych clan, which betrayed the Donbass. In the Donetsk region, he reigned supreme for 17 years, and now he is financing terrorists. - during his inauguration as President of Ukraine on 06/07/2014

I am happy that there are more Ukrainians today. Today I became a grandfather. - at a reception after the inauguration in the "Mystetsky Arsenal" 06/07/2014

The Ukrainian people are the greatest and most beautiful people in the world, I am happy that I serve the Ukrainian people. - at the reception after the inauguration in the "Mystetsky Arsenal" 06/07/2014

We will advance and we will liberate our land. Not prolonging the ceasefire is our answer to terrorists, militants, marauders, all those who mock the civilian population, who paralyze the work of the region's economy, who disrupt the payment of salaries, pensions, scholarships, who undermine the railway, destroy water pipelines, who deprived people normal peaceful life. - In an appeal to the Ukrainian people in connection with the non-extension of the unilateral ceasefire in eastern Ukraine on 30.06.2014

Just as the country needs the protection of our Armed Forces, the National Guard, the border guards, the Security Service, so the army needs your protection. Do not leave it with those who are trying to undermine faith in our army, trying to vilify it by singing from the voices of Russian propaganda. - In response to the statement of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Bondarenko that the Ukrainian army kills children in the conflict in the east of Ukraine 03.07.2014

Ukraine today is fighting for its independence and knows its price. - During a telephone conversation with US Vice President Joseph Biden on 07/03/2014

On the role of Viktor Medvedchuk in negotiations with the Kremlin, the scandals around Sergei Semochko and Roman Nasirov, and ultimatums to Vadim Novinsky

From Sophia Square - to the Mystetsky Arsenal. After a successful council and the creation of a single Orthodox Church in Ukraine, the President went to a press conference to talk about the difficulties in obtaining Tomos and sum up the results of 2018. For most questions, including about Russia's aggression in Ukraine, about the role in negotiations with the Kremlin and the scandals around Sergei Semochko and, he was ready or carefully avoided the answers. He didn't talk about elections at all.

"I am ashamed that I gave unreasonable hopes about the timing of the end of the war. I believe that then few people could have predicted the scale of the operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine. You can find thousands of explanations and hundreds of excuses, but this is a mistake. I apologize to the Ukrainian people," - President Poroshenko said already at the end of the press conference.

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Most of the promises - not fulfilled

Even in his election promises, Poroshenko timidly hopes that by 2023 he will be able to apply for EU membership at the maximum. It is unlikely that Poroshenko will remain in politics when Ukraine becomes a member of the EU.

We need to not just go through the path of titanic changes, but run through. The political will is there, but there is no going back. They say reforms have many enemies. But I'm not afraid of anything. You never know what you can do till you try. We must break the feudal model of the state. Our closest neighbors have already dressed in sophisticated European fashion after the Soviet dullness. Why are we worse? The main reason for the lack of reforms is the war. We have our own war for peace

Under Poroshenko, almost all major reforms in Ukraine failed. Even people from his faction started talking about the fact that feudal orders are still relevant in the country. With his "agreements" in the regions, the president has further aggravated an already not the best situation.

We will recalculate gas prices down, because Ukraine overpaid. What did you pay? corruption component

Tariffs have only increased and continue to grow. Apparently, the corruption component has not gone away?

I won't let anyone steal from the army. I will cut off the hands of those who steal from the army. This is the position of the president, because the army is the subject of my personal concern, because the army is one of our obvious achievements in three years.

Investigative journalists have been reporting monstrous and daring corruption at Ukroboronprom since at least 2015. The apogee came with the publication of an investigation into the corrupt activities of a business partner and friend of Petro Poroshenko Oleg Gladkovsky.

If I am elected, I will sell the Roshen concern. As the President of Ukraine, I want and will take care exclusively of the welfare of the country

The sale of the Roshen concern is out of the question. Moreover, Poroshenko decided to close the factory in Lipetsk only in the third year of the war.

"Residual Goodbye"

Russia has become the main stronghold for Petro Poroshenko. The president has built and is building his entire election campaign on confrontation with the Russian Federation. According to Poroshenko, all those who criticized him only "played into the hands of Moscow" and "rocked the boat."

With an association agreement, a visa-free agreement, decisive reforms, Ukraine said final farewell to the Russian Empire (final farewell to the Russian Empire), final farewell to the Soviet Empire, we will not return there again, the reforms are irrevocable

Massive corruption and the desire to rule the country in an authoritarian manner in fact showed Poroshenko to be quite a post-Soviet politician. "Residual goodbye" he could only declare, but not implement.

Peace is Moscow's recognition of our right to go our own way... And this way is away from Moscow!

By using a quote from Ukrainian writer Mykola Khvilyov, which he used during the Literary Discussion, Poroshenko wanted to emphasize his independence from Moscow. As practice has shown, without being tied to Russia, Poroshenko might not have made it to the second round of elections.


He said this word thousands of times, answering any questions. This has become a kind of calling card of the president, like Viktor Yushchenko's expression "Love your friends".

Someone really wants to shake the boat, someone really wants to walk along the avenues with flags, shouting "Get out." Why? Because they don't know how to work. Nothing, not even a doghouse, has been built in life and they are calling for destabilization in the country. We will not allow this to be done, we are not on the road with such

The president received a harsh response from civil society, with whom he communicated in this way. Such statements are fraught with political responsibility, which was shown by the results of the first round of elections.

Naturally, there are "zradophiles". As the Ukrainian proverb says, put a trident over the Kremlin with it - they will say that it is crooked. They also find reasons for sorrow here. And the roads are crooked, and the bridges are short, and the theaters do not fit into the historical landscape, and repairs interfere with movement. And factories do not produce that, borscht is not cooked like that. They criticize that the president, the prime minister and the authorities are cutting ribbons, and not at global, but, imagine, at local facilities

Poroshenko did not install a trident on the Kremlin. Yes, and the infrastructure somehow did not work out. The fact that Poroshenko is the first president under whom not a single major infrastructure facility was opened in Kyiv, ruled by his associate Vitali Klitschko, speaks volumes.

You, Aivaras, as I remember, scared them with a guillotine, please start this guillotine right away, the people will greet you, you don’t have time to debug this guillotine

Poroshenko tried to reform Ukraine, calling on expats from different countries to use their experience to help develop the country. As a result, Poroshenko scandalously expelled Mikheil Saakashvili and his team of Georgian reformers from the country, removed Aivaras Abromavicius from the ministry, and only Ulyana Suprun remained among the expats in Ukraine.

virtual country

Instead of communicating with society, Poroshenko's team created a whole army of "bots". They created the appearance that the country was changing for the better, that "victories" were constantly taking place at all levels: in domestic and foreign policy. Thus, the president of the country lived, in fact, not in the real world, but in the virtual one.

Everyone who falls under the de-oligarchization is armed with a large national channel, and, defending himself, hits me from the information "Grads". Almost every one of them has a tame, loyal and dependent political project from which they dream of growing a calm prospect for themselves and a terrible future for Ukraine. Will this resistance stop me? No. The course towards deoligarchization will continue

Oligarchs such as Petro Poroshenko, Rinat Akhmetov and others have increased their wealth. Poroshenko declared war only on Igor Kolomoisky

This is not a show. This is how Ukraine has changed. When I arrived at the front and asked those people who live there: what is the strongest argument for the return of the occupied territories under the sovereignty of Ukraine? They told me: the main thing for us is to go to Mariupol. We go to Mariupol for an hour and a half. We are used to the fact that it is like air. They say you know what strikes us the most? There is no curfew in Mariupol. You can walk after ten in the evening! You, when you enter a restaurant, a bearded cattle with a machine gun does not enter there and does not pull you to the basement! And they don't rape girls. You don't appreciate it! And your city is bright, there is lighting. And in your stores, soldiers without weapons buy yogurts and fruits, not counterfeit vodka. And you dream of traveling abroad with a visa-free passport. And build parks. This is not a show. This is how the country has changed. And we see what they turned Donetsk into

Despite all these changes that Poroshenko spoke about, the residents of Mariupol were not convinced to vote for the guarantor.

Dear children, dear friends who came to see the kindergarten, since 2014, when it was decided that the kindergarten would finally be completed, these children have been waiting. You ask me why schools, roads, street lighting were not built earlier. How did it happen that before there was no money for all this. And now, during the war, during the trials that our state is conducting, is this the first priority? And the answer is simple, as I promised, in the election campaign, we will decentralize and all the money that was concentrated in Kyiv will come to the territorial communities

If Poroshenko wants to cut another ribbon, nothing will stop him. Even the fact that a serious speech about decentralization will need to be pushed in front of preschoolers.

The principled position is that business believes in Ukraine. Business knows for sure that the investment growth that is currently taking place will definitely be protected. Business will be protected from corruption, from pressure from law enforcement agencies from inefficient management, and reliable effective demand will be provided

There are no queues of investors in Ukraine. Apparently, corruption and the demand for "kickbacks" have not gone away.

I emphasize that President Petro Poroshenko was not involved in any corruption schemes. I affirm and emphasize this. I was not aware of any corruption schemes, and I tell you this with an absolutely clear conscience and honestly look into the eyes, including law enforcement agencies

This is hard to believe. Especially considering that the Spanish villa of Oleg Gladkovsky, the main suspect in the creation of corruption schemes, is located right next to Poroshenko's villa.

A country of 45 million cannot buy a pig in a poke. Vote for a person, a virtual one, whom she only sees on television, from a movie. You have the right to ask questions and get answers. You have the right to hear what the candidate's position is on key aspects of the existence of the state: security, foreign policy, the rights and freedoms of citizens, foreign policy, the fight against corruption, the fight against oligarchs. It is your right

Wasn't Petro Poroshenko himself such a "pig in a poke" five years ago? Ukrainians certainly expected the Svinarchuks to kill activists and sky-high tariffs. Poroshenko is unlikely to be given a second chance for such blunders.

It would certainly be beneficial for Russia to maintain a weak and controlled, non-hostile Ukrainian state. The reasons are many. This is a buffer on the border with NATO. And a source of labor resources, to which the Russian state does not bear social obligations

This is the suppression of a potential competitive economy. After all, a 146-million-strong Russia simply finds it difficult to digest even a 30-million-strong Ukraine (not to mention the fact that out of the scattered tens of millions, in the event of an improvement in the economic situation, 2/3 will return home).

There are a lot of practical and pragmatic arguments in favor of preserving Ukrainian statehood, subject to regime change. In favor of the restoration of historical (natural) imperial borders and the reunification of all parts of the Russian people, only emotions and feelings that seem to be not sewn into the case.

Nevertheless, Russia will have to solve the Ukrainian problem in the near future. It will have to, because for pragmatic reasons, this decision would like to be postponed to more distant times. Due to the natural course of events (not even because of someone's evil will), Ukraine is rushing to a civil war throughout its territory, between the forces that organized the Maidan, supported the Maidan, accepted the Maidan.

There are no others in politics. It doesn't matter if they call themselves communists, apolitical businessmen, European democrats, globalist liberals, Ukrainian nationalists of all degrees of radicalism. All of them are “Euro-oriented” Russophobes, to a greater or lesser extent (of course, we are talking about party leaders and not about ordinary supporters of certain ideas, who, as a rule, are quite sincere).

It would seem that the supporters of the same strategic line of development of the country, why should they fight? Moreover, it is now quite clear that Poroshenko, and his opponents, are betting on winning the elections. Not for another coup, but for victory in the elections. It doesn’t matter if it’s honest or rigged, it doesn’t matter that with the help of a power resource that will have to take control of the polling stations, both competing groups want to legitimize their power with the help of formal legal elections.

It is clear why they need it. The West is clearly not ready to legitimize another coup, and Ukraine needs financial, political and diplomatic support to survive, albeit in a coma. The illegitimate regime, tired of Ukraine, the West will gladly refuse all kinds of support. Moreover, in order to maintain the sanctions regime against Russia, the Americans no longer need pretexts in the form of Crimea, Boeing or the conflict in Donbass. Recently, even against their allies, not to mention Iran or China, they have been imposing sanctions on the basis of the “I want it that way” principle. Why is Russia better? Well, Europe will try to jump out of the sanctions regime at the first opportunity. Another thing is that it is not at all as simple as it seems (even if you really want to). Well, after all, they got in themselves, no one forced them. Get out, come up with something.

Pyotr Alekseevich releases a whole pack of candidates into the conditional left-pro-Russian field: Boyko, Muraeva, Dobkina Someone else will be up soon. If Poroshenko could, he would now remove the ban from the Communist Party (so that Simonenko could run), and would allow the candidate from the emigrant KSU to the elections. The more candidates, the more they will steal votes. The absence of a single strong conditionally “pro-Russian”, although in fact the same Bandera (only in profile) candidate, should ensure Poroshenko’s entry into the second round, even with his miserable and ridiculous 5%. Just the same amount, and maybe more, they will simply draw on him.

In the second round, Poroshenko wants to oppose himself to the “pro-Russian” Tymoshenko. For the sake of this, nationalist hysteria is being whipped up in the country, for this Poroshenko initiated a religious conflict, for this the decision of the Rada, which was strongly pushed by the speaker oriented towards Poroshenko Parubiy and his deputy Irina Gerashchenko, opposition TV channels have now been closed, control over which Poroshenko failed to establish. For this, another language law was adopted, which does not change anything in the Russophobic and, more broadly, xenophobic essence of the Ukrainian nationalist regime, but creates additional tension in relations with Russia, as well as with Ukraine's western neighbors (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania). For the sake of this, Kyiv constantly spreads rumors about the impending offensive in the Donbass. For this, the regime arranges constant bloody provocations on the demarcation line.

The regime needs tension to mobilize national radicals and consolidate them around Poroshenko. Poroshenko's technologists expect that the radical electorate, small but very noticeable (noisy, pugnacious) will serve as a rallying point around the president of heterogeneous Maidan forces, traditionally positioning themselves as "Europeans" and "patriots."

But Tymoshenko is also fighting for the same nationalist electorate. She goes public with exclusively Russophobic statements and tries to return Poroshenko's accusations of "working for the Kremlin." The technologists of both opposing camps, trying to win the favor of the radicals, race to escalate tension, incite hatred not only against anti-Maidan forces, but against ordinary Orthodox inside the country and against all of Ukraine's neighbors in the external arena.

Kyiv, expelling the Hungarian consul. In 2014, 2015, 2016, such news would have been instantly identified as a false stuffing. And today it is a political reality. Already not in the Donbass, but in the Hungarian border area, the situation has become critical. Radicals are preparing to suppress “Hungarian separatism”, and local residents, not only Hungarians, but also a significant part of Rusyns, are ready not only to defend themselves, but to set sail towards Hungary, thus integrating into the EU.

It is impossible, on the one hand, to pump steam into the boiler, and, with an arc, to hold the lid. The longer this process continues, the stronger the lid will be torn off. Ukrainian political leaders and technologists sincerely wish to wait for the elections and win them. But the situation itself is forcing the leaders to fight for victory to the end, by any means, by no means recognizing defeat and stigmatizing the successful opponent as a “Kremlin mercenary”, who should not be allowed to power under any circumstances. Political technologists, who want the elections even more than their employers (because they earn not on the war, but on the elections) are forced to destabilize the situation more and more, escalating internal and external tensions, since they have no other mobilization resource.

Thus, everyone wants elections and everyone goes to war.

This sad news is not so bad for the Ukrainian population. Without a war, this power still cannot be changed. Those who came to power on blood, by force of arms, who hold on only to terror, will not leave without a fight and without blood. It is much better if they shed each other's blood, devouring their own kind and destroying the remnants of even the semblance of a regular state, than if they united would begin to crush the Russophile part of society.

But for Russia, such a development of events, although inevitable, is not very desirable. It does not matter if there is a breakdown in the war before the elections, during the elections or after the elections. It is important that it is the elections (as a process, not as an event) that serve as a trigger for it. And in the course of a large-scale civil conflict, Ukraine, which until now with difficulty has been retained by external forces as a political integrity, will simply cease to exist. There is no such force that could preserve the unity of these territories.

The western neighbors of Ukraine, by the way, are also not enthusiastic about the prospect of “returning historical lands”, nevertheless, they are already clearly preparing for the inevitable. But they are potential contenders for relatively small pieces of territory. Most of the Ukrainian lands are in the sphere of responsibility of Russia. Moscow, simply for reasons of ensuring its own stability and security, will have to decide something about this.

It would have been better to develop a strategy for “post-Ukraine” already yesterday. If suddenly a miracle happens and the worst does not happen, then the pocket does not pull - the plans will remain on the shelf. If trouble does happen, and we are closer than ever to this, then at least we won’t have to improvise on the go.